Things from Another World

Chapter 1310: Start the counterattack!

In the study, several people were sitting there drinking hot tea while watching the information on the screen.

The above shows the information of Internet cafes that have been operating in various regions since the beginning of the month, including the average daily turnover, the average number of customers, the range of information that customers are most concerned about, the content that customers are most interested in, and so on.

According to these statistics, in the short period of half a month after Internet cafes opened, more than millions of people across the country have registered Internet passes and felt the charm of the Internet.

"This is a cheaper, more efficient, and faster information delivery platform."

Tang En said with a smile: "With the development of the next step, the home artificial soul quantum computer is about to enter the market. Once the computer becomes popular, the Internet will become the main channel for citizens to obtain information. By that time, newspapers and radio Will be greatly reduced. "

Tina asked, "What about the Datang Daily and the broadcasting station?"

"Of course, it is also becoming networked and informatized."

Tang En said: "The transition from paper media to informatized media is the only way for traditional media. After the popularization of the Internet, the speed and timeliness of information transmission are very important. It is an exaggeration. If you do n’t report what happened a minute ago, Come out, it's outdated. "

The other people in the room suddenly drank the air conditioner. Is this news timeliness requirement too strict? If in the past, a message can often be talked about after ten days and a half months, and it will be delivered as news, but it will lose its value so quickly in the era of the magic network.

"The faster the transmission of information, the greater the chance of collision of thoughts, and the opportunity to give birth to even more incredible ideas, which is good for the development of our entire society, so in the next step we must also promote the home artificial soul quantum computer as soon as possible. It will be popular. "

Tang En knocked on the table and groaned for a moment, and said, "I will develop a platform for you and Sanye and you will also have a set of corresponding input tools. I hope you will bring your Majesty's painter. And artists to network their work as soon as possible and expand the scope of communication. "


"It is to update the serialization on the website in real time, and also to communicate with readers directly in the comment area or forum."

After Tang En explained it, he suddenly thought a bit. He said, "However, the content of the serialized works on the Internet will change slightly. The core of the content should be changed to the passionate direction. The protagonists work together to fight the invaders. Subject matter, I will give you a few inspirations, and you can discuss and refine them. "

"no problem."

Sanye nodded and smiled: "In order to better complete the task, Dantrian, I think we can talk to His Excellency Tang En in the evening while no one is disturbing in the middle of the night. Just a moment, right? "

Daintrian thought deeply: "Yes, what do you think, Mr. Tang En?"

Looking at them, you do n’t cooperate with me if you do n’t agree, but Tang En ’s helpless “suffering” succumbed to their obscenity and nodded in agreement.

Sanye and Dantrian high-five each other with a smile.

The popularity of home-made artificial soul quantum computers has not only brought a huge number of new users to the Magic Network, but also brought a good opportunity for Tang En. Such a convenient information transmission channel, he only needs to control the core content , You can quietly give psychological hints to all netizens.

On the one hand, it is necessary to strengthen the attractiveness of the magic energy network, and on the other hand, it is necessary to control the content appropriately. Even for Tang En, this is also a huge problem. The content rating review system is definitely indispensable. Parental control systems, child anti-addiction systems, etc. all need to be in place in one step, and the amount of engineering is quite huge.

Thanks to the recent time, the magicians of the Silver City have seen the great potential of this industry, and have joined them one after another, and began to study artificial soul programming as a new specialty. Only after a large number of fresh troops joined, the researchers were liberated.

However, due to the further increase of researchers, the Magic Energy Engineering Research Institute had to be expanded again. There was no space around it, so it had to develop upwards. So, the high-rise building combining the characteristics of the mage tower was born. The building is very different. If it wasn't for Tang En's mandatory requirements for them to meet the geometric standards when expanding, they should follow the overall aesthetics, and they must consider the psychological capacity of the surrounding residents. I am afraid these magicians will create more exaggerated and incredible buildings. Yet.

After these new apprentices entered it, they were immediately arranged to follow the veterans to learn how to use magic to program artificial souls and make various small programs. Although the principles are boring, but for those who like to immerse themselves in the ocean of knowledge As far as the magicians are concerned, they are happy and don't have to worry about them at all.

