Things from Another World

Chapter 1313: Laying a combat network

"So, we fought a beautiful victory as soon as we got there?"

Elsa opposite Tang En said a little slyly: "Although this is true, it is because the enemy's strength is too weak ..."

"No no no, Elsa you don't understand."

Fiona laughed: "What we need now is not to defeat how powerful the enemy is, but a victory against the devil, understand?"

Looking at Elsa's foggy appearance, Tang En couldn't help laughing: "Elsa, all our actions now have been made public, do you understand?"

"Of course I know that."

"That is to say, the dispatch of our vanguard to the abyss of purgatory is being watched by everyone."

Tang En explained: "In this situation, our every move involves changes in the pattern of the entire world. What citizens need is victory after victory to inspire people. They do n’t know the enemy we defeat. Just how powerful they are, so even if they are very weak enemies, we can make the publicity as exaggerated as possible, expand our credit, and let them realize that we are not falling behind. "


Elsa nodded indifferently: "So, let's spread the word about this victory?"

"Of course."

Fiona said very seriously: "Not only that, but also as much as possible to propagate everywhere in Prandall, so that everyone knows, our Illus Empire, our Her Majesty Tang En, is now working for the entire world Fighting the devil in the future, a common enemy can effectively unite the cohesion of all races in the world. "

What Fiona said was mainly the orcs on the side of the Rennes Empire. The new era has arrived. They are now in a very delicate position, that is, they have not fully integrated into the Illus Empire, and have not completely separated themselves, but are attached to On the side of the Illus Empire, it seems to be waiting for an opportunity-of course not the opportunity to annex the Illus Empire, but to find an opportunity to persuade itself to completely merge and merge with the human kingdom.

Now, a war against demons may be a good opportunity.

Tastro's attitude was ambiguous. Ambiguous and subtle. He wanted to make the Rennes empire strong and prosperous, but he did not want to abandon his current ruler status. Of course, Tang En couldn't allow this to happen. Therefore, now it is necessary to further strengthen the propaganda work so that the orcs of the Rennes Empire can see that only under the leadership of Tang En can the world move towards a stronger and more glorious future.

After listening to Elsa's report, Tang En followed her to the base in Bone Stone Forest. At this moment, the logistics team has deployed several sub-bases here using new technology, less than 50 kilometers away from each other. At the same time, With each sub-base as the center, there are also many observation towers radiated to the surroundings-to be precise, surveillance cameras, or reconnaissance drones, any way, the principle is to use eagle eye and Austria The combined effect of the Eye of Surgery is transmitted to the artificial soul quantum computer that is transmitted back to the command center through the magic energy network, so that they can sit in the command center and control the surrounding situation in real time.

After all, even if they have "asylum" protection, their continuous combat activities outside are also very limited, so when there is nothing usually, it is best to stay in the combat base.

"You have worked hard."

Tang En greeted the soldiers on duty, and then he said, "After I set up a teleportation here, you can relax a bit."

Although the soldiers could not go back and forth at any time with the teleportation array, at least they could quickly transport a large amount of supplies from Ellington. In an emergency, they also had a place to retreat, so that they would relax a lot during the battle.

The teleportation array they used before when they came to Purgatory Abyss is now used as a backup teleportation point. The distance there is not far from the blood battlefield. When the next step is to advance to the battlefield, two teleportations can be used. The links between the formations were shifted quickly.

Not only these two teleportation formations, Tang En's next goal is to spread the teleportation formations to each of the iconic locations in Purgatory Abyss, like Prandall, and form a convenient transmission network here, so that soldiers can Support wherever you need it.

After all, the average strength of the human vanguard is only gold. They are not able to master the teleportation spell for the time being, so they can only use the teleport array.

While setting up a teleportation array, Tang En was also pondering this issue. Now his soldiers have a very obvious contradiction, which is the contradiction between the increasing demand for combat and their slow-growing strength.

