Things from Another World

Chapter 1309: Are you surfing the internet? Are you GG or MM?

Chapter 1311

"Hello there."

"Hello there."

"Are you surfing the net? Are you GG or MM?"

"I'm GG, how about you?"

"I will not tell you."

"Where are you from MM?"

"I'm Alynx's MM, where's your GG?"

"It turns out that you are the MM of the capital. I am GG of Ellington."

"Oh, you must be rich?"

"So average ... can you post a video?"

"I won't."

"I teach you, it's very simple ... Ah, no, the foreman called me to go to slabs, I'm leaving, add my friends, we will talk again next time, 886!"

"Well, 886!"

Two people from the south and the north of the country were sitting thousands of miles away in front of the artificial soul quantum computer. They gave up using artificial soul-assisted voice input and chose to use jerky methods to enter text messages. They chatted with the other party across the screen and On the Internet, they don't even know what the other person looks like or who they are, but it is this mysterious atmosphere that can easily arouse people's great interest.

The lucky man in Ellington slabs may never know, but the chat with him just now is actually the pearl of Illus, their Royal Highness Princess Aurelia.

Seeing that the chat object was offline, Alleria sitting in front of the computer chuckled, deleted the stranger, and then looked at the opposite Tang En and said, "Did you think of this thing?"

Tang En spread his hand: "Don't you think this tool is convenient? It can greatly increase the communication between strangers, and because the Internet does not know each other's identity, so there is no class barrier. You can chat happily and cheerfully. I think that no matter the ordinary people or the nobles who pretend to be superior, they will like this kind of chat tool. "

"You're right, but have you considered what would happen if this anonymous chat tool developed?"

After all, Aurelia has been in power for Tang En for so long, and she has been stunned since she was a child. She has a keen sense of politics. Tang En only saw the benefits of the software, but she immediately noticed the hidden problems.

"The birth of such a chat software can completely facilitate the secret communication of bad people who have been reluctant to show up, and even some evil sects can use these software to preach, develop believers, and expand their power ... The worst thing is because it is anonymous software , We don't even know who the other party is or where. "

Alleria sighed, holding her forehead: "You're making trouble for our rule ..."

"Of course I understand the problems you are talking about, and we already have solutions."

Tang En laughed. Alleria's concerns were discovered by the country long ago on earth, so the real-name system of the Internet appeared. Although the real-name system of the network first appeared, it received great resistance and negative publicity, but Tang En is sure that only those idiots and mischievous people will oppose the online real-name system.

Freedom is freedom based on order and rules. Freedom without order and rules is chaos.

The same goes for the network.

In such a brand new virtual world, if excessive freedom is given, it is breeding wanton madness.

Fortunately, Prandall's current development is all in the planning of Tang En, and the people here do not have a concept of the network. When Tang En created the network, he directly activated the real-name system on the network. Naturally, these people will have nothing. statement.

The network real-name system is still tied to the personal identity crystal card, and due to the development of network and information technology, the personal identity crystal card now directly introduces personal profile information and is stored directly in the database of the central computer to ensure that the country is networked at any time. Check, and then through the soul feature bound on the identity card, the ghost agents can even find their location for the first time.

"Citizen-to-citizen, of course, can be anonymous through nicknames, but between citizens and the government, one-way and transparent, I can't be so stupid, give them the opportunity to disappear from the government's eyes, and we can check their information at any time of."

After briefly explaining the principle and use of the real-name system of the Internet to Aurelia, Aurelia said with emotion: "I have forgotten the situation in your world. Since your network has been developing for so long, surely I noticed this situation long ago, and it was my fault. "

Tang En ha laughed and said, "You are negligent. You have only noticed the impact of this 'cloud chat' on citizens, but you have not noticed its importance among government agencies, chambers of commerce and office workers. use."

"you're right!"

It is indeed Aurelia, Tang En only said a word, she immediately came to her senses, her eyes glared, "This cloud chat is indeed a good thing! But we can't use this ..."

"Of course, there is another separate communication software for government personnel."

