Things from Another World

Chapter 1311: I can still play a hundred!

On the bleached earth of Purgatory Abyss, I do not know when there are suddenly a few blue-capped white-walled building groups, which form a very strong contrast with the yellow and dark red ground around. It is amazing that in these building groups There are also some long guns and cannons on the surrounding steel wall, and any target near here is always on guard. The floating artillery is constantly patrolling in mid-air, and the enchanted eyes above can see the surroundings. In conjunction with the radar inside the base, you can ensure that you fully understand the situation around the base.

The devil wandering nearby is very curious. Every now and then, the devil wants to catch a peek at it, and then he will be "entered" by the enthusiastic enthusiasm.

Occasionally, the demon who came out of the chaotic portal found this place and immediately launched an attack. Then they were also severely suppressed. The people who stayed inside seemed very insecure, whether it was the devil or the demon. Completely the same.

On the fence of the battle base, a soldier sat in the sentry cannon watching the demon wandering in the distance, and started to complain: "Lava, steam, demon, devil ... nothing other than that, **** it, I I regret coming here. "

After hearing the other guard on duty, he glared at him: "Don't complain, you can be picked out here, it means that you are already the best among all others, and most people are not qualified to come. We now want to What it did was to save the entire human homeland. "

"Yes, but who can tell me how to tell the devil from the devil!"

Because it ’s impossible to tell the difference between the devil and the demon, the guards in the base now fired directly when they found suspicious targets. The guard shouted helplessly: "Once we're here, there will be demon allies to answer. What about us? It's been a week now and we haven't seen it at all! "

"Maybe Commander Depp knows that this kind of intelligence cannot be known to us, and it is enough to do our own thing."

As soon as the veteran had finished speaking, the guard next to him suddenly shouted nervously: "There is something in the direction of 11 o'clock! The sentry gun is activated, confirm that the ammunition has been loaded, and wait for the target to enter the range!"

The floating gun had moved in that direction. On the screen next to it, the distant figures became clearer and clearer, and then they saw an orderly group of "creatures" approaching this side.

"Still can't tell if it's a demon or a devil, and continue with the eviction strategy-"

At this time, Depp's voice came from the communicator next to him: "Wait, don't open fire, that's our ally."

"That is to say, these are the devil? It looks no different from the devil!"

All the soldiers watching the screen are a little aggressive. If they fight on the battlefield, how to distinguish between the enemy and me is a trouble.

Soon, the group of demons flew over the base, and they looked down at the human soldiers in the base, silent.

The soldiers stared at immediately became nervous, saying that they were allies, but so far, they have not conducted a joint battle once, and they do not know whether the opponent is reliable.

Now the devil's strength is too strong compared to the overall strength of human soldiers. If these guys turn their faces, I am afraid that all human soldiers present will be forced to "return."

A moment later, a figure quickly appeared in front of the devil. After seeing the person coming, the soldiers below were relieved. Anyway, they saw an acquaintance.

It was Hiloflia.

"Where is Depp?"

Hilofria's voice echoed in the battle base. The next moment Depp stepped out of the command hall and said to her, "Ms. Hilophria, we have been waiting here for a long time, please come in."

Depp waved his hand, and a gap suddenly cracked in the protective cover, allowing them to enter the interior.

After Hilofria landed the demon inside the base, and let the devil look around curiously, she said directly to Depp: "There have been some accidents before, so it took a while and I didn't meet them in time. I hope you can explain to His Excellency Mr. Tang En that there is no misunderstanding. "

After all, Hilofria was thinking about holding Tang En's big legs, but she didn't want any contradiction caused by this misunderstanding.

"I see, but can you explain what happened?"

Depp is more concerned about whether the so-called unexpected situation is related to the war.

"A demon army suddenly appeared on Mount Malogues and launched a raid on a nearby devil village. Due to the sudden incident, we did not raise our vigilance, so our side suffered heavy casualties. I personally led a counterattack and just killed all the demon waves. They are now investigating the space nodes near Malogus, suspecting that there may be marks left by the devil. "

Hilofria explained it and said, "I rushed over as soon as the battle over there, hoping nothing was delayed."

