Things from Another World

Chapter 1301: Arrogant idiots

After returning to the abyss of Purgatory, Hilofria began to secretly spread the news about the demon Lord Balmetos being corrupted by chaos. With the deliberate promotion of another eleven devil dukes who had been informed, these messages were transmitted very quickly Quickly, in just half a month's work, the vast majority of the devil knew the news.

Although there are still a large number of devils who doubt the authenticity of this news, there are also many devils who are starting to get excited-their strength is relatively strong. If Balmotos is killed, those grand dukes will fight for the new demon king. Position and fight each other, then they have the opportunity to go further and become the new Grand Duke.

For a while, the entire abyss of purgatory fell into a weird atmosphere, and the slaughter of the demon was slowed down a lot. The devil's attention was all attracted by the rumor of the devil.

In fact, Balmotos has heard this rumor.

As a demon king, it would be hilarious if you do n’t even know anything among the subjects under your rule.

On the throne of the mountains, above the throne, Balmetos closed his eyes, and in the sky around him, densely-heavy demons fluttered in the sky. These ignorant demons gathered here after hearing the news from Heroflia. , Every day with those greedy eyes stared at Balmetos above the throne.

As if even these cowardly demons had the opportunity to sit on this throne.

Far away, in the duke's lair's lair, a pair of eyes stared through the void and looked at Balmotos on the seat of the devil. They were very patient and restrained their men from continuing to fight the devil. No Show a little horse feet.

They are also waiting for opportunities.

"So, he didn't deny or admit it, just pretending not to know?"

Tang En played with the Godly Rune in his hand, while inquiring about Heroflia.

The news of the Queen of Demon has spread in the abyss of Purgatory for half a month. With the strength of Balmotos, he should have known the news for a long time. He may even know the source, but he reacted a little. None, which makes Tang En feel a little confused.

If the news is false, as the demon king, you must be very angry when you hear the news, and you will immediately ask Hiloflia.

If the news is true, after hearing this news, whether Balmetos wants to continue to pretend or to directly tear his face, he should react to it, pretending that I did n’t hear it. It's too silly to deal with Tang En ...

As a devil, I ca n’t hear such news. Who believes it? Not to mention Tang En, they deliberately wanted Balmetos to hear the news!

"From the current situation, the possibility that he is behind the scenes is very high, and it is almost certain."

Hilofria couldn't wait to see Barmotos be killed by Tang En. She couldn't help urging Tang En: "Whether it is true or not, we can take him directly before asking him? Afraid he won't do it? "

Tang En raised an eyebrow and said, "Since that is the case, let's get started."

Tang En actually forgot. He didn't choose to start with Balmotos at first, because he was afraid that the other devil, the Grand Duke, would all stand by his side. Then Tang En was entangled by them, and then other demons took the opportunity to attack Egypt The situation was awful with Arlington.

But now it has been determined that almost all other Grand Duke of Devil are looking forward to Balmotos's abdication so as to seek an opportunity for promotion, there is no need for Tang En to worry about anything, and directly find Balmotos, regardless of the truth, do his mother ’s first Cannon ... I mean, let's talk about him first.

As long as you win, you can say anything.

Tang En alone came to the purgatory abyss with Hiloflia.

Tang En covered his nose subconsciously: "The air here is so pungent whenever it comes."

"No way. For us, this is normal air. The air over you is not normal."

Looking at the mountains in the distance, Hilofria said, "He should have found us here ... it seems that a very grand welcome ceremony has been prepared."

The high mountains in the distance were covered by thick cloud vortices, lightnings roared in the clouds, **** hurricanes whistled across the plains, and rolled up large magma sprinkled in all directions.

A huge figure can be seen faintly in the clouds on the mountain, and the demon king Balmotos has released all his power at this moment. Tang En wonders whether he wants to cover the eyes of other devil, or because he is aware of himself. Coming, so I already plan to tear my face.

