Things from Another World

Chapter 1306: Strategy

When Fiona found that Tang En was back, she immediately asked, "Is the situation resolved?"

What happened in the purgatory abyss is likely to determine the future of Prendall. If there is no solution there, there will be many more troublesome things in the human kingdom in the future. The devil's harassment alone will be enough to make Tang En headache, and even more Not to mention that he also needs to increase the speed of development so as to develop the strength that can counter the chaotic army.

"Let's consider it temporary."

Tang En sighed and said, "It took some time to get the two of us to work together. Most importantly, we got some unexpected news this time, and learned some truth about the devil and the devil."

Fiona stunned: "What's the truth?"

Tang En told her about the Demon King briefly, then shook his head and said, "This is quite unexpected. It was already recognized that Balmotos was behind the scenes, but he did not expect that he actually had another. The schism is even stronger than himself. "

"This ... is not good news."

Fiona frowned: "The reason why the devil can't develop is because they don't have reason. If the demon king really has the strength and wisdom comparable to Balmotos, the danger of the devil will become very dangerous. Terrible. "

"Rest assured, even if the Demon King still had reason at the beginning, it is estimated that he is almost corrupted now."

Down was calculated based on time. It has been a long time since Balmotos split the Demon King. It was only after supporting him for thousands of years that he gradually discovered that he had been corrupted. After the split, he obtained The more powerful Demon King may last longer than he does, until he is completely corrupted.

Fiona thought that the Demon King would reuse even stupid stuff like Stanley, and she was relieved. Perhaps that guy's brain had really been amused.

Now Down has used the devil to fight for Prandall for three years. In these three years, too many things can happen.

Not to mention, at least according to the current development rate, three years is enough to update the active equipment of the Illus Empire for two or three generations. They can even make their satellites fill the entire orbit around Prendall. The network can be completely popularized, so that everyone can use artificial soul computers!

And with the research speed of the Magic Energy Engineering Research Institute, the matrix defense module that can be used for individuals soon may be successfully developed. By that time, the survival probability of human soldiers will be greatly improved whether it is against demons or against chaotic creatures.

In short, time has now been chased back by Tang En and stood on his side. The longer the time, the greater his advantage. Three years later, it must be the time when the demons are destroyed.

Tang En said: "Not only did we use the devil to give us some time, but now we can make full use of the battlefield of Purgatory Abyss."

Fiona instantly understood his thoughts: "Where do you want to use it to train?"

"Yes, of course, not ordinary soldiers, but our elites-only elite soldiers can survive in that environment."

Tang En explained: "The demons in the Great Rift Camp have all disappeared. We now lack an effective training ground. The overall environment of Prandall has stabilized. Without foreign enemies, the soldiers' water bottles will decline very much. fast."

"And there is the cruelest battlefield in Purgatory Abyss, where our soldiers can get the most comprehensive training."

"Although the difference in strength between the two sides is a little big, but now the devil can help us share the pressure. Our soldiers can learn from the experience behind. It is relatively safe. In addition, we are also equipped with a returning crystal and the blood of the goddess. It can greatly improve their survivability. "

"Then there is magic power armor ..."

After a pause, Tang En said, "So in general, the security of our soldiers in Purgatory Abyss is still very secure."

After a moment of groaning, Fiona said, "You're right, I don't know how to refute you, so do what you say."

Although there are risks to military training, this is inevitable. Their enemies are not humans who can be defeated casually, nor are they upright villains who can surrender with their mouths, but they are completely unable to communicate and see what corrupts and chaos. biological.

This is a war about survival. Only the winner can survive.

After determining the strategy, Down began to discuss specific execution strategies with Aurelia, Aberton, Adrien and Aubrey.

Throughout the entire Prendall, the Illus Empire is completely free of external problems. Although the Rennes and Ronitante Kingdoms are still independent, it is only a matter of time before they are merged into the Illus Empire. Almost completely unified.

Therefore, now the Illus Empire has almost no meaning to station troops. All military regions must begin to implement high-intensity training programs in order to continuously improve their comprehensive combat quality, select elites from them, and then reward them and stimulate them. They become even stronger ...

