Things from Another World

Chapter 1298: Urgent Problems

After knowing Aurelia's thoughts, Tang En was very happy to run to New Burkeso, and couldn't wait to find Testero. After a long speech, he patted his **** and flashed.

For Aurelia, Roninantt can no longer choose, then her choice is only the Rennes Empire, but ... why refused?

With his face blankly watched as Tang En left New Burkeso, he couldn't figure out why such a good condition, Alleria would refuse their marriage.

After all, Aurelia is very old now, and I am afraid that only the beasts of the Rennes Empire will not mind her age, right? And she doesn't dislike the long ugly face on her face (Aurelia: ???)

Not choosing the Rennes Empire means that she can only choose to marry the princes and nobles of the Illus Empire, which means that there may be a prince in the Illus Empire-in the special case of Tangn, Will he allow a prince to appear? impossible!

The interior of the Illus Empire is almost entirely controlled by Aurelia, and Tang En is completely the shopkeeper. If Aurelia is married to a nobleman and a prince appears, then the prince can influence him. Alleria came to indirectly interfere in the internal affairs.

This is definitely not what a qualified king would like to see.

So ... why did she, or him, refuse?

Testero couldn't figure it out, and he couldn't figure it out, how could he know that there wasn't such a simple relationship between Down and Alleria?

After returning to Ellington, Tang En was in a good mood and put into work again. As for Aigwin's affairs, I was given it to Isari for the time being. Since she said that she can help herself to some extent Wen's idea, so let's trust her for now, after all, Tang En is incompetent now.

Now that the Illus Empire has entered the period of wartime control, the war with the Demon Vanguard has just ended, and people in the country are now worried. He must stand up and stabilize the people's hearts, and at the same time, he must resolve various subsequent troubles.

He is now going to show a show on the Magic Projection Tower every three minutes to gather people ’s hearts, and then he will show his presence in Yalinks with his mother and daughter, Olena and Aurelia. As for being ignited by those ulterior motives.

Then he still spends a lot of time in the Demon Engineering Institute. After this large-scale battle, many weapons and equipment in active service have exposed many problems. These problems have been summarized and handed over during the battle. In the hands of engineers, after the war ended, the Magic Energy Engineering Research Institute began a new round of equipment optimization and upgrade.

The problems discovered during the war need to be solved, and the deficiencies found must be improved and optimized, and these tasks can not be separated from Tang En's participation-although he is inferior to Clotto and Yu in professional knowledge. Stissa them, but in inspiration and vision, he came from a different world than anyone else, and these people couldn't catch the horse.

After the first use of the weapon after the battle, users have found many problems, such as electromagnetic guns, although the power is very large, but the shooting angle is relatively small, so once the enemy is located at the negative angle of the launch port, Electromagnetic guns are basically useless-so the firing angle of electromagnetic gun turrets needs to be optimized.

The second is the firing frequency. Although the power of the electromagnetic gun is huge and the ammunition is loaded quickly, the charging speed is too slow to form an effective burst of fire. After discussion, Tang En and their design of the electromagnetic gun Optimization and improvement, the energy module has become a multi-stage charging type, equipped with multiple energy storage devices for the electromagnetic gun.

At the initial start-up, all energy storage devices are precharged. When the first round is subsequently launched, the first energy storage device consumed starts to recharge, and at this time, the ammunition filling is completed. The second energy storage device is used for transmission. When the energy of the third energy storage device is also used up, the first one has been recharged and can be put into use again.

The birth of this multi-level rechargeable energy system has made the powerful electromagnetic cannon even more terrible. The rate of fire is more than three times higher than it is now! In the future, according to the optimization of the charging speed and the increase of the filling speed, the launch speed can be further improved. It may not be impossible to achieve the rate of fire of the assault rifle one day.

In addition to the improvement of electromagnetic guns, there is also a matrix-type defense module that shined in this war. This device was widely used because of its great use in the war, but many soldiers have given back an opinion. That is, the volume of the device is slightly larger. Although there is space to carry the device at any time, it is very inconvenient to carry or move after startup.

