Things from Another World

Chapter 1296: Shall we marry? The object is not you.

Due to the production demand of Ellington this year, the supply of Dixinglong blood is in short supply. The Rennes Empire has captured a large number of Dilong dragons for breeding, and then after winter, these farms are suffering.

The time has entered the end of the withering moon, and the climate has further cooled, especially the Rennes Empire in the north, which has now become a silver-clad world again. Plants have withered and herbivore Warcraft has disappeared, leading to Carnivorous Warcraft The frequency of activities has to be gradually reduced, and it is difficult for the hunting teams organized by the farm to gain.

The inability to obtain sufficient meat from the wild to supplement feed consumption has led to a sudden increase in pressure on Dixinglong farms, especially those that have expanded blindly, and now have to sell a large portion of the blood obtained from Dixinglong blood. The income was reinvested in the purchase of feed-these guys had terrible meals and it was scary to eat meat.

However, it may be because the life in captivity has been so comfortable for more than a year. People are serving every day to eat and drink, and the dragons in the breeding plant are now obedient. After winter, this day is better than when I was in the wild. I do n’t know how much, and I do n’t have to search for food in the wasteland as hard as before. It is generally long, fat and strong, which makes many dragons. Accepted the captive life now.

Dixinglong breeding industry has only been under development for more than a year, and Dixinglong has already been trained. Maybe it won't be long before they will become like pigs on the earth, and become treasured livestock. Come on.

Although the snowy weather caused the overall downturn in the aquaculture industry, this cold weather was quite helpful to the sales of heating products by the Datang Chamber of Commerce. In the past years, residents of the Rennes Empire had to rely on their own hair to spend the winter. To resist the past, it is either to chop firewood and burn it in the fireplace. When the products of the Datang Chamber of Commerce first arrived in the Rennes Empire, their income was not enough to buy goods.

However, the development of the aquaculture industry has also brought significant progress to the income of these residents. According to statistics, at the end of this year, the average monthly income of the residents of the Rennes Empire City increased by more than 900% over the same period last year, and the average income of village residents was higher than last year. The increase during the same period exceeded 1600%.

At first glance, this is a rather horrible increase, but because the base is too small, it is actually just pulling the Rennes Empire with a lower average income to the average income baseline of Prendall. The real income level needs to be improved. In the next year, after the number on the denominator becomes normal, this growth level will drop to a reasonable number.

At the same time, the development of the airship transport industry has also greatly reduced the impact of snow on land transportation. Almost every day, a steady stream of foreign businessmen and passengers took airships to the Rennes empire, of which New Burkeso The number of tourists is the most, which makes the economic vitality of the city soar, and it is close to the level of first-tier cities in Prendall.

The large area of ​​snow since the beginning of winter has not stopped people from coming to the Rennes Empire to enjoy the exotic scenery. The new souvenirs sold here are almost out of stock, making those local residents laugh.

It is worth mentioning that this winter is still due to the weather master's assistance to control the weather, so the weather disaster in the Rennes Empire will be so slight-because most of the water and gas are scattered to other arid areas to form effective precipitation Already.

Because of these various reasons, the residents of the Rennes Empire now generally have a very friendly attitude towards the Illus Empire and Tang En, and both feel that the two countries should further strengthen cooperation ...

"Okay, I know, but ..."

Tang En looked at Testereau who sat in front of him and talked wildly, and felt a bit inexplicable: "You traveled all the way and said so many unrelated things, what exactly do you want to express?"

Tang En found that eloquence is getting better and better since Testereau was brainwashed by economics. After sitting down, he didn't drink a sip of tea. From the history of the Rennes Empire to the present, from Tiannan to Haibei, This has been said for almost an hour.

Tester coughed slightly, then smiled, "Did I just say what I just said?"


"We should further strengthen cooperation."

Testro said earnestly: "After all, from a racial perspective, we are orcs, and you are humans. If you only maintain this cooperative relationship for a long time, there must be problems over time. In order to avoid this, Our two countries should further strengthen our cooperation and maintain our friendship, so ... "

"But haven't we all cooperated?"

Tang En was puzzled. Now the development of the clothing, food, shelter and transportation of the Rennes Empire is inseparable from the help of the Datang Chamber of Commerce, and due to the debt problem of Testero, the entire Rennes Empire can be counted It's Tang En's back garden. How can we cooperate?

"Let's marry."


