Things from Another World

Chapter 1314: Oscar's decision, Ronentante's future

"... Magic phone ... Magic car ... Internet cafe ..."

Oscar rubbed his head, feeling very painful: "What artificial soul quantum computer has popped up now ... why suddenly we feel like they live in two worlds?"

The following minister immediately began to comfort Oscar: "Your Majesty, please don't be fooled, we also have our own unique culture ..."

Even if they are very clear, now that the Illus Empire has completely risen, it is completely different from the past, but they are still insisting on their dignity and are not willing to bow to the Illus Empire.

"Don't be arrogant? You talk about it. What unique culture do we have at Roninet that can make those two countries in the north fold for us?"

Oscar was almost euphoric: "Look at the report sent back before! Do you still understand ?! The world has changed! While we are still comforting ourselves that we have at least wealth, we have been far away from us You get rid of it, do you understand !? The development of magic energy technology is the future! Tang En holds the future! "

"But, Your Majesty," said another Minister cautiously, "he is your brother-in-law, so ..."

Brother-in-law! Yes! What is so special about my brother-in-law!

Oscar's intrigued head jumped: "I don't need to remind me to remember it!"

What about brother-in-law! ?

At the national level, what will he save himself? impossible!

See what has happened since the construction of the free trade zone was completed and put into use!

A large number of the cheap and expensive goods of the Irurus Empire flowed into Ronitan through the free trade zone. Just in the past six months, a huge trade deficit has formed. Empire of Sri Lanka, if there is not a concealer cloth for Star Diamond Bank, continue this way, the Kingdom of Roninante will be completely empty!

Even more embarrassing is that the Illus Empire has adopted a policy of restricting exports for new products. Its name is insufficient, so it does not consider foreign markets for the time being!

This is pure nonsense!

——Because of reliable information, the artificial soul quantum computer has been sold in the new Burkeso of the Rennes Empire!

Tang En clearly knows that he is intentionally restricting the export of goods from Ronitan.

It is precisely for this reason that the magic phones, magic cars, and artificial soul quantum computers that are extremely popular throughout Prendall are a completely strange concept on Ronentete-no products are sold to you. !!

Oscar is very annoyed, but annoyed is useless, Tang En's meaning is clear, and now it is clear that you are disgusting you-you are not returning? It's okay, I don't sell good things to you, what complaints does your people have that you settle yourself and have nothing to do with me?

When the domestic public opinion begins to turn and tends to return to the Illus Empire, he will nod his head at that time, I am afraid that his face will not look very good-after all, the decisions he made, and the citizens, the public opinion The decision made by the abduction is entirely two concepts.


Oscar slaps him on the chair with a slap, grieving: "Hateful Don! Not only has he snatched my lovely Olina, but also used such despicable means to force me! Damn!"

Queen Hikarin next to her smiled bitterly and didn't hear it.


The ministers shivered and pretended not to hear anything.

Duke Cromwell broke the silence: "Your Majesty, the situation is very bad now ... According to information from Illus, Down is organizing soldiers to resist the invasion of demons, and now he is attacking directly He has entered the abyss of purgatory, and now his reputation is just like that of Zhongtian Tian. Even many citizens in our country adore him very much. If we are against him, I am afraid ... "

"Duke Cromwell, I know exactly what you said."

Oscar sighed and said, "The stronger Illus is, the more embarrassing our position ..."

Oscar wanted to roar: what can I do? I'm desperate too!

These ministers are actually okay. As long as their cheeks are thick and hearty, they can leave Ronentante and take refuge in the Illus Empire, but what can he do as a king?

Why is he being forced to step down now?

Oscar can't wait to have Olena come over with a sword and point his head, forcing him to return to Illuth with Ronentante at once-so he still has a step to go down.

But Tang En left him here no matter what, as if he had forgotten that there was the Kingdom of Ronentante, which made him very upset.

