Things from Another World

Chapter 1299: The goddess is crooked?

Winter comes to spring, and the frozen ground has been thawed again in a blink of an eye, the plants have begun to germinate again, and the ground is faintly green.

In the dawning day, the students at home were still at home and refused to go out. They watched the magic projection animation under the comfort of heating, and they were almost becoming the first generation of otaku.

However, in order to avoid this situation, Tang En has added quite strict standards to the review of TV programs, especially many private goods have been added to various programs, in order to help children watch TV programs. Being unknowingly affected and becoming positive.

If it is on the earth, this approach may not be effective, but in Prandall, it has to be said that the effect is extraordinary.

Because here, as long as you work hard, you will be able to awaken your talents, master the really powerful power, and become a useful person for society. The hard work is really rewarding.

In order to increase the number of apocalypse as soon as possible, so as to improve the quality of the whole people and increase the average combat effectiveness, Tang En is always looking for a more effective way to improve people's awakening talent.

In recent times, Tang En has been studying God Runes in order to strengthen the combat effectiveness of soldiers. In the process, he has found some interesting runes-some God Runes can strengthen perception and enhance energy. Absorption efficiency.

After discovering these divine runes, Tang En immediately came up with a eager idea-if the effects of these divine runes were weakened, the size was reduced, and various decorations were made or hidden in peripheral products Is it possible to increase the probability of people's awakening talent by selling it in China?

Tang En didn't know, but because he didn't know, he had to try it, didn't he?

Sitting in the living room, Tang En raised his head and stretched a lazy waist, and then saw that Elijah was lying on the sofa, shaking her legs, watching snacks and watching cartoons with interest. After that, it developed more and more toward the house girl. It was obviously not as lively and affectionate as before, and it no longer fluttered on Tang En. This made Tang Enxin relieved that "little loli finally grew up" There is also a sense of loss.

Yeah, when you grow up, you won't be spoiled casually.

If all her sealed memories are released, perhaps she will feel even more ashamed of this memory now.

Compared with Elijah, the style of Winnett sitting next to her was very different. Her mother was lying on the sofa lazily like a futile, but her daughter was sitting there really making tea and cleaning the table. Cleaning ...

It always felt as if the roles of the two people were subtly misplaced.

It seems that the daughter lying there should be right.

"Mom, it's already spring, please don't continue to be so lazy?"

As she made her tea, Winnet said abruptly: "At least do those homework? Otherwise, the teacher wo n’t be able to explain it at the beginning of school-let me tell you first, my homework will not be copied to my mother . "


Elijah suddenly exclaimed and looked up at Winnet: "Don't we say it already !? How can you do that!"

She looked at Winnet with a pitiful look, like a child who was bullied-but she was now sixteen years old, and she was as old as Elsa when she first came here. It's too foul to sell Moe deliberately.

"That was because I didn't know it was wrong to do so!"

Vinnett said sternly: "It was the mother who deliberately seduced me. That ’s why I was fooled, but to this day, I am no longer the original me, and I will not be fooled again. Now. "

Yes, before the holiday, Winnett's body and intelligence had recovered to the age of eleven or twelve, and she was even able to be in the same class as Elijah, but when she first started her vacation, she was still pure and good. He was a serious and good boy. He finished all his homework in the first place, and Elijah immediately decided to copy Weinet's homework before the end of the holiday.

But I'm afraid that even Elijah, or Anseltania, did not expect that, as her adaptability to the world gradually improved, she grew faster and faster. When she first went on vacation, she was still 11 or 12 years old. Little girl, after the winter and the beginning of spring, she has already caught up with Eliya ’s development, and because her **** are very well developed, coupled with her mature and stable character, she looks even bigger than Eliya some.


Ilia hugged Vinnet with a wailing cry: "Good girl, you can't just abandon your mother like that! I would die miserably without your help!"

"I don't care about you!"

Winnet said angrily: "Students should study hard before they are right! Do you know that because you have been lazy lately, I am often said by my classmates! What do you say," Take care of you. Mom " Kind of words ... it's really embarrassing! "

Elijah said bluntly, "You, you still care too much about the eyes of others! We are clearly living for ourselves!"

