Things from Another World

Chapter 1297: I make the decision on your marriage!

Chapter 1299

Lying down!

I have a saying that mom sells it, I know it's inappropriate but I've said it!

Tang En's heart was like a galloping horse, and Tastro did this, and he didn't know what to say!


Aurelia is now 26 years old, let alone in the world where the girl Prandall can marry and have children at the age of 14, even on the earth, she is already the oldest daughter left by her family! Not to mention she's still a royal princess!

Tang En not only has no position to refuse Aurelia's marriage, but also stands for her "father". Instead, she should also vigorously promote this and marry her out as soon as possible!

But ... accept?

Tang En had a strange feeling that couldn't be explained. Apparently, nothing happened between him and Aurelia (Aurelia :?). It is obvious that she is now her father in the legal sense. Lelia proposed to marry him, he still felt weird.

It was as if the toy that originally belonged to him was suddenly snatched away (Aurelia: ???), there was an inexplicable sense of loss.

Toys that belong to you, even if you throw them there and do n’t play, you do n’t want others to get involved (Aurelia: ???), but now, Testero has said that he wants to marry Ursa and Aurelia. To strengthen the relationship between the two countries through marriage ...

"How about my proposal?"

Testro looked at Tang En with a smile and said, "If you don't have any special opinion, we can fix it for the time being, and then slowly discuss the details."

Tang En opened his mouth and hesitated for a moment, but said, "This is after all Aurelia's marriage. I think I need to ask her for advice. I'm more worried that she won't be used to your life after getting married. And whether she will accept Prince Ursa is another matter. I personally do not agree with manipulating her marriage for political purposes. "

That's right, it's not that I don't want to! Just worried that Aurelia was uncomfortable in the past, that she didn't like Prince Ursa!

I really didn't want to occupy Aurelia in my heart!

When such a thing as the ghost father thinks about it, it is really done, the people absolutely want to swear at him as an insane king, and he can also shed "Fang" a hundred years!

Testro didn't care, he didn't think too much, and smiled brightly: "Of course, this is a big thing. You must respect Princess Aurelia's opinion. You have recently asked her for ideas It's better to arrange the next step as soon as possible. "

"Why are you so anxious? What if she refuses?"

"I don't think she will refuse," Testero said confidently.

Tang En was aggressive, why was this guy so sure that Aurelia would agree?

Doesn't he know that his son is simply an animal in the eyes of humans? Is it a furry pet?

Although women like furry things, Tang En is sure that most human women will not like Ursa-even if there are women who like orcs for some special reasons, there is absolutely no Aurelia. !!

"Of course it's because my Ursa has charms that women can't resist!"

Testro patted Tang En's shoulder, smiling very ambiguous. An expression that you know: "Don't feel ashamed. This is the natural strength of our blood-eyed clan. Humans are born better than us. Marry. Ursa, guarantee Princess Aurelia a happy life. "

In fact, the real confidence of Tastro is that according to his survey, Aurelia is a very responsible leader. For the development of the country and for a better future, a qualified leader will Think of yourself on the balance.

In other words, if Aurelia wants to further expand the influence of the Illus Empire and influence the Rennes Empire, she will definitely accept marriage!

Looking at his smiling face, Tang En really wanted to pour hot tea on the table—when a man went to the woman's house to ask for a marriage, when asked what the advantage was, he would proudly say that he was “excellent” so you Will my daughter be happy?

Don't you know that every man is wary of thieves who want to steal his daughter?

Even if he didn't enter the state before, now Tang En quietly put himself in the role of Aurelia's father to consider.

After Testero had said what he wanted to do, he left for a while to see his beautiful appearance. I'm afraid he was going back to start preparing the so-called wedding for his son Ursa.

After Tang En stood in front of the teleportation for a while, he found that he was very upset. It was enough for Isari to get pregnant, but Aigwin's affairs had not been resolved, but now Testero also came to give After he was troubled and found that he couldn't calm down, Tang En simply went to Yalinks.

Yalinks Palace Study.

After all the documents in front of Fenbishu Aurelia had approved all the documents in front of her, she finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then she put down her pen and looked helplessly at the opposite side of her, and watched Tang for a long time En: "I said, what's the matter with you? Hurry up and say, you stared at me so scared, you know? If the mother-in-law just came in and saw it, see what you want to explain."