Some people suggest that if possible, it is best to modify the matrix defense module to the size of a fist, and it can be directly put in the pocket-and then the person who suggested this was hanged by a violent engineer for a whole day.

His proposal made Tang En think of the blue fat man's softball. Although it looks good, it is very difficult. Even he feels a lot of pain-this guy clearly stands back and speaks without back pain!

After a product is formed, every optimization is very difficult. Even a small adjustment of the appearance will involve the readjustment of the internal magic channel. It is easy to reduce the volume to the size of a fist. This is not something that can be solved in a sentence!

However, Tang En also gave an indirect solution.

I ca n’t put it in my pocket and take it with me, so I can adjust it a bit and make it backpack style!

As a warrior, it ’s normal to carry a backpack to carry a heavy load. Moreover, the physical quality of the apocalypse of Prandall is much better than the soldiers on the earth. This is not a problem.

Compared with the size of the fist, it is obviously more realistic to optimize the matrix defense module to the size of the backpack. After Tang En proposed this idea, after discussions among the people, he finally came up with an optimization solution: since it is portable, the volume and weight It must be reduced accordingly, it is impossible to continue to provide the same defense capabilities as before, it can only be regarded as a personal defense device.

However, considering that the individual user can avoid the attack, it is acceptable to weaken the defense slightly, and if the shield is broken, you can also hide by waiting for the shield to recharge, or replace the backup energy to maintain battery life, and the soldiers ’ The combination of equipment can greatly improve their survival rate. These are all advantages.

If the idea is further expanded, the optimized personal matrix defense module and the magic energy armor can be integrated together. In this way, the security of the magic energy armor will be improved again, and the probability of damage in the chaotic battlefield will be increased. Smaller, better performance.

However, with the current Moment Power Armor, the production capacity of the original matrix defense module is very low. If it is optimized to reduce the size or integrated with the Moment Power Armor to produce the third-generation power armor, the production capacity may be even smaller. Already.

Now in the design theory, even if the theory is converted into production capacity with the fastest speed, it will take at least half a month. To expand the production capacity, put the new design into batch production, and convert it into actual combat power. There is no big deal. Half a year is almost impossible.

Fighting with demons may not necessarily wait that long.

Therefore, Tang En should continue to explode production capacity, but also have to expand the production scope, and hand over the production technology and equipment of various parts to small factories in various regions, support their production technology, and raise the overall industrial production level of Plantland.

It is not only that industrial production capacity should continue to expand. All industries related to the national economy and people's livelihood must follow vigorous development. This is mainly because, in the recent period of time, census data submitted successively throughout the country have been counted. With the help of the Soul Quantum Computer, the data statistics are very efficient, and soon they get detailed results.

During this year, as the regions of the Illus Empire were vigorously promoting population expansion plans, the number of newborns showed a blowout trend compared with the growth curve of the same period last year. The number has reached tens of millions. From this, we can see the powerful effect of Tang En's new population increase policy.

However, such a large population growth also allowed Tang En to see the huge social pressures that followed, especially those related to food.

The reason why Tang En is able to stabilize his rule is because his powerful force can suppress all dissonant sounds, and because he can make these people eat and wear to live a good life—for living in feudal life For the people at the bottom of society, nothing is more real.

However, if Tang En stimulates the population increase and eventually breaks his promise, the blow to his personal credibility will be devastating.

Therefore, both the bio-alchemy industry and the discipline of natural magic, which are related to food production capacity, must find ways to develop vigorously.

For example, the production line of plant growth catalyst liquid should be further expanded, and the improved seeds of the Earth Goddess Temple should continue to be expanded and cultivated-if necessary, Tang En can even sell his own life seeds in exchange for the elves to actively cultivate improved crop seeds. However, Tang En always felt that this was a Pandora's box. Once he opened this head, I'm afraid it will be quite bad in the future.

In addition to the above problems, the most urgent problem that Tang En needs to solve at present is how to maximize the combat effectiveness of those under his command in the shortest time.

So, with this idea in mind, Tang En decided to take a different approach and began to study the power of God's Word Runes.

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