Things from Another World

Chapter 1307: New equipment, body armor? Softball!

The new equipment developed this time is a test by Tang En. If this test passes, it means that he will have a broader world to show his creativity in the future.

The most exciting thing in this is the "bullet jacket", that is, each person carries a version of the matrix defense module. After Tang En joined the rune of God's Word, the size of the matrix defense module that was originally made into a backpack is further increased. It ’s compressed, although it does n’t reach the level of a softball that can fit in a pocket, but it is much thinner than before.

He made the matrix defense module into a bulletproof vest.

This is a light and soft protective vest with strong defensive power. When worn on the body, it can not only form and maintain a strong magic shield around a meter in diameter around the body, but also form a very stable inside. living environment.

That's right, this thing also comes with functions such as constant temperature and humidity air purification, which is going to go uphill!

In the beginning, Tang En didn't expect to do this step, but the needs raised by the soldiers reminded him, and then he delved into the God Rune and found that God Rune can do this. Effect, so he tried to integrate the power of God's Word Rune into the matrix defense module.

After combining the power of the God Word Rune, the effect of the matrix defense module has been greatly increased. At the same time, the addition of another God Word Rune has greatly increased the defense strength, but the volume has been reduced a lot, even The whole pattern can be engraved on the constant gold line ...

Therefore, the production technology used in the new version of the portable matrix defense module is woven using constant gold threads. The complicated weaving technology has extremely high requirements on workers. Only a few masters can complete the task manually, and among them, The core must also be produced separately in another way, and the capacity is almost desperate.

Fortunately, the technology of the artificial soul quantum computer has made great progress now. Through computer simulation, we can learn the technology of those textile masters, and then control the alchemy textile machine to restore the substrate, and then inlay the core of the individual production. Achieved stable mass production.

Of course, the most important thing now is whether the functionality of these portable matrix defense modules can achieve the expected goals.

"Brother! Someone has arrived."

After Elsa rushed with someone, she shouted cheerfully at Tang En, and then the people around laughed and laughed and said, "You have a child, what is your brother, and it's called 'dear', not more it is good?"

"Don't talk nonsense, the older sister is calling the elder brother."

"Speaking of which, it is obvious that she is already the mother of two children, but the eldest sister is still so youthful."

Hey, do n’t you guys want to go? It ’s so fat! ?

When Danny heard these people dare to laugh at her sister's head, his frightened face turned green, especially when he saw that Elsa was blushing, and Fiona's face was gloomy, and she pulled quietly. Tom, dodging aside.

What I didn't expect was that after being shy for a while, Elsa didn't say anything to refute them, but instead looked at Tang En with a shame, and then really whispered "Dear".

All the people around me were shocked now, and they could actually see Elsa shouting and shouting "Dear" ... this is incredible!

After Tang En froze for a moment, he smiled and nodded, be regarded as the default of Elsa.

accident? No.

It's been four years since the two realized that Elsa was easy to be shy and excited from the beginning. The girl who has been called a violent woman has become a truly reliable woman. Astringent feelings are becoming more and more clear now. She is not shy about her feelings, as long as she is brave and generous to admit it.

Tang En's feelings for Elsa are also very clear. Although there is no mountain pledge between the two, they have experienced so many things, they still know each other so well, plus this oolong made by Nora, both The relationship between people is long gone.

Now that you can't go back, you might as well take a bold step forward and let everything happen.

Tang En smiled and said, "This is the new equipment we are going to test."

"This is ... clothes?"

"And a magic pistol? New?"

"What's this ... brace?"

The elites who were selected to test the equipment looked at the complete sets of equipment on the table, all of them were green, and they could not wait to wear them immediately to test what powerful functions they had.

"That suit is a personal portable version of the matrix defense module, which can provide individuals with strong defense capabilities and assisted survivability."

Tang En briefly explained the function and effect of this clothes. When those people heard that the clothes were all woven from constant gold threads, they were scared to touch them one by one-so expensive constant gold Line, selling them is not worth so much money!

