Things from Another World

Chapter 1302: Rip face!

The violent power of a landslide and tsunami generally blows away the thick blood clouds nearby, and the ground trembles violently under the feet. The pressure from the air even trembles these devil grand dukes.

"This is the real power of Her Majesty!"

Kukavosov was carrying a lot of pressure, his face was full of shock: "I feel he is much stronger than before! Is this state really what we can achieve !?"


Hilofria sneered, these guys didn't know what real power was!

If you let them see the real strength of the boss, I am afraid that these guys will kneel on the ground and beg their legs.

At this moment, Tang En was confronting the demon King Balmetos, and no matter how powerful the power released by Balmetos was, he stood still and rock-solid.

"King of humans ... are you going to abandon our contract?"

Balmotos resounded like a thunder, echoing on the mountain peaks, and had already overpowered Downe too much, and it is no wonder that the great devil princes peeping in the distance did not dare to rise up-facing such Balmo Toth, they dare not guarantee that they can survive, anyway, as long as they do not publicly rebel, Balmotos will not do anything to them.

"The prerequisite for the establishment of the contract is that you are indeed a member of the order camp."

Tang En stared at Balmotos: "Actually, I'm really curious how you hide so well, you know, it's easy to hide from others, but not so easy to hide from me. "

Balmetos's body slowly shrank and his strength became stronger with further compression. He said without a doubt: "I know what you want to say, and I can also tell you that your guess is wrong. of."

Without waiting for Tang En to speak, Balmotos continued: "Of course, I know you will not believe what I say now, and it is impossible for you to let me kneel and ask for mercy, so we will first Come and call again. "


He wanted to say that he was not the demon king behind Stanley?

But how is this possible?

Hilofria found very clear evidence from Stanley, and the evidence was sufficient to show that it was the power of Balmetos that turned Stanley into a demon.

Tang En frowned, but Balmotos didn't give him a chance to think, he had already started!

"Distracted in front of me, but you'll die if you're not careful!"

Balmotos appeared in front of Tang En at once. The sharp claws were burning with blazing flames. The hot heat even distorted the nearby space. The sharp claws whistled into Tang En's chest and broke through in a blink of an eye. Several layers of spell shields!

Don't panic at the last moment suddenly became elemental, and allowed Balmetos 'claws to pierce his chest, then he instantly became a wind element, holding both hands with Balmetos' neck, the sky Suddenly the situation changed, and Thunder Cloud, summoned by Balmotos, turned into Tang's weapon at this moment. The violent lightnings roared and fell in the sky, and the dense green and white lightnings all gathered in Tang's hands-to be precise It is on the head of Balmotos!

"Boom boom boom boom boom—"

The huge sound was deafening, and Tang En and Balmotos, who were floating in the sky, were completely submerged by the thunder and lightning, and all were surrounded by dazzling white light, and the electric current swallowed everything!

Balmotos shouted and opened his wings, powerful forces ripped through cracks in the thundercloud, and then burning meteorites fell from the sky, all of these meteorites locked Tang En-in order to suppress Tang En's offensive Balmotos even covered himself within the scope of the spell.

The instantaneous meteorite fall. The size of the fall is quite huge, comparable to the legendary spell star fall. The strategic power of this spell is terrible, but it is undoubtedly a cannon to fight mosquitoes against small targets like Tang It was almost impossible to hit him.

At the moment when the meteorite was about to fall, Tang En released his hand, and the incarnation of lightning appeared tens of kilometers away. Balmotos was already prepared. As soon as Tang En disappeared, he followed, and he slashed down with a sword!


The will of the world appeared in the hands of Tang En, and it was easy to block the slash of Balmotos-and even cut his superb sword into two!

Seeing that the magic sword in his hand was broken in two, Balmotos stayed for a moment.

"Sorry, I don't have time to play games with you."

Tang En instantly transformed into a hurricane, countless swords screamed and swarmed Baltomos, Tangen cut off his wings directly, and then only a blink of an eye, Balmetos was torn apart. Nearly a hundred **** wounds, Yin Hong's blood blasted out from the wound, turned into a blood rain, and was swallowed by the devil below!