Since the magic fax machine, the magic mobile phone, and the artificial soul quantum computer, the administrative efficiency of the Illus Empire has increased exponentially. In this case, the artificial souls produced by Ellington Almost all of the quantum computers are provided to the administrative departments for use. Although it has not yet reached the lowest level of the staff level, key departments in various cities have been equipped with a total number of more than one million units, and the coverage rate is very high. amazing.

After all computers update similar applications through the Magic Network, it means that in addition to the Magic phones, government employees have more efficient, simpler and more convenient communication methods, and they can communicate directly with the computer when they are at work. No longer need to take out the magic phone to speak.

In addition, Aurelia took a look at the software just now, not only can send photos, videos, screenshots, but also transfer data files. After the information is informatized, using this software to work is too convenient.

After confirming the situation, Aurelia immediately urged Tang En to push the new software as soon as possible. She can also post an announcement directly to notify everyone to register the communication software by real name, and add contacts with the superiors and colleagues to facilitate communication.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with Tang En. Now that the central server unit has been set up, Eve's computing power has risen again. With the current number of devices in the Magic Network, the performance of the central server unit cannot be fully exerted. Too many computing resources Was wasted, so now most of Eve's computing resources are placed in the continuous deconstruction of archaeological data, and I look forward to deciphering more scientific and technological data from prehistoric civilizations.

After confirming the implementation plan with Aurelia, Down returned to Ellington, and in addition to these pilots in Ellington, the computer popularization program officially kicked off.

Order calendar 852 years, the month of growth.

A steady stream of artificial soul quantum computers is being transported from Ellington to all directions, and strange shops in the bustling streets of various cities are quietly blooming.

Their name is "Datang Internet Cafe".

People are very curious about what this shop called "Datang Internet Cafe" does, so the Magic Projection Tower launches an exclusive interview program in a timely manner. Please invite the beautiful and elegant Yusita as a guest, specially Explain to the audience what these shops called "Datang Internet Cafes" do.

When the audience heard that in the Internet cafes, they could not only log in to the Magic Network to "surf" to learn a variety of data, but also to watch the scenery of Tiannanhaibei without leaving home, and even strangers from thousands of miles away. When people make friends, the people in Plantar are excited and excited!

They almost counted the days when Internet cafes opened with their fingers, day after day. When those shops were just renovated and opened for business, a large number of people queuing all night long flooded into Internet cafes everywhere. Staff hurriedly guided those customers to sit down, and then assisted them in applying for identity cards or online identity registration, while teaching them how to "surf the Internet" using artificial soul quantum computers.

At this time, those who had had Internet experience in Ellington's pilots became experienced "old networms". They were highly respected on the Internet and became seniors of newcomers ...

Considering that there is no such thing as the Internet before in this world, Tang En is very considerate to set the homepage of the Internet browser as a navigation site with a built-in search function, so that these people can find a little bit away, the more they climb Deep, feeling lost in the net ...

At this time, in addition to cloud chat, the Datang Chamber of Commerce's forum has also become the most popular place on the magic energy network. When the Internet cafes in various places opened, the traffic has skyrocketed, and the number of open sections has been bursting. .

They make friends in the chat section ...

Post a blind date in the local section ...

Posting team information in the mission section ...

Buy and sell information on adventure areas and even various ruins in the trading section ...

As if all of a sudden, Internet cafes have spread all over the country, people are rushing into it to experience the Internet, and surfing the Internet has become the most fashionable and highest word in Prendall. In this wave, there is no distinction between civilians and nobles. Without expensiveness, they are all obsessed with the rich and abundant information on the Magic Network.

Ah ... it turned out that it was raining again today ...

Ah ... it turned out that the new line of dragons in New Burkeso has reached the season of blood collection and delivery ...

Ah ... this is our world ...

Ah ... the size of our Illuth Empire is so large ...

However, they didn't know that now, in their eyes, the extremely rich network information is scary and scary in Tang En's eyes. There is only a lack of entertainment. He only has the information integration in various places ... He doesn't even have a point of interest.

It is time to develop the entertainment industry towards information.

Tang En had this idea in his mind.

Moreover, it is time to use entertainment information to popularize the idea of ​​fighting disaster together.

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