"... After our discussion, we decided to call it the 'Shelter' series, which is separate from the matrix defense module series."

Hearing that this dress actually has such a powerful defensive effect and survival effect, the elite soldiers who were pulled to test are even more excited. This thing is simply a good baby that every soldier dreams of!

On the battlefield, not many people died of direct attacks. Most of them died of unknown AOE. With this equipment, the ability to prevent unknown AOE will be greatly strengthened, and the survival probability is not increased. !!

More importantly, "Shelter" can be worn personally without affecting the use of magic power armor at all, which is equivalent to having double-layer security guarantee, and the survival probability on the battlefield is even higher!

"This is not a magic pistol. To be precise, this is a high-energy ray gun. The effect is to condense the energy in the air ... You can understand it as magic, and then launch it directly. Use pure energy to bombard the enemy. It is an energy weapon and hurts. Closer to spell damage. "

This weapon is a new type of weapon developed by Tang En based on the power of God's Word Rune. When tested, the effect is very good, the shooting accuracy is high, it is exactly where to hit, almost no recoil, even a small child can Easy to use.

After abandoning complex energy conversions, the pure energy is highly concentrated and then emitted. The power is even more surprising than some spells. What is even better is that due to the characteristics of God's runes, the energy used by this weapon is almost endless.

Then, because of the characteristics of pure energy emission, this high-energy ray gun can be easily enchanted, so that the emitted energy rays can obtain different effects.

For example, some of these samples prepared by Tang En have been blessed by Illuli and can emit energy rays with the attribute of holy light, which has a stronger lethality to the demons of the evil and chaotic camp.

In the future, if you want to use this weapon to fight against chaotic creatures, Tang En can fully strengthen it multiple times, enchanting multiple lights, life, and void to make this weapon become a nemesis of chaotic creatures.

The wristband is the product of the latest technology of artificial soul quantum computer. It has a small artificial soul computer system built in. It can keep in touch with the central host through the magic network and display the time, geographical location, destination, etc. at the same time. The wristband can monitor the status of the user, including various vital signs, and statistically estimate the remaining safe combat time based on the amount of combat materials entered in advance and the current consumption rate, and it can even be set to assist the wearer to activate the return journey in an emergency. The crystal is directly out of the battlefield ...

In short, this wristband is like a portable plug-in thing developed by Tang En for them. If used well, it is no less than carrying an artifact with you.

However, this brace cannot be used in the battle of Purgatory Abyss because some conditions are still lacking-the environment is harsh and the clouds are dense. There is no way to launch satellites to shoot maps. The environment of magic deposition will affect the current magic network. Communication conditions, without the help of satellites, positioning, maps, time and other important functions can no longer be used.

This is relatively regrettable.

In addition to these, Tang En is still conceiving some equipment with big brains, and many are still in the experiment. If it goes well, those equipment will be put into the battlefield against demons one after another.

"Now, let's first test the effect of the" shelter "armor."

Elsa suddenly showed a very bright smile: "I think everyone should pay close attention to the effect of this armor."

"Yes, that's right ... why do you have that look?"

As soon as the soldiers nodded and finished speaking, they noticed that the expressions of their companions around them suddenly became very strange, and they were pushed out before they returned to God.

"Since you are so active, let's start with you."

Elsa said with a smile: "Come, put on these armors, and then stand there, waiting for me to attack ... don't hide, otherwise there is no way to test the performance of the armor."

The few guys burst out with cold sweat, and they just reacted. What a foolish decision they just made!



"Stop! Don't run!"

"I was wrong! I am really wrong!"

"So I said, stop me!"

Tang En watched the people scurrying around the experimental site, and was a little bit crying. He thought that Elsa had grown up at first, so he wouldn't care about their jokes, but the guy kept thinking What a bad thing, wait until now to find a fair excuse to abuse these cheap guys ...

I have to say, do n’t die ...

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