After determining the strategy, Tang En began to organize a new elite team.


While playing with Danny's bow and arrow, Tom said thoughtfully: "That is to say, this time the team we are going to reorganize is going to the purgatory abyss to fight the demon?"

"Yes, that's what the older sister said."

Danny lay on a tree branch and said lazily, "After the vanguard is defeated, we will soon face a full-scale counterattack from the devil. In order to suppress the damage as much as possible, we will suppress the battlefield in the In the abyss of purgatory, the demons cannot leave there. "

"But," Tom frowned. "Let's just say how far our fighting strength is from the devil. We can't stand the environment alone, right? I heard the priest said that there is a paradise for the devil and the devil in Purgatory Abyss, Even the air is filled with the poisonous and high temperature that can make people pus, and most people ca n’t survive in that kind of environment, even the apocalypse ca n’t keep going. ”

Danny looked up at the sky in the early spring and murmured to himself: "Perhaps, what good is Her Majesty Tang En? After all, he has created so many miracles, and it is not bad this time."

In the beginning, Danny they were only a small member of the militia team here in Ellington, but now they have become the gold-level powers of an elite team, and Tang En trains them. In this way, it only took only four years!

Even doing such things, it is not unthinkable for them to adapt to the environment of purgatory abyss and be able to fight there.

"Well, you make sense, but I still want to know how we can fight the devil."

Tom was a little worried about this: "When we were fighting at sea before, we had the advantage to continue to bombard and make use of various ultra-long-range weapons to make and expand our advantages. This won the war in one fell swoop, but we After reaching the abyss of purgatory, there will be no powerful floating island fortress, nor the long-range strike of the sky mother ship as support. "

"We can only rely on ourselves."

Tom's worry is not targeted, even if the elites in the army are already gold-level apocalyptic, but in the devil, their strength is just ordinary level, those big devil come out casually all Is beyond the gold-level master-level strength.


Danny was very optimistic: "The elder sister said, this time we are not the main force of the battle, the devil is, we are just tempering ourselves there. We have tank forces, and land missile forces, not to mention we have magic It is capable of powering armor, and its overall combat capability is not much worse than them. "

"But I still ..."

At this time, Elsa in a suit and a small group of people ran over. I do n’t know if it was because of the birth of a child. Now Elsa is only 20 years old, but it looks obviously mature and stable. , The hair curled up into a bun, revealing the fair neck, a smart and refreshing look.

Compared with her, Danny and Tom of the same age have not faded their youthful feelings. This may be the change after being a parent.

After seeing Danny and Tom who were lazy, Elsa shouted at them: "Don't you be lazy! Come here! We are going to test new equipment!"

New equipment!

Danny was so excited that he jumped directly from the tree and asked very excitedly: "Sister head! What new equipment do we have this time !?"

"I do not know either."

Elsa shook her head: "But it is said that after the test is passed, we will go to the purgatory abyss this time to install."

Both were very surprised: "So fast !? Is it in production?"

"It should be okay. It is said that the technology of the artificial soul quantum computer has become more mature recently. The production line can be controlled through learning. With the super strong working ability of the alchemist, the production line can now work continuously to meet production needs It must be enough. "

Elsa briefly introduced the current situation while moving the team quickly. They soon reached their destination, and at this time, Tang En was conducting preliminary testing on the scene.

"... The technological development of the artificial soul quantum computer has completely changed our existing production model. The networked work of the alchemy and magic energy network has greatly improved the efficiency, and the realization of this technology has reduced our demand for human labor. With a lot, the huge labor gap can finally fill the previous part, and as technology continues to develop, the demand for ordinary labor will soon decrease further ... "

Fiona's words were full of excitement: "I have now discovered that you are right. Science and technology will always be the primary productive force. A technological breakthrough can replace tens of thousands of labor. Master Klotto's engineering The combination of technology and Ms. Yustisah's artificial soul technology is simply sky-high. "

Tang En smiled silently, staring at the things on the table in front of him, his heart a little excited ...

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