Things from Another World

Chapter 1312: Attack all-crush them!

Chapter 1314

The abyss of purgatory, the fiery lava is constantly tumbling. In the combat command center, thanks to the amazing power of Elsa, the devil has been deterred, and they have finally been honest, staying quietly in the designated position. on.

Although Elsa is a dragon, in Depp's eyes, Elsa and her family let her take the place of humans. It is completely fine-not to mention, the devil did not know that Elsa was a dragon. ...

Danny, they show no pressure on this.

In the command hall, Hilofria assisted Depp to make a local sand table for the Purgatory Abyss, which mainly shows the blood battlefield and the surrounding environment, which is also the area most familiar to the devil.

"Here is the Malogus mountain that was attacked. There are many young devil living nearby. Their fighting capacity is very weak, and they have no resistance after being attacked."

"This is not the style of the demon's combat, and we suspect it may be a decision made by the demon king after being influenced by Stanley."

"Now it is speculated that the demon king has been corrupted for a long time, even if it is because the nature of the devil is better than that of human beings compared with the power of chaos. "

"Although our devil admires the strongest, we also value our descendants, so we must divert some of our manpower to protect those villages."

"You see, this is the Red Lake, very close to the center of the battlefield. It was originally a hot lava lake, but now it has been extinguished by the blood of our devil and turned into a lake full of blood."

Hilofria pointed to a low-lying terrain near the central area on the sand table and said, "The battle is the fiercest near here. I don't recommend you to come here. The lord-level battle already has legendary units. , A random bombardment may completely kill you here. "

"In view of this situation, I recommend that you be behind the battlefield and help us protect the village of the devil.

De Pu squinted to keep the entire sandbox in his mind, and then began to analyze the advantages and disadvantages.

Sorry, there are not many places where human beings can play in the abyss of purgatory. The environment here is too harsh. At the same time, we must consider the environmental impact and survival issues during the battle.

Therefore, Hiloflia's arrangement is relatively good. The main forces of the devil and the devil are fighting on the battlefield near the Red Lake. Even if the devil wants to use the portal to sneak in the devil village behind, it will not be too much. Strong fighting power, but a slightly stronger demon than the young devil.

These demons are like cannon fodder on the front battlefield, but sneak attacks to the rear can be of great use. The demon king will certainly be willing to do so.

Although the human soldiers are not strong in combat, they have a variety of equipment to assist them. They appear to have a battle with the demons as a whole, and they also have the ability to quickly build fortresses, quickly form effective defenses, and send them to execute. This guarded task is most appropriate.

After considering for a moment, Depp agreed with Hiloflia's arrangement. He said: "You first determine our battle site and sort out the information at the same time. We need to prepare the corresponding materials and equipment according to the actual situation. . "

These people are under the control of Tang En, and Heroophia is not good at saying anything to them. It is best that they are willing to accept the arrangement.

Hilofria smiled and said, "It's great, then I'll leave this area of ​​Bonestone Forest to you."

The thorny stone forest is not too far away from the command center at this moment, the straight line distance is only more than 1,600 kilometers-it seems very far, but compared to the vast space of Purgatory Abyss, this distance is not much. Already.

Those who settled there were basically those little devils at the bottom of the demonic society, newborn babies, and those devils who lost their fighting power but did not die. After they lost their ability, in this deformed society It was difficult to find where they existed, so they gathered to form a village and hold a group together for heating.

As time passed, more and more demon gathered there, and the entire thorny stone forest has become a large settlement, which is quite rare here in the abyss of purgatory.

For them, this is the unfortunate taste of abandoning chicken ribs. It is not so important and should not be left unattended. It originally caused them a headache, but now that humans are here, this is good. They are here to stay, how much they can prevent.

Although Depp also had ambitious ambitions, he could not wait for a fight with the devil immediately, but he now knew the power gap between the two sides, so the blood subsided, and his mind calmed down, so he accepted this arrangement.

They now lack understanding of the demon's overall strength and various intelligences. Through this opportunity, they can take a good look at them, collect information and pass it on to His Majesty Tang En, and prepare for the subsequent development of weapons.

A few days later, the vanguard arrived at the Bone Stone Forest after a long journey.

