Things from Another World

Chapter 1295: how about you?

Under the tree of the world, Isari was whispering to Downe about Aegwynn.

A lot of things about Eggwin were not known to him by Tang En. He suddenly felt very wonderful after hearing it from Isari. He seemed to have an opportunity to learn about Eggwin's life from another angle. And therefore very cherished.

"The smooth progress of the relationship between you has left me no time to arrange follow-up measures. I originally wanted to let Aegwin accept the mission, and then let her slowly accept the relationship between us so that the time will come. It can be done well. "

Isari said reluctantly: "But I didn't expect it. I just temporarily let you bump some sparks together, but I didn't expect that Sister Egwin suddenly understood her feelings, even with you. Has a chance to make a leap forward. "

"After returning, I noticed the changes in Sister Egwin. In view of the current situation, I had to choose to confess to her again and let her understand her mission."

Speaking of this, Isari's expression was also quite helpless: "Seriously, I never thought that Sister Egwin would accept fate so easily, but I did not expect her reaction would be so Big……"

Was Aegwin's response great? No, in the eyes of others, Aegwynn's performance is really mild—the favorite man and the queen of his family have children, and she can talk to him with a smile. The calm mindset is really terrible.

Should it be said to be a legendary powerhouse?

"As the elven queen, I am very happy with what happened between you and Sister Egwin. She is the most powerful warrior in our elven clan. If you can let her give birth to a healthy baby, I'm sure Your baby will be a new hope for our elf family. "

Isari touched Dan's cheek gently: "Trust me, for the future of our elves, I will never give up on you, I will do my best to promote the union of the two of you."

"Do not."

Tang En said with a black face: "I think it's a rare blessing for us that you can stop interfering with us now than with your help."

Had it not been for Sally's stubbornness, I'm afraid the relationship between Down and Aegwin would have progressed more smoothly.

Isari pouted and laughed, but did not deny Tang En's words.

However, after knowing the agreement between Isali and Aegwin, it is easy to understand that Aegwin has ignored him in these days. Knowing all that, Aegwin has not cut his sword and cut him on the spot. Restraint.

Tang En thought for a while and found that if he was Aegwynn, I'm afraid it would be difficult to handle this situation ...

As long as Aegwin hasn't been through the hurdle in his heart, it wouldn't help him to continue to meditate here.

So Tang En left reluctantly.

After Tang En left, Isari smiled slightly, rubbed her flat belly gently, and said to herself, "It seems that it is still useful to do what she said. Perhaps, soon, the desire to conceive is really achieved. Now. "

!! ?

If Tang En is still here, it will probably be swearing, because Isali is not pregnant at all now!

She was just blackmailing Donn on purpose!

Because of Niscle Claire, Isari knew a long time ago that God made the free decision to let the opposite **** conceive. Later, when Don didn't know, she and Hiloflia had one time. Contact, but it was this contact that opened a brand new door for Isari and made her understand that in addition to going straight to the goal, there is also a curve to save the country.

Later, she bought a lot of books describing the relationship between men and women and read them carefully, and finally came up with such a simple but effective plan.

——Let Tang En misunderstand that he is pregnant, so as to relax his vigilance, allow him to accept this reality, and finally make himself truly pregnant in the subtle process.

——The next step is to buy Nora, because Nora knows too much about the power of life, and there is no such thing as a child in her stomach. After buying Nora, even Tang En asked Nora for proof. You will also get a true pregnancy result, and then Tang En will fully accept his fate, and then the third step is to let him truly conceive.

--what? Can't stay in the same room after pregnancy? NAIVE! That's human female. Can we elven female be the same as human female? who knows? As long as I say it can be shared with the same room without affecting it, that's fine! why? Because I am the Elven Queen!

Isali's plan can be said to be seamless. The most important thing is that Tang En was shocked by the news, so he did not carefully verify the authenticity. After he returned to God, he went to Nora to verify the truth. When it is false, you will get false information again, which proves that Isali's lies are positive and negative, and the lies of the lies are true. At that time, will Tang En have any choice?