This sudden sentence by Tastro has scared Tang En. I am almost emotionally messed up now. The situation at Eggwin has not been resolved yet. You still have to add trouble to Lao Tzu! ?

Although vanilla and cocoa are really cute, right? But at this time, if Testero really offered to let him marry them, Tang En could only refuse.

"I was serious."

Testero looked at Dunn very seriously: "You know, we actually need that."


Tang En sneered at this. Of course, for Tastro, it is necessary. You must know that in order to allow Tang En to help the construction and modernization of the Ren Empire, Tester has sold everything that the Empire can sell. Almost everything has been sold, and the so-called bereavement and humiliation clause is nothing more than this. If the Rennes empire does not develop, it is estimated that the signing of this contract by Tastro will become the fuse of the orcs' internal contradictions and directly set off the people's struggle. .

Fortunately, however, Tang En's aid did indeed develop the Rennes empire. The orcs' life is getting better and better, and no one will continue to stare at the tragedy contracts signed by Tastro.

Others didn't care, but Tastro himself now cares about it. There is no way. The better the life, the better he knows the importance of those resources and sovereignty, but now all the initiative has been given to Tang Well, what can he do?

So, Tastro thought of a perfect plan-marriage.

That's right, marriage.

As long as the Rennes and Illus empires are successfully married, the two parties are one family. Since they are one family, the previous debt can be written off, right? Without the burden of debt, the future development of the Rennes Empire is not smooth sailing?

The beauty that Tastro thinks about, if it really makes him successful, it will be beautiful in the future. Wonderful, but unfortunately, what he thinks in the heart, Tang En can guess with farts. Just want to use marriage to offset debt!

But is it possible? Sorry to say that you are your maiden in gold B diamond?

Although this is indeed awful and sorry for the cute two cat-girls, but this is a fact. As long as the Rennes Empire has not merged with the Illus Empire, it is the two subjects, and Tang En must stand Think about it on the side of the Illus Empire, and use marriage to offset such a huge debt. This will be possible unless he has the sperm on his head. However, can he be squeezed by various beauties in turn? ? nonexistent!

If Aegwin's affairs can be resolved smoothly, Tang En will not mind marrying vanilla and cocoa, but that does not mean that this can offset the debt of the Rennes empire, and he is counting on using these heavy debts to eventually persecute Rennes. The Empire's finances went bankrupt, and then the two nations merged.

"Don't think about it, I can't promise marriage, and don't say anything else, Olina is still angry with me now, isn't my concubine trying to die?"

Tang En casually made an excuse and planned to fool Testro, but unexpectedly, after hearing what he said, Testro smiled cheerfully and said, "My friend, are you What's wrong? You aren't married. "


Testro showed his shiny teeth: "I want my son Ursa to marry your daughter Alleria."

Testereau has been aware of things between Down and vanilla and cocoa. Of course, his first choice is to use vanilla and cocoa to marry to consolidate the regime and offset debts, but he also knows that vanilla and cocoa But the Holy Virgin of the Vulcan Church, their marriage is completely unaffected by his King, the Vulcan Church stands behind them, so that they can obtain the greatest freedom of marriage.

Although Tastro has convinced them to sacrifice themselves to marry Tang En for the future of the Rain Empire, Tastro also knows that Tang En will probably find various excuses to avoid this marriage, and use his This kind of black-faced character will result in only one person-you stay, and the debt continues to be carried.

So, Tastro made two preparations.

When Tang En really started to make excuses as expected, Testero took the opportunity to launch his true ideas.

That's right, the object of marriage is not you, but Ursa Bloodeye, the prince of Rennes, and Aurelia Illus, the princess of Illus!

The pearl of the Illus Empire, Princess Aurelia is 26 years old this year, and she has already passed the average age of Prendall's marriage. Tang En should have arranged her marriage. Generally speaking, the princess married or was married A prince or noble is either marrying another country ... But now, looking at Prendall, there are only three countries: the Illus Empire, the Rennes Empire, and the Kingdom of Ronnett. Among them, the Kingdom of Ronnett Oscar's king is still Aurelia's puppet, and of course it is impossible to marry back.

That means that either Aurelia chooses to marry a certain aristocratic class in the country or marry the Empire of Rennes.

Looking at Don, Testro smiled happily.

Well, the marriage object is not you, so how can you find excuses to refuse?

Lying ... slot!

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