In a battlefield like this, the gold-level strength is obviously not enough to allow human vanguards to take advantage of the demons, but it is better to develop a large number of weapons and equipment in Tang En. Using these weapons, the human vanguards can defeat those demons.

However, the weapons and equipment developed today cannot completely replace individual powers, such as the spells of level 7 and above mastered by high-end combat power. Once they hit the human vanguard, I am afraid that even the matrix defense module cannot guarantee their safety.

The power that individuals can master is naturally the best, but if they are not capable, then Tang En will find a way to solve these problems from another angle.

"The teleportation array has been arranged, and the space coordinates have been corrected. The teleportation array at the command center has been connected. Depp and they can teleport at any time."

Tang En told Locke: "But the space environment in Purgatory Abyss is very unstable, so the teleportation array is not omnipotent. If not necessary, you should try to use the teleportation array as little as possible. This thing may need to be recalibrated every other week. . "

Locke nodded. "I see."

"I've let the demons project the tower to start filming publicity videos to promote what you have done here in Purgatory Abyss. You are now heroes of Prandall, so let me tell you, don't be discouraged."

After a pause, Tang En continued: "In addition, I am leading the research of some new theories. If the research is successful, you can update the equipment again, and your combat effectiveness can be improved again. You can look forward to it."

Equipment can be updated again! ?

As soon as they heard Locke, their eyes flashed: "Can you tell us in advance what aspect it is !?"

Tang En smiled and said, "It's about magic."

Locke's spirit refreshed, and in just one sentence, he roughly guessed what Tang En's thought.

They have just been equipped with high-energy ray guns. This kind of weapon that returns magic to its original performance on the battlefield is very good. In this case, Tang En will certainly not go back to the path to simulate the effects of spells.

But he said now that it is related to magic, then the answer is obvious. It must be those spells that can assist in combat. The new equipment should be similar to the magic pistol, but the function should be more powerful.

Then Tang En returned to Ellington, and continued to dig into the Energy Engineering Institute.

As time passed, more than half a month passed. After entering the month of life, the temperature began to rise rapidly, and it was summer in an instant. At this time, the people in all regions of Prandall seemed to have gradually adapted to their present life. .

Ordinary families have become accustomed to watching magic TV to obtain weather information and news, and this month, the battles in Purgatory Abyss have been continuously broadcast, and finally supporters of conspiracy theories have shut up. It can be seen by individuals. Many of the pictures are indeed cut out from the abyss of purgatory. It is what happened just now, not a fabricated lie.

The effect of controlling public opinion through magic TV is very obvious and effective, and Aurelia also likes this tool more and more.

At the same time, home-made artificial soul quantum computers have gradually begun to ship. Due to the characteristics of artificial soul quantum computers, these computers basically have no distinction in terms of their performance, only the level of the artificial soul implanted in them. The high-level artificial soul can almost be used as an all-around assistant to help work and manage family finances, while the low-level artificial soul intelligently implements some simple auxiliary functions. The main thing is probably to assist in entering text and instructions-after all Tang Enke didn't run any computer training courses, and no one taught them how to input words.

Fortunately, the artificial soul quantum computer is very special. As soon as it is started, various operations can be realized through the artificial soul. This is much stronger than the electronic computer on the earth.

The launch of the home-based artificial soul quantum computer has once again caused a huge shock in society-until now, the enthusiasm caused by Datang Internet Cafes has not faded away. Internet cafes are still a place that many people are crazy about, but now As soon as I heard that I can buy an artificial soul quantum computer by myself, the Datang Chamber of Commerce shop was suddenly crowded again. When I could buy it, I waved banknotes and hugged my artificial soul quantum computer. If I did n’t buy it, it was red. Keep an eye on the next order ...

The enthusiasm caused by the artificial soul quantum computer will probably not subside for a long time in the future, and it may even be more heated.

Because, as Tang En tilts his resources, the resources on the Magic Network have become richer and more attractive.

In the next step, the popularity of the Magic Network will connect the entire Prandall, and the Internet will become one of the main forces driving this social progress.

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