As long as his subconsciously confirms that Isari is pregnant, then during the subsequent intercourse, Isari can really become pregnant.

The plan is so simple and rude.

It's also very effective for Tang En.

Isari returned to her palace, and she saw Aegwynn sitting upright.

"Are you interested in doing this?"

Aegwynn frowned, "Let me go just to let me see you kiss him? Her Majesty, I don't understand what you mean."

Isari laughed, I'm afraid that even Egwin herself hasn't found it yet. When she talked about it, how much jealousy was in her tone. This was obviously a jealous one when she saw her sweetheart and other opposite **** together. Performance.

Nothing else to say, at least that proves that Down's position in Aigwin's mind is absolutely unusual.

"Of course not what you think."

Isari walked to Aegwin and embraced her from behind her, and said in her ear, "Sister Aegwin, I just want you to face your heart ... you are running away now."

Aegwynn said in a guilty conscience: "Nonsense, nonsense ... I, I have no guilty conscience!"

"Hee hee ... Sister Egwin, so nervous, is also very cute ..."

Isari's cheeks curled up on Aegwynn's face, and she seemed to understand why Tang En likes Aegwynn so much. This pure and unpretentious innocence is indeed different from the glamorous and cheap goods outside.

"Her Majesty!"


Isari has just let Aegwynn go. She coughed, and her face was right: "Sister Aegwynn, how important do you think Master Tang En is to you?"

How important is Tang En to me?

Isaley confused Aegwynn with a single word, yeah, how important was Tang En to himself?

After thinking about it for a moment, Aegwin said very seriously: "It's very important, it's better than life."

Isari did not accidentally answer Aegwin. This is normal, not because Tang En saved Aegwin's life several times, nor because in the heart of Aegwin, Tang En was already her husband, but because, Tang En is the messenger of God, the only hope to save the world, so it is so important.

"Yeah, he is important, better than our own lives."

Isari nodded in agreement: "I think so too, but the position between the two of us is different, and you should be very clear, as the elven queen, I cannot dedicate everything to you like you In this world, I have to think about the future of our elves. "

Igwinmer agrees with Isari by default.

"Tang En is very important as a **** who will save this world, but for our entire elves, his powerful blood is the most important thing for us-our tree of the world has been polluted, until now There is no way to purify the chaotic atmosphere inside. The newborn has stopped growing and the fertility rate has continued to slump ... "

Speaking of this, Isari sighed: "Of course, someone will say that we live a long life, so it is the same without a newborn in a short time ... But these people have not thought of one thing, That is, the war that affects the entire Prandall is about to come. You should know how many people our elves lost in the two chaotic invasion wars, although the souls of the sisters will return to the fountain of life and wait for the world The tree is back again, but after the World Tree has been corrupted, the road is cut off. "

"Let's not talk about the threat of the Chaos Army, let's say this battle with the devil, Tang En's battle against the Demon's vanguard a while ago, has almost exhausted all his weapon inventory. If the demon really came to this world What should he do? "

Aegwin frowned. "Of course it is a full-fledged challenge."

"That's a good thing, but he doesn't have as many people available."

Isari hugged Aigwin: "So, as his most solid backing, we must dedicate ourselves at this time ... Yes, we will fight for him, fight for this world, this is him Is the mission of our elves. "

Even if she doesn't know that the Elves are created as a "firewall", she will still perform her mission unswervingly.

"In war, we cannot know who will sacrifice on the battlefield, we do not know if we can see the sun the next day, everything is unknown."

Aegwynn is a powerful fighter, a legendary hero who saves the world, so Isari doesn't need to deliberately exaggerate the cruelty of the war, just need to stop, she said: "This time, our population will plummet again. It is almost an inevitable situation. Based on my judgment in this situation, I will give such an order and lead by example and take the lead in implementing it. "

"Whether you hate me or not, I can tell you very frankly that all my actions are for the survival and survival of our entire elves."

Isari looked at Aegwin very calmly: "So, what about you?"

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