Watching Aurelia roll her eyes there, Tang En finally retracted his stunned eyes, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Aurelia ... Are you 26 years old now?"

Alleria looked at Tang En with a strange look: "To be precise, it's 27, what's wrong?"

She was quite weird, after all, Tang En had never cared about her age, but suddenly asked this question at this time, and the situation was a bit weird.

"It's 27 ..."

Tang En took a breath of air, this age is indeed a bit old, and it is no wonder that folks have been circulating rumors about Princess Aurelia not marrying.

"What's wrong? It feels weird to you! Anything to say directly!"

Aurelia couldn't stand the way Tang En did, and made her feel shaggy.

Tang En tentatively asked, "That ... you are 27 years old, haven't you considered your marriage?"

Aurelia froze, her eyes flashing for a moment.

Marriage issues? She certainly considered it!

Even at the beginning, she had imagined how happy she would be to have a few children after marrying that "him".

But what about that?

Aurelia glanced at Tang En. The past in which the two knew each other seemed to have completely disappeared. As he somehow became his father, everything in the past changed.

She said quietly, "What about thinking? What about not thinking?"

"Uh, this ... after all, your marriage event should respect you ..."

Tang En smiled and scratched his head: "If you want to marry someone, but have been holding you back because you want to govern me, isn't it my fault?"

If you don't plan to marry someone, then I will rest assured-this sentence, Tang En has no courage to say it.

"Do you think it's time to marry me and start governing yourself?"

Aurelia pretended to say easily: "That would be great, because I would like to marry a long time ago, and if I marry, I can live a more relaxed life, now I'm almost ready for such a life enough."

According to the normal rhythm, the next step should be that Tang En misunderstood that Aurelia really wanted to marry, and he felt guilty, and he said that Tastro had requested marriage, and then he really stimulated Aure. Leah, then Alleria simply gave up and directly accepted the marriage request from the Rennes Empire, and Tang En could have prevented this, but because she misunderstood that Alleria really wanted to marry, she had nothing. Do it, just watch Aurelia and Ursa get married. It ’s not until many years later that the two meet again, unintentionally resolve the misunderstanding, and understand each other ’s thoughts, then they will fall into the memory and leave tears of remorse ... by the way You can also add tens of thousands of words to the author, but is this a normal story?


Is Tang En normal? Neither is it.

So ... the development of the story is going on a completely different, but very popular line.

When Tang En heard Aurelia's words, he seemed to be awakened by something. He clapped his hands and exclaimed: "Yeah!"

Aurelia is the only internal talent he can trust now! If she got married, how could she be assured of her own production? Just dealing with those complicated government affairs would leave him busy!


That's right!

Aurelia cannot let go!

It's not because I have some uncomfortable feelings in my heart, it's just that I need her to replace me to govern and free my time!

That's right!

Tang En finally found a good excuse to convince himself, and the dark clouds on his face gradually dispersed.

This guy!

Alleria glared at him angrily: "What the **** do you want to say!"

"How could I get you married!"

Tang En looked at Alleria with a serious face: "I came here this time to tell you that before I successfully saved the world, the Illus Empire, no, it should be said that I can't live without you. Power, so no matter if you are 17 or 27, 37, no matter how hard others push you, I ca n’t let you get married, you just do everything that you have been working for me and dedicated to save the world Come on! "


Aurelia stared at Tang En with a grimace. This guy just came over to tell him this?

Just to say, won't I get married?

Aurelia Min. Sensed something: "Did your mother-in-law say something to you?"

"of course not!"

Didn't the mother urge her to get married?

Aurelia thoughtfully looked at Tang En, who was suddenly happy, as if she found something.

There was a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, and then she snorted softly, "It's my own business whether I want to marry someone or not, you can't control anyone!"

Tang En's face froze, and then she listened to Aurelia continued: "But ... seeing that you are doing well, I'll leave the matter of marriage for the first time and continue to deal with these annoying things for you for the time being. Thank you for your gratitude! "

Tang En froze and looked at Aurelia. The two stared at each other for a while, and they turned away from each other's eyes ...

Heartbeat, a little faster.

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