Down: "..."

Why is there a feeling of congestion?

Is it because that cute little Loli was already crooked because of her excessive petting and failed education?

Although I don't want to admit it, ... Ilia is really about to die now ...

Tang En sighed, he didn't even understand why Yilia suddenly became so crooked.

Obviously a goddess reincarnation right? I also don't require you to be as noble and glamorous as a goddess, at least you are as knowledgeable as a normal girl, right?

Look at it now, even Winnet has become more like a goddess than Elijah!

What Tang En didn't know was that due to the premature recovery of memory, Elijah had already recovered her self. She is completely an adult thinking, but she often deliberately disguised her behavior in order to continue covering up her state Habit, but also used to learn to imitate the life habits of women of the same age, and she is a guy with a very low emotional intelligence, and then ... has become the situation like now.

Elijah had no idea how terrible she was to imitate the otaku now. It was the ultimate use of the funeral culture. This kind of non-competitive state made Tang En feel a headache when she saw it.

However, it was a holiday before, and she knew that she would naturally acquire a very large amount of knowledge after retrieving her memories, so Tang En did not deliberately urge her.

Just looking at the situation now ... still let her taste the education of "love".

Tang En walked without hesitation, facing Yi Liya's fart. The stock was a loud slap: "Pop!"

Lying on the sofa and holding Winnett and playing with Rippi, Elijah instantly froze there, like a 10,000 horse running in her heart—she was actually farted. Stock!

But immediately following, Ilya began to worry about Tang En-she is the embodiment of disaster, and those who dare to be rude to her will be backfired by disaster. If Tang En does this ...


Ilia was surprised to find that after Tang En patted her fart, nothing happened, and the surrounding environment did not change at all. There was no earthquake, no fire, no lightning, no thunder, and no meteor falling. The peace is incredible.

Elijah couldn't help but fall into meditation. Why is this?

"Don't evade the subject with pretend contemplation!"

Tang En knocked on her forehead again, and said very seriously, "Yelia, you have really been too lazy in your studies recently. It won't work like this!"

Elijah turned back and looked blank, "Ah? But many girls in the class are like this ..."

"They are them, you are you."

Tang En said earnestly: "Do you want to spend your life indifferently, or do you want to have a life that can change the world? To become a superior, you must work harder and be stronger than others. You have to win at the starting line! "

Although Tang En knew that Elijah had already dumped those on the starting line and did not know where to go, but now that Elijah has not awakened, he must pay attention to her education.

Winnet nodded again and again: "Yes mom! Dad is right! You have to work harder."


Elijah's heart collapsed, and her knowledge and homework were not difficult for her. She is just acting now!

"So let Vinnet personally supervise your studies and try to finish all your homework assignments before school starts, otherwise you are not allowed to go out and play!"

Tang En finished looking at Winnett: "Are you confident?"

Winette patted her chest: "Guaranteed!"

Tang En smiled with satisfaction. Compared to Elijah, the cheaper daughter of Vinnet was obviously more reliable.


When Tang En left the living room, he looked back at Winnet.

Winnett is growing so fast now, and it shouldn't take long for her seal to be lifted, right?

Even if she can't crack the seal naturally, when her body becomes an adult, Tang En can take the initiative to help her, lift the seal from her body, and help her regain her memory.

At that time, I am afraid that you can know what happened in Purgatory Abyss and what her mission is.

Tang En came to the Magic Energy Engineering Research Institute while thinking, and then entered the structural data of the several God-rune runes he found into a computer, and then gave Ellie an order:

This divine rune was redesigned in the form of surroundings and symbolic symbols, and then made into a product and put on the market, while registering the buyer's condition.

He is going to test to determine how efficient the runes of God Words are. If the probability of awakening talent can be significantly increased, he will use government power to publicly promote these Runes of God words.

Just as Down was testing these runes of divine words, Hiloflia, who hadn't heard for a few months, appeared before him again, and brought back bad news ...

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