Things from Another World

Chapter 1303: Truth in Chaos

In this narrow and dark space, Tann finally learned the truth that troubled him from Balmottos.

The meaning of the devil's tribe created by the Dark God is the same as that of the dragon tribe, but they are the "insurance" of the earlier generation.

After the outbreak of the war with chaotic creatures, part of the devil was corrupted by the power of chaos. At the beginning of this situation, because the corrupted demon looked no different from ordinary devil on the surface, they did not know The severity of the situation.

When corruption gradually spread among the demons, until the nature of chaos was finally revealed, the situation could not end-a large number of demons became crazy demons, and the number exceeded the normal demons for a time.

After Balmotos discovered this dangerous situation, he immediately began to deal with this matter in a targeted manner. Of course, at this stage, the devil and the devil have not formally separated. After all, in the devil's eyes, these devil corrupted by chaos , Is still their own compatriots, and few devil will kill them.

It was at this time that Balmotos began to study the possibility of reversal of corruption.

He wanted to rescue those corrupted people back.

However, the progress of research is much more difficult than imagined. The more you study, the more you find the terrible characteristics of chaotic power-chaos, disorder, indescribability, devouring everything, corrupting everything ...

The demons corrupted by the chaotic powers have the characteristics of chaotic creatures to a certain extent. In the early stage of corruption, they still maintained their rationality, and they are no different from a normal devil. In the middle of corruption, these demons' offensive desires. Hope will become very prosperous, and will frequently enter the manic state. When the madness does not even distinguish between the enemy and me, into the late stage of corruption, these devil have become like chaotic creatures, crazy, disordered, and unable to communicate. , Full of extremely strong desire to attack, and their attacks will further spread the chaos atmosphere!

Balmortosmin. Perceived that this is a very dangerous situation-as the number of corrupted devil increases, it is likely that eventually the normal devil will completely disappear from the world, and only these crazy ones will be left in the end. The devil.

Therefore, in order to ensure the survival of the devil family, Balmotos formally decided to separate the corrupted devil from the normal devil. He called those corrupted devil with green blood as "devil", that is, "evil "Devil".

This is the origin of the devil.

After the demons were cut off, the two sides began a formal battle. The demons initially occupied most of the purgatory abyss. However, with the development of the war, the number of demons increased, and the situation quietly reversed. The demon began to suppress the devil in turn.

Balmotos noticed a subtle change in the situation, and began to study the time to see if the devil could reverse transformation.

With the deepening of research, Balmotos was deeply ignorant of the corruption of chaos. He wanted to deepen his understanding and made a very stupid decision. In order to understand the characteristics of demons, he decided to use his own body to personally Feel the changes after being corrupted by chaos.

Balmotos felt that he was a powerful life created by the **** of darkness Apophis himself, and it should not be a problem to face the slight amount of chaotic corruption.

So he really did.

In the beginning, Balmotos was still able to maintain his own sanity. Through his own experience, he did discover the changes after the devil was corrupted, and the peculiarities of the devil. He really found him in A way to control demons to a certain extent.

But soon, the situation started to worsen, because Balmetos found that he had been deeply corrupted by the breath of chaos without knowing it! When Balmotos finally found something wrong with his body, the corruption had almost reached an uncontrollable level, and he could not even drive out the chaos in his body. He could only watch the corruption in his body day by day. Spread and spread.

That's right! The great devil king, Balmotos, was in danger of turning into a demon to save the corrupted demon!

This is simply a great irony.

However, I have to say that Balmotos deserves to be created by God. In this extremely bad situation, he can still find a way to save himself. Balmotos' method is to divide himself, or to have children. .

He brings together all the corrupted forces in his body, and then creates a split that contains these forces. This split can be regarded as his half body or as his child.

Later, he took the opportunity to fight the demon, broke into the rear of the demon alone, and sent this split "evil version of Balmotos" to the devil.

