Things from Another World

Chapter 1294: If you want to know, just ...

At the end of the dying moon, the bad guys who had been dying of Tang En's rule all over Prandal had been cleared by ghost agents. After arresting and interrogating these people, Tang En found out that behind them There is still a secret rebel alliance supporting it.

This discovery made Fiona and Tang En both very surprised, because now except the threat posed by the devil, the entire Prendall can be regarded as unified, and it can be said that it is Guotai Min'an, and the income of residents everywhere has been greatly Increased, living standards are much stronger than before, so the general sense of happiness is high.

In this case, there are still people who want to rebel. Alleria and Fiona can only say that after people have eaten and clothed themselves, their hidden ambitions will be stirred up.

In particular, according to the investigation, they also found that those who had previously questioned the authenticity of the live broadcast in the magic projection were also secretly supported by the resistance alliance.

After confirming this information, Aurelia immediately began to operate. A large number of ghost agents were dispatched out, forming a search network little by little, collecting all the information of the resistance alliance, and finally collecting them. The military dispatched directly, eliminating the resistance groups in one fell swoop.

……what? Humanitarian? nonexistent!

In this case, Tang En was not in such a good mood to take care of those guys. His attention was on the side of the devil. At this time, he was still thinking about the guy who was holding back and killed him directly.

And Tang En's thunder method also made many secretly obsessed people secretly stunned, and they have converged their actions, all the original plans of the plans have been canceled, all withdrawn tails to be human again.

And Tang En, who handed all the intelligence tasks to others, was in the Emerald Corolla at this time, facing the huge tree of the world, and fell into deep thinking.

He is doubting life.

Say good subjectively decide the future?

Didn't Niscle Claire say it at first, and if he didn't want to, women wouldn't conceive? So why is Sally pregnant?

Tang En touched the top of his head, someone greened him? Possibility is unlikely. With Isari's personality, it is quite difficult to accept other opposite sexes. It is still because he is God ’s cause that he can take the initiative to overthrow Tang En, who wants to conceive God ’s blood. Almost all the means have been used to conceive. Seeing that a relationship has been established with Tang En, how could it be possible to self-destruct the Great Wall at this time?

Thinking about it is impossible.

After thinking about it, Tang En was relieved, as long as he was not green.

As for other situations ...

Perhaps Isari was pregnant because she kept hypnotizing in Down's ears at that time? As a result, Tang En was affected by her, and unknowingly accepted her thoughts, and then thought that she was actually quite good, so she was really pregnant?

...... It seems like this is possible ...

Originally, he didn't want to make them pregnant, because Tang En himself hadn't planned to be a father himself. He didn't want to give him an extra suspense bottle. After all, no matter how he thought, he was more handsome.

But ... Isari has been squeezed by them for a while, so he already has a deep sense of fear, so there is a kind of "ah, just let them all be pregnant, and then you can relax completely for a while" Thoughts are also normal.

Tang En can't help but take a deep breath-although this result can indeed make him relaxed for a while, but now he feels that he has lost his foothold for a long time ...

Isali is pregnant, which means that his first child in Plantar has already appeared. With the first, will the second be far behind?

More importantly, seeing Isari's successful conception, will Lola willingly accept the failure? impossible!

This will only make her more upside-down and more active to squeeze Down!

In addition to the elven clans of these people, it is possible that even Tina, Marin, Orina, and even the mothers and daughters of Peltis and Selise may be affected by her, and There was a strong tendency to conceive-after all, this is the **** blood that can transform the racial genes!

At the thought of the terrible consequences of this situation, Tang En was pale and scared to hide.

More importantly, Aegwin also seems to have a faint tendency to blacken because of this incident. It has been more than half a month since the end of the war with the Demon Vanguard, Down and Aegwin There were only a handful of meetings-she seemed to be avoiding Tang En intentionally.

If it was in the past, Igwin would have such a situation. Do n’t know how happy Tang En might be, at least avoiding him and explaining that knowing that Tang En is special in her heart, will bring joy and anger to him Mood fluctuations, as long as there are mood fluctuations, there is the possibility of a strategy.

