Things from Another World

Chapter 1315: Mathematical models for building spells

How the magical power was born at the beginning is no longer valid. According to Otinija, it should be that after the creation of this generation of the gods, the gods actively guided the ancestors of the Prandall nations according to the energy environment here. They have it.

Tang En is a soul from the earth. He has become accustomed to using scientific and logical thinking to think about all issues. In addition, the magical power he possesses is directly poured into his body by the gods. He has never passed by himself. He learned it, so it was difficult for him to understand how complicated the power of magic was.

He only knew that magic was also a way of using energy, and it was a decaying form of higher energy.

It was precisely this unfamiliarity that gave birth to his various ideas.

A long time ago, Tang En has developed a magic weapon such as a magic pistol, which is similar to a magic wand, but more convenient and more powerful than a magic wand.

The magic pistol is realized based on the magic array trigger technology. The magic model is converted into a magic array, and then the magic metal is used as a base plate to form a stable and efficient path. Then the external magic such as magic crystal is used to realize the release of the spell.

So Tang En fell into a doubt.

Since the original complex spell release process can be implemented using a more intuitive and logical magic array, can you go further, further refine the magic array, and describe each step with an accurate mathematical formula? Can magic be done mathematically?

If you can, can you prove that you can control all kinds of magic through mathematical means?

Even legendary spells that were difficult to control?

Use mathematical methods to explain the composition of magic, and then use the characteristics of the artificial soul quantum computer to simulate this complex mathematical formula. If it can be calculated successfully, it means that magic can have a more scientific release method, and the impact is too great. Far-reaching.

This method can even be used to drive more powerful psionic energy in the future, and it is not a dream to create a spacecraft that can sail between stars.

Not only that, if the artificial soul quantum computer can really simulate human beings and release spells mathematically, it means that Tang En can make the entire spell formula public and let everyone master it.

He can even connect artificial soul quantum computers scattered in Prendall through the network, simulate the entire Prendall into a magic pool, and form an artificial intelligence magic net spread in Prendall, and then he can encapsulate the spell formula into an APP , Remotely update to all users' mobile phones, and as long as it is within the coverage of this artificial intelligence magic net, they can let them enjoy the refreshment of the spell "put it at one point"!

If this is really possible, it is almost equivalent to achieving such an impossible thing as the universal incarnation magician!

What's even better is that these people's release spells are released through props, just like magic pistols, which are effective on chaotic creatures and will not have a copy effect!

If Tang En's theory comes true, then the role of releasing these spells is not so much the people who use the props as the artificial magic net that covers the entire Prandall, more precisely, all artificial soul quantum computers!

Without the mental power fluctuation when the user releases the spell, the characteristics of the chaotic creatures will not be triggered, causing them to become stronger.

From another perspective, this is equivalent to the perfect realization of Tang En's idea of ​​being a soldier.

The premise is that this idea can be realized.

After listening to Tang En's idea, Jean and others were instantly shocked to heaven, and they were all deeply impressed by Tang En's brain.

So under the leadership of Tang En, legendary powerhouses such as Jean and Angus, as well as other master-level magicians, have hardly closed their eyes recently, and everyone is dedicating their own power to this idea. Only after intense brainstorming did this whimsical idea be perfected.

To simulate a spell mathematically, the most difficult place is that Prandall's current mathematical technology is still very backward, and it is difficult to accurately describe the movement of elements. Many places rely on Croto for their brainstorming, even in the database of prehistoric civilizations. The theories found in the query are used as technical support.

But in the end, these people actually simulated a simple fireball spell model mathematically in the artificial soul quantum computer Eve!

Magic Energy Engineering Research Institute, Artificial Soul Quantum Computer Research Center.

Tang En and others are standing next to Eve, quietly watching the calculation process on the screen. The simulation test has passed. Now the test is whether Eve can use the magic crystal in the special energy module to fire the fireball. Surgery is released.

"Do you say it will succeed?"