Seeing this scene, Hilofria smiled disdainfully, watching Tang En worship with admiration and said, "In your strength, even if it is his current state, it can never be your opponent. You can Go straight up and defeat him, and conquer the entire purgatory abyss with his unrivaled strength! "

Hilofria's flattering didn't get Down into narcissism. He stared at the huge projection of Balmotos with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

After a moment of groaning, Tang En suddenly asked: "You have been following Balmetos, you tell me, at this moment, is he his most powerful moment?"

Hilofria froze, thinking for a moment and then said, "No, I remember that in a battle long ago, his outburst was much more terrifying than he is now-eh !?"

"Sure enough ... he still has a hidden hand."

Tang En suddenly realized that he felt strange just now. As a powerful race created by the God of Darkness, Balmotos was still the king among them, but at this moment the power he burst out was not even as good as the dragon king Sashaglot.

is it possible?

In addition to the apparent power gap, Tang En had another doubt that he didn't say. After staring at the huge figure of Balmetos for a moment, he floated slowly: "You stay here."

Hilofria watched Tang Enfei fly to the demon King Balmetos, and a moment later she said to the side: "Have you seen enough?"

Just listening to a chuckling sound, and then the space around Hiloflia suddenly twisted, and immediately after that, Grand Duke of Devil appeared next to her, Gorgelius, Grand Duke of Purgatory Demon, sharp Zakun Khandar, Grand Duke of Stinger, Kukavosov, Grand Duke of Sawblade, Olodurum, Grand Duke of Frost, etc ...

Gorius slowly said, "Do you really think that this human can defeat His Majesty the Devil?"

Hilofria chuckled, "You still call his Majesty the Devil?"

"I can't believe your one-sided word until he has fully exposed the signs of chaos corruption."

Gorgius sneered and said, "What's more, I don't know where your confidence in him comes from-he didn't even notice that we were hiding and watching you nearby."

Hilofria looked scornfully at the devil lords around him: "Do you really think he didn't find you?"

The dukes of the devil froze, and then listened to Hilofria with a sneer and said, "It's not that he didn't find you, but that he didn't put you in your eyes at all?"

With Tang En's strength, what if these Duke Devil are ambushing all around? He doesn't care! When he and Hilfolia had just teleported over, they had already seen the sight of the Grand Duke of the Devil.

But Tang En didn't expose them, and let them watch here, because next, he will use his own means to give a profound education class to these people.

Heroophia's words made the devil princes sneer: "Although he was blown out by Kukavosov last time, this does not mean that he has the strength to fight us- We just didn't turn our heads last time. "

Hearing them again, Kukavosov's face was very ugly-although as a sawblade, his face was not good-looking-but he also argued reasonably: "Yes, it was just for him last time Face, but also to the devil, he really thinks that a human being can spread wild here in purgatory abyss? "

Hilofria looked at the Devil Duke presents with a strange look, and after a moment, she laughed suddenly: "It turns out that you all think so ... No wonder he would say that to you, Sure enough, they are all a bunch of blind idiots. "

Hilofria's words immediately aroused anger: "Which side are you on !?"


Hilofria pointed at herself and smiled very charmingly: "Isn't this obvious? I have now decided to hold on to my boss, Jin Da. My legs!"

"You shameful traitor!"

"You betrayed the glory of the devil!"

"Are you going to fight the purgatory abyss?"

"A triumphant Devil Queen, what are you thinking!"

"To shut up!"

Hilofria yelled, "You idiots who don't know anything, widen your eyes and take a good look! Look at the horrible human being that you despise, standing in front of you. By!"

"I never betrayed the glory of the devil!"

"Devil's creed, only the strong are worth following-and my boss, Tang En, is a real strong who is worth me to follow!"

Hilofria said proudly, "And you weak people who just want to wait for the ready-made bargain and wait for the fruit to pick, can never be his opponent."

Hilophria further stimulated these devil princes. Just when they were going to teach the delighted queen and let her know what the true power is, a very strong wave of energy suddenly came from afar!

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