Depp nodded: "Everything is fine. This place chosen by His Majesty Tang En seems relatively safe. We have been stationed here for a week without encountering any particularly powerful enemies. What we need to determine now is that we are The position is probably on the abyss of Purgatory, so we can determine the position. "

Now the abyss of purgatory is a blank for Depp. As the war progresses, they need to draw a detailed map, the most important of which is of course those areas occupied by demons.

There is no way to count on the devil for this kind of thing. Although they have lived and fought for tens of thousands of years here, they never seem to consider such things as drawing a map.

After thinking about it, Hilofria said, "You are now setting up the base and heading there for a distance of about ... 500 kilometers, and you have entered the **** battlefield area where we and the demon frequently fight. This is the battlefield nearby. The former buffer zone, but because we often clean up, it is relatively safe for the time being. "

When Depp heard that it was only 500 kilometers away from the main battlefield, they suddenly felt a cold sweat. Don't think that 500 kilometers is very far. For those strong among the demons, this 500 kilometers distance It's almost the same concept as going to a neighbor's house.

At this time, another devil next to me said slightly ironically: "His Majesty Balmetos already knew your arrival, so he ordered us to be stationed near you to build a camp to protect you ... seriously, I I don't think that this war requires the participation of you human beings. You are too weak, and if you come, you will hinder us. "

The talking devil is a skeleton demon. He looks more like a human as a whole, but his body is covered with metal chains instead of clothes. He is about two meters tall, and the metal chains are covered with green blood. It can be seen that he killed many demons on the battlefield before.

The smell of this skeleton chain demon is very strong, and Depp can hardly even breathe in front of him. I am afraid that he is at least an extraordinary power, but Depp knows that he is standing here now, which represents human dignity, so even if It ’s because he ca n’t stand up to the other ’s momentum, and still insists on standing there, staring straight at him without hesitating: “Each of us is willing to give everything to defend our home. His Majesty Tang En said, Weak, but our talent is amazing. As long as we have a strong soul, we are not weaker than any strong! "

"The ridiculous idea is that the weak are the weak. On this level of battlefield, you can't even count on cannon fodder."

Hilofria frowned: "Clahoyle, you have a lot to say! This is a decision made jointly by Her Majesty Balmotos and Her Majesty Don, do you have any opinion?"

"Oh, of course I dare not."

Although he didn't dare to say it, Krahoyle obviously lacked respect for Hiloflia, on the one hand because Hilofria was the weakest of the twelve devil lords, on the other hand It was because he had despised humans.

Weak humans are just pets kept in greenhouses. How can they compare to the demons who have been fighting in this cruel environment since birth?

Danny said slowly, "What's your name?"


Tom asked uneasily, "Why do you look down on humans?"

Clark Hoyle laughed: "Since you can see it, then I don't need to hide it, yes, I really look down on you humans, you are nothing more than playthings, even want to cooperate with us against the devil? It's ridiculous. "

Locke got up and asked tentatively, "You should know the level of human strength evaluation of us, do not know what level you are?"

Crahoyle said lightly: "In accordance with your human standards, I am already the highest peak. As a devil lord, I have touched the edge of the law, and may at any time be promoted to legend and become another devil. . "

Altman nodded. "Oh ... you look strong."

Crahoyle looked at them mockingly and said, "At least, better than you humans, I can destroy you all."

No, I can't stand it!

Several people looked at each other, and then looked at Elsa inadvertently, Danny urged: "Sister, go and say hello to him?"

Depp saw this, and patted his forehead, speechless, but he did not stop, because the devil's eyes were too offensive to look at them-just like looking at the toys in his hands.

"Hello there--"

Elsa waved at Krahoyle with a smile of innocence.

"I'm not at all--"


Krahoyle disappeared from the crowd in a muffled noise.


Elsa retracted her fist and turned to look at the devil. The sweet smile on her face was terrible: "Who else looks down on us? Come together, like him, I can still fight a hundred!"

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