Rao is Yustissa. When she first heard this idea proposed by Tang En, she was also speechless. The research on artificial souls by the Einzbelen family was already bold enough, but compared with Tang En, But it was a bit dwarfed.

What this guy has to do now is almost like subverting the entire Prandall, and going out will definitely be regarded as a lunatic by everyone.

It is whimsical to use mathematics to explain and repeat the release process of the spell!

——But Yustissa also has to say that Tang En is really a genius. If it can be realized by him, then the future of Prendall will be completely changed in an instant, and he will run directly in an unknown direction. go with.

The expression on Tang En's face seemed very relaxed, but I am afraid that only he knows how nervous he is now, because the current calculation test is related to the follow-up operations and the future development of Prendall.

"In theory, it should be successful."

Tang En said slowly: "After all, we have calculated all the factors that can be considered in the release of fireball. The simulation algorithm has also passed the test. Eve can also successfully use the magic crystal. Now it depends on whether the actual calculation can It worked. "

"Success ... it must succeed ..."

Gene murmured to himself that, if successful, they would become great men who would completely change Prandall!

No matter how powerful a person is, there is an end, but if everyone can use the spell, even if one person smashes it, even the most powerful demon will die instantly-from a certain point of view, the number is To some extent, it can really crush the quality.

Even if the chaotic army comes again, it will be drowned in the vast ocean of the people!

Not far away, Fiona whispered to Otinija, "Don't you stop them from doing this?"

Otiniya shook her head and said lightly: "We just created life, which does not mean we have to teach them how to survive and develop. Observing the myriad possibilities of life is also the meaning of our survival. This time Tang En's The approach is the same. Although it sounds whimsical, if you think about it, it is not unreasonable, and it may be successful. "

In fact, Otinija is also very interested in this project conceived by Tang En. If he can really succeed, then there is no doubt that he opened a period of history in Prendall and found a possibility.

At first it may only be able to simulate low-level spells such as fireball, but with subsequent development, it is likely that other spells will also be successfully simulated.

This is actually a process of learning and mastering the energy control of a living body. In the beginning, they simply used the original method. When they found a more efficient method, they naturally learned and improved.

Only Eutinia who was present knew that Tang En's idea was actually feasible. Mathematics could explain everything in the world. If mathematics could not explain it, it could only be said that the accumulated knowledge was not enough.

Now they can successfully simulate the first spell, which is equivalent to a good start.


Otiniya sighed silently. Although she didn't speak, she knew very well that if there were no accidents in this experiment, they would definitely fail.

No reason for him.

It is simply because the knowledge of Prendall ’s current generation of civilization is not enough, especially mathematical knowledge.

Because of the development of magical civilizations, in the basic disciplines of mathematics, these civilizations are far behind, and only the dwarf has studied it.

Now that they have deciphered the database of prehistoric civilizations, they still have some time to fully absorb their knowledge.

Eve, who was working on the formula all at once, suddenly said: "The calculation failed ... the operation was terminated ... the error correction program was started ... the error code was excluded ..."

How did it fail?

With a look of anticipation, Jean, Klotto and others suddenly stopped, and a kind of unspeakable complex emotions came to mind.

Obviously looking forward to it, working so hard, but still failing?

Oh, think about it too. It is too whimsical to simulate the release process of spells mathematically ...

Looking at Tang En's unusual disappointment, after Otinia hesitated, she silently stretched out her fingers, and an invisible information flow merged into Eve, directly modifying the internal mathematical calculation formula directly.

The others were unaware, but Tang En was sensitive. She felt something, and turned her head to look at Otinia instantly.

Otiniya looked at him blankly, then slowly retracted her fingers and nodded at him.

At this time, Eve's voice sounded again: "——The calculation formula has been re-optimized ... The record has been saved, please confirm the formula to confirm whether to restart the calculation."

"Confirm the formula."

Croto called up a complicated calculation formula and started to check it. After a while, he suddenly hesitated: "Ah? Is this the formula here? Why don't I remember ..."

Tang En glanced at Otiniya again, but received only one back.

What a proud goddess!

Can't be frank!

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