But now, after such signs of blackening, Tang En is not sure what is good.

Aigwin's character is very stubborn. If she really believes that Tang En has betrayed the pure feelings between them, then Tang En is unlikely to want to turn back.

After the war is over, let me explain it slowly? Why do you just hide from me?

Tang En burst into tears, Aegwin you don't talk.

What else could he be hiding from? I don't want to hear him explain!

Tang En "thinking about it" under the tree of the world for several days. He sat there knowing almost all the elves of the Emerald Corolla. Even the principal priest Maserati looked at him. see.

This makes Tang En feel again and again the chaos of girls.

It's also very strange, just because I know that Igwin is not the kind of lyrical girl, so I like her, but after I like her, I feel that Igwin's jealous and temperamental style is also very cute ... I'm afraid it's really sick.

"Dear, it looks like you haven't succeeded today."

Isalie's playful voice sounded in Tang En's ears, and Tang En's brain was springing up: "Who do you think this is a good thing ?!"

"Oh, don't be so angry, what if you are frightened?"

Isari pretended to caress her aggrievedly. She touched her belly—there was no obvious bulge there.


Tang En's swear words came back abruptly, and after taking a deep breath, he pursed his lips and said, "Well, you won, I just want to know how you told Aegwin in private. And what did she think after we knew about us? "

"What's the idea?"

Isali thought for a moment, nodding her lips, and her face was full of happy expressions: "Do you really want to know?"

"miss you."

"If you want to know, kiss me."

Issally closed her eyes and slightly pursed her lips. The moist cherry lips reflected the soft luster of the World Tree, very seductive. People, even if they have tasted countless times before, Tang En can't help swallowing Drooling.

In all fairness, Isari is absolutely impeccable beauty, no matter she looks or looks, it is the highest cold goddess level that countless people worship, but she has gone into trouble for the continuation of the elves. It is incurable, and countless times to actively overthrow Tang En without regrets, so that Tang En can not have the slightest respect or surprise for her.

This time, Isari began to continue to attack Tang En again, letting her lose her helmet and throw armor again and again until she was completely accustomed to her attack, and then everything was done.

Looking at her, you do n’t kiss me, I do n’t speak, Tang En sighed helplessly to her, let her understand that she was being forced rather than willing, and then kissed.

Lips are very soft and sweet, exuding a faint scent of fruits. Obviously, she is already a centuries-old elf queen, but still like a young girl ...

Isari stared at Tang En, blinking suddenly, eyes full of smiles.

When Tang En and Isari kissed, it was Aigwin who slowly came out from behind the branches of the World Tree.

She stared blankly at the kissed Tang En and Isari. The smile in Isari's eyes suddenly made her feel inexplicable. After a long time, she disappeared behind the branches again.

"Hmm ..."

Isari then let go of Down with satisfaction and looked at him with a smile: "So, what do you want to know most?"

"I said that earlier?"

Tang En said with a black face: "Don't pretend to be stupid ..."

Isali said with a smile: "Well, then I will explain to you the topics I and Aegwin said, but you must understand that no matter what happens between you now, It has nothing to do with me. "

Nothing! ?

Tang En has a black line. If it weren't for you suddenly jumping out and saying that you were pregnant, what would Aegwin do now?

Not only Aegwin, in fact, Fiona also complained about Tang En, but now because the situation is more delicate, he has never been emotional with him.

"Actually, I've mentioned your case to Aegwin more than a year ago."

Isari said very frankly: "It was just that Igwin didn't understand these things, so she accepted my request without objection, and put the continuation of the Elf tribe in the most important position in her heart.

"I even had a little hilarious at the time, because I think you will definitely thank me when you know."

Yisali let out a hand: "It's just that I didn't expect the relationship between you and Aegwin to progress so fast, and within a year you have confirmed each other's feelings ..."

"But because you are developing too fast, I have not been able to subtly change the three perspectives of Aegwin, which has led to unexpected situations ..."

Isari looked at Tang En: "Igwin ... has become more possessive."

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