The thorny stone forest is a weathered giant stalactite forest. Of course, ordinary stalactite forests are nothing amazing, but when the scale is enlarged to 100 meters or even kilometers, it is amazing. When you look at it, there is a huge distant land The towering stone pillars stand like a jungle, and the devil surrounds these stone forests to form a village, relying on the cultivation of some Warcraft and plants to survive.

"It's spectacular ... no! There's a situation!"

Locke, who was leading in front, suddenly changed his face, pulled out his arms and shouted, "Pay attention to everyone! There is something ahead!"

Danny said calmly, "Wait a minute, I will launch a floating gun to investigate."

He took out a floating gun, and then the smart watch was directly connected to the floating gun's control system. He manually controlled the floating gun to quickly approach the turbulent area in front.

The small floating gun was very inconspicuous in the air. No one would pay attention to it at all, so it was able to get close to the scene and take a picture of the situation ahead.

Then Locke took a breath of air, feeling a tingle in the scalp.

They may be late.

A devil's village at the foot of the previous mountain has now been completely washed with blood. The village is full of broken bodies, messy internal organs, red blood ... Even more frightening is that there are still many bites left on those bodies. Traces, which means that even after the demons killed these demons, they even regarded them as food.

"I just discovered now that our enemies really can't be measured by common sense ..."

Danny muttered to himself, controlling the anti-aircraft guns to continue moving forward, and the blood along the way marked them the direction of the demon. The other members of the vanguard released their own anti-aircraft guns, and then controlled them. Decentralized, supervising the surrounding situation, and then slowly moving forward in alertness.

A moment later, Danny suddenly exclaimed, shouting: "Find the target! They are behind a hill five kilometers away in front of us! Their target is another devil's village!"

"Five kilometers!"

In the command center of the rear, Depp looked at the map transmitted from the front line, and after a moment of calculation, he asked, "Can you judge the opponent's main ethnic composition and strength level?"

Locke said: "All the enemies that can be seen by the enemies are Nazura demons, which are mainly killed by Nazura. The number of demons is about 1500 to 2000. According to our observations, they are less mutated. It should be just ordinary demons. At most there will be a few big demons inside. The probability of a demon lord appearing is very small. I have 100% confidence to wipe them out. "

Depp waved decisively: "Strike! Let us tell His Majesty a beautiful victory, we will not let him down!"

"Implement Operational Plan No. 1!"

Locke held up the assault rifle in his hand, and the sound passed into the ears of each soldier through the speaker: "All strike-crush them!"

"Oh! Crush them!"

The soldiers shouted in excitement. The assault rifle, electromagnetic sniper rifle, and chain saw sword in their hands immediately began to warm up. The following artillery regiment took out the RPG and began to look for high-altitude vision. Some people even started to deploy temporary missile launchers. Ready to give the opponent a round of missile bombing first.

The combat plan No. 1 is very simple. It is a combat plan that is adopted when it encounters an enemy weaker than its own. It is mainly divided into three steps. First, the long-range troops must find a good combat position before the war begins. Use firepower to suppress the enemy. Second, the main team is directly involved in the enemy ’s attention, pulling the battle space for the long-range forces. Third, the mobile team ’s task is to swim around the battlefield. Use various traps and weapons to block the enemy ’s escape. route.

In general, as long as the enemy's strength is not crushing us too much, there will be only one end to this tactic-that is, the entire army is annihilated.

Locke led the main combat unit to activate the magic power armored combat mode. For a time, the hidden energy pathways under the armor all became extremely bright and the power increased significantly. Then Locke took the lead and rushed directly to the demon behind the mountain. In the team.

The soldiers in the back also howled and rushed up.

When the sudden appearance attracted the demon's attention and made them stop moving, the artillery regiment soldiers who had occupied the high-altitude field of vision smiled wryly.


"Boom boom boom boom boom—"

When the RPG rushed down from the mountain and plunged into the demon's team, they didn't even have time to respond, and the bombed man turned into a mess.

However, the RPG bombing only kicked off the welcome party, and the more violent rain of missiles fell on them.

Waiting for them after the explosion was a terrible chainsaw sword blessed with the power of God's Word Rune.

This battle was doomed at the beginning.

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