The evil version of Balmotos not only inherited the knowledge of genuine Balmotos. At the time of the split, the corrupted forces had occupied most of Balmotos' body. Therefore, the evil version of Balmotos even possessed more More powerful.

In addition, the original method of controlling demons was also mastered by the evil version. Therefore, the demons that could not be controlled had a leader in secret, and this leader was the bust of the devil king.

This secret has always been hidden. No devil or demon knows that during such a long period of time, the two Balmotos still controlled the fighters on both sides of the battlefield as before, while carefully maintaining them. The forces on both sides are balanced.

After splitting his own body, I do n’t know if it was corrupted by the atmosphere of chaos. Balmotos found that he had become very indifferent to the idea of ​​completely eradicating the demons, and therefore he was lazy in fulfilling his mission. A lot.

The evil version of Balmotos can maintain reason to a certain extent because of its own characteristics. It can even communicate with the original Balmotos mind and use the special power of the original-you can use the senses of the devil to go Watch and hear everything.

As a result, the evil version of Balmetos is even more powerful than the original version.

Looking at the humiliating and alert look of Balmotos now, Tang En sorted out his thoughts. He thought he might have seen the truth.

The one who signed the contract with Stanley was the evil version of Balmotos who was split off. It was also him who sealed Vinnet, and it was him who controlled the invasion of Prandall by the demon.

The original Balmotos knew all these things, but instead of being inactive, he did not take the initiative to solve the problem, instead he chose to turn a blind eye.

Perhaps it is precisely because Balmotos has maintained this state of inertia that the **** of darkness Apophis will not be able to see it. The situation in this world is getting worse and worse, but his creation is passively idle, so Apo Fez finally sent her messenger, Winnett, who planned to let Winnett solve the mess created by Balmotos.

The reason why Winnett is an infant is that it is also Apophis in order to keep her from breaking the broken world when she comes to the world, so she will seal her strength and memory, and let her grow up quickly after she comes. Recovery status.

However, I did not expect that after receiving the original version of Balmotos (hereinafter referred to as the King of Devil), the evil version of Balmotos (hereinafter referred to as the “Devil ’s King”) also knew about it, and even more Find Winette before the original.

The Demon King wants to kill Winnet.

However, his power basically comes from Apophis, and he has no ability to hurt Venetian sheltered by Apophis, so the demon king will sign a contract with Stanley to transfer Venetian to the human kingdom. Stanley ’s In the castle, and taught him the magic of sealing the power of Wenett, and using the hand of Stanley to seal Wenett, slowly nibbling Wenett's life, trying to kill her.

In this way, you can understand why Stanley has so arrogant ambitions-Stanley has the help of the powerful "Devil King", and his ambitions suddenly swelled. He felt that he could conquer the entire world and be the only one. The true king.

After learning about Stanley's ambition, the demon king thought in his heart that after he became the king of mankind, he was also good for himself, so he readily agreed to assist him.

It's just that the Demon King didn't expect that at this time, Prandall would come to a real messenger of God.

Down's arrival disrupted all his plans.

Tang En not only approached and unified the entire Prandall one step in advance, but also completely disintegrated Stanley's ambitions, shattered the entire Grace Kingdom, and even found the sealed Venetite and rescued her.

Stanley's failure buried his life, but the demon king saved his life. As the demon king, he did not have a usable talent, because all the demons had no sense at all, so they signed with him. After the contract, Stanley who was killed by Down became the first available talent in his hands.

Later, Stanley changed, from a human king to a demon general ... Unfortunately, this guy was not a brainy thing from the beginning. The situation of the five elements and the lack of intelligence became even more serious after becoming a demon. Even if you can accurately execute the command of the demon king and control the demon's accurate actions, you still don't know how to maximize the power and resources in your hands.

This led to his total failure.

Analyzing to this extent, Tang En has basically understood the cause and effect, and also why Balmotos chose to ignore Venet at the beginning, and even dared not confess to him directly.

Because of his half body, the Demon King has been watching here.

Well, Tang En narrowed his eyes, and now the problem is back to the original point ...

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