The powerful functions of the artificial soul quantum computer. He already knew from Olina's call. He even knew the magic network based on the magic phone and the artificial soul quantum computer. He also registered with the magic phone in his hand. Logging on to the Magic Network, it is for this reason that he is the one with the best information among these people present-he has also become a bit addicted to the Internet recently.

Everyone has already achieved such advanced and advanced communication technology. What about us? Actually sending a letter! Sending a letter!

Even the number of airship trips to Ronentante is less than half that of other places!

The official reason is that there are too few travelers to Ronentante.

In the face of such obvious discrimination, what can he do?

Oscar is really desperate!

"Why not ..."

One minister said cautiously, "Let's just ... come back ..."

There was a moment of silence all over the throne.

"... Let's meet up."

As soon as this sentence came out, Oscar knew that people's hearts were gone.

Looking at the empty throne, Queen Hikarin sighed: "If you are tired, don't stick with it ..."

After Oscar was silent for a moment, he smiled bitterly: "I don't want to hold on anymore ... but I still can't let this face down and don't want to bow my head to that man."

"Maybe it's because he knows you can't bow your head, so you never mention it?"

"Of course it is possible."

Oscar said: "But he won't let us continue. According to the current development of Illus, Ronentante's return is sooner or later. Either I take the initiative to return or the citizens force me to return with a sword. "

Compared to the second option, Oscar would of course prefer the first option.

Hikarin could not help asking: "Is there really such a big gap?"


Oscar shook her head. As soon as Hikarin was happy, he heard Oscar say, "The gap is bigger than you think."

Suddenly Hikarin's heart was cold and cool: "Really?"

"The economic gap is only superficial. The bigger gap is the support of military and people's public opinion."

Oscar took out the magic phone, logged in to the magic network and opened a forum page for Hikarin to see: "This is a forum on the magic network, where you can speak freely. It is written by netizens in Tiannanhaibei. You can Take a look. "

Hikarin just looked at it casually, and then she was silent.

The reason is very simple, because the messages on the forum are almost all in support of Tang En's rule and support for the vanguard. From the plain and plain language, they are full of blessings.

After browsing for a while, Hikarin also had the desire to speak. She couldn't help but want to participate, but when she learned to enter the text and was ready to send, she found that she was not qualified to speak.

"what happened?"

Oscar's black line: "It's banned."

"Ah? Why?"

Thinking of this, Oscar gritted his teeth furiously: "I posted on the forum last night, and someone asked me who I was, and I said I was Tang En's sister-in-law, and then I was reported. God, this is the first day. "

Hikarin: "..."

After Hickalin comforted him a bit, Oscar finally took it easy and said, "Did you see that? This magic network can connect all those who possess these magic phones and artificial soul quantum computers. No matter where he is in Prandall, he can know the news from afar. For example, I can now know the news of New Burkeso in Nanila. Do you understand what this means? "

"Getting information easier?"

"That's just one part of it."

Oscar said: "The acceleration of the flow of information means that the entire society will run faster, and we now have no ability to participate, which means that if we cannot keep up with each other, we will be thrown away. The farther away! The gap is getting bigger! "

After all, Oscar is a visionary king. He sees far more than anyone else. It can be said that with the launch of these products by Ron Downt, Ronitan's return has become a foregone conclusion. It is only a matter of time.

If you return early, you may still get a good position. If you return late, you may only get the identity of a Xiaoyao to support the elderly.

Oscar has actually made a decision, but now I have no idea to announce it.

In the end, it was Oscar's last battle with the Demon Vanguard.

This time, the images of the human vanguard and the devil fighting from the Demon Network further strengthened his thinking.

Tang En is indeed a king dedicated to the future of the entire Prandall.

He is better and more qualified than himself.



Oscar said slowly: "Tomorrow, I want to announce something through your father, Duke Cromwell ..."

"Is it ..."

"Yeah ..."

Oscar said helplessly: "It doesn't make much sense for us to continue ..."

"It's time for Ronetant to return."

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