The development of the magic energy network is very important, but Tang En can't spend all his energy on it, because the devil is more important.

The time has come to the end of the month of growth, the first batch of new equipment is being produced, the first elite units are formally formed, and after they get the assigned weapons and equipment, they formally go to the abyss of purgatory to begin the battle against the devil.

Purgatory Abyss.

On the shimmering teleportation array, armed human soldiers rushed out of the portal quickly. As soon as they stood firm, they saw that the shield aperture outside the body was excited.

"Huh ... hh ... this is Purgatory Abyss, the base camp of the devil and the devil?"

Danny breathed carefully, raised his right hand and clicked on the smart watch. A beam of holographic projection was projected into the air, and the surrounding environment was quickly analyzed. At the same time, a map of the surrounding environment popped up.

This map is a function independent of the magic energy network. The smart watch launches a magic wave to detect the surrounding environment, and then draws a nearby map. Compared with satellite maps, although the range is small and the efficiency is low, it is very convenient.

The map is centered on the user of the smart watch, showing a circular shape as a whole. The areas that have been detected are shown. The undetected areas are covered by shadows, even the living organisms that are moving around, and the minerals that contain high concentrations of magic. , Plants, etc. have been detected and marked on the map.

"Sure enough, the environment is pretty bad ..."

Tom murmured to himself, and was stunned by the Depp behind him: "Stop the boy! Don't get in the way! Act quickly! Why are there so many demons? The devils haven't cleaned this up?-The logistics team's Is anyone here !? "

"The logistics base is ready! You can start anytime!"

"Personnel are scattered immediately! Clean up all the demons around you-wait? What about Hiloflia who is responsible for us? This guy will not forget it!"

Depp said a little distressed: "I'll contact him! Hurry up and clean up all around, cover the logistics team!"

"Roger that!"

Locke shouted, "The first team will follow me! We will be responsible for the target at 12 o'clock!"

Altman shouted, "The second team will follow me, aiming at 3 o'clock!"

Cao pulled out his sword and said lightly, "The third unit is responsible for the direction of 6 o'clock."

Kundal said very excitedly: "It is 9 o'clock for our fourth team."

"what about me?"

Elsa looked at them eagerly, then no one dared to take a stern look.

"Elsa, you're in charge here ..."

Depp's mouth twitched, anyway, it was a mother with a child, and he was so combative ... The question is who dares to let you go! If it makes sense, it is still in the breastfeeding period. If there are any shortcomings on the battlefield, Tang En angers who resists ...

Elsa said a little disappointed, "All right."

After the tasks were divided, everyone immediately acted. After the team was dispersed, the magicians in the central logistics team immediately leveled the surrounding ground. Then they took out the boxes made in advance from the space equipment. , Placed directly on the ground, after the assembly, canceled the above deformation effect, and then the boxes quickly expanded, in a blink of an eye, became a fully functional base.

The base half-encloses the entire teleportation array. It is launched at the same time as the base. There is also a large matrix defense module. A huge shield envelopes the base. Through the effect of God's rune, it forms a stable inside the base. Living environment.

After the command base was deployed, the personnel of the logistics team continued to develop other auxiliary buildings, such as dormitories, cafeterias, bathhouses, etc ...

However, after a short time, they used the most advanced magic technology to build a fully functional front-line combat base in Purgatory Abyss.

With the help of the teleportation array, this front-line combat base can receive sufficient supplies from Ellington at any time, and it can also easily replace the wounded, increase combat personnel, and stabilize the overall combat capability.

According to Tang En's plan, they intend to use this rapid construction technology to step by step steadily, advance the battle line a little bit in the abyss of purgatory, press the devil step by step, and eat away their space of activity.

Of course, considering that humans have limited activities in Purgatory Abyss and the total number of combatants is also insufficient, there will definitely be a devil's site in these front-line battle bases in the later period. Although many people are unhappy about this, they still only Can accept reality.

Seeing the convenient houses rising in front of the eyes, the human vanguard's heart was full of emotions. For so many years, this is the first time for human beings to set foot in the abyss of purgatory and even attack the devil in turn!

And this is all brought by Her Majesty Tang En!

His Majesty Tang En, really is an eternal emperor!

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