Even if the impact of the meteorite rain has spread to this side, they may die at any time, and the devil is still unwilling to retreat, because the blood of the devil is the most powerful tonic for them. Grabbing a drop of blood can make them The probability of being promoted to a higher level is higher.

Looking at the red blood pouring out of Balmotos, Tang En took a moment, and the offensive could not help slowing down a bit.

The devil corrupted by the power of chaos, the blood is green, this is well-known news, but ... the red blood?

Is he not corrupted?

Or does he have a special way to hide it?

It suddenly occurred to Dan that Stanley's blood was also red in Heroophia's intelligence.

Tang En frowned, and his doubts came to mind again: [Nora, are you still sure you haven't noticed it? 】

【Of course! I'm very sensitive to the stench of chaos! 】

That's right, neither he nor Noah sensed the chaos from Balmotos-no chaos has been found since he first saw him.

This is weird.

"What are you hesitating about !?"

Barmotos snarled and rushed in front of Dunn, smashing the broken sword with a violent amount of violence.

Tang En blocked his attack again without hesitation, and the accumulated power rushed past him and hit the ground directly.

The sword fell, and Tang En could even feel the whole space tremble. He shuddered, and saw that the ground beneath him cracked a ditch that did not know how long. Alas, the lava was tumbling in it, anytime May erupt.

The power is indeed strong, but it is not that strong.

Tang En narrowed his eyes: "It's also a god-made life. Compared with the dragon king Sashaglot, your strength is a bit weaker."

Balmotos snorted and killed again: "Enough is enough!"

"Unfortunately, this power is not enough when facing me."

Tang En threw a punch. Balmotos was blown out without even seeing the shadow of the punch, and his entire body was almost blasted into two by the violent punch!

What a terrible power!

Balmotos was shocked. He didn't expect that Tang En could be so powerful besides that weird and terrible weapon!

As the devil's king, his power can definitely be regarded as the top of Prandall. Although there were some accidents, the power is still in the first echelon, but ... this kind of himself even supports him for a few rounds. Can't live! ?

How changeable is this guy?

The thought had just flashed in his mind, and a terrible force came from behind. Barmotos reluctantly turned around to support a shield, but the shield broke, and Tang En's fist fell to him again. He blasted him into the earth.

Down looking down at Balmotos immersed in lava, he was still thinking about the current contradiction.

Since he was not corrupted, Stanley also used the devil to control the demons. Does this mean that Balmotos found a way to control the demons as the devil?

Balmotos flew out of the lava. He shouted and pushed Tang En straight into the sky, and then hit the rock wall above the purgatory abyss severely. After the unstoppable two people ran through numerous rock formations Before stopping in a dark cave.

Although Tang En seemed very embarrassed, he didn't actually get hurt. Looking at the severely injured Balmetos, Tang En grabbed his neck and asked suddenly, "Frankly, is it true that you will Stanley became the devil? "

Balmotos glanced back at the passage blocked by the falling rocks without speaking.

Tang En's eyes flashed, Fu Zhi understood his meaning like a heart, and suddenly waved to open an enchantment, covering the cave.

Then heard Balmotos breathed a sigh of relief: "It's finally safe to speak ... you want to know what to ask, this method can't be hidden for a long time."

Tang En looked at him with a complex look and said: "Stanley is really not under your control? It is someone else? Come on, what's the secret inside? I know it must be related to you! Did you find out? A way to control demons? "

"As you guessed, I did find a way to control the demon, and it was discovered not long after fighting the devil."

Balmotos' answer surprised Tang En, but the more important question was that he said another more shocking news: "If you don't want the angel to die, don't take her to the purgatory abyss again , Don't let her appear in front of any devil! Even better not let her awaken her mission! "

"Angel ... are you talking about Winnet? You really know her!"

Tang En looked as expected, and he took a deep breath: "Tell me what the **** is going on, and I will consider what to do with you, as appropriate."

Later, Tang En finally heard the truth that had troubled him ...

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