Things from Another World

Chapter 1316: Traditional Mage and New Mage

"Although I don't know why the formula suddenly changed, it is clear that this new formula is closer to the real situation than our previous formula."

Croto did not know what magic was, but he was able to see the rationality of the formula from the perspective of one of the sharpest engineers of our time. From his perspective, the new formula was more than what they wrote at the beginning. The description formula should be concise and accurate.

"There is no need to think too much. Now that we have determined that the new formula is more accurate and reliable, let's start experimenting."

Tang En directly distracted them. If they were allowed to guess, I'm afraid this experiment would not have to be done.

Jean seemed to have guessed something, and invariably glanced at Otinia, who was watching the comics by the side, then silently retracted her gaze.

If anyone present was able to do this, I'm afraid it's only Otiniya-and she usually has no interest in the research on the Magic Energy Engineering Research Institute, but today she suddenly took the initiative to follow her. It must be Because she had foreseen the failure before?

However, Jean and them did not say anything, just like Tang En, just watching Silently restart the calculation process.

The complicated data flowed from the screen line by line, which brought a strange illusion to Tang En, and he seemed to suddenly return to the earth and watch some programmers and Daniels debug there.

However, in fact standing beside him were only a few magicians who possessed extraordinary powers, as well as several dwarves and dwarfs with a height of 1.2 meters.

No matter how you look at this style of painting, it's a bit strange.

Suddenly, Jean said a little excitedly: "There is a reaction! I can feel the magic crystal in the energy module has reacted! Eve is drawing the magic in the crystal-the surrounding fire elements have begun to converge!"

As Jean said, when the new formula is applied, Eve can really control the magic in the magic crystal through calculations!

After Tang En transformed the magic array into a mathematical formula to describe it, while Eve was calculating the formula, it was equivalent to singing a spell, and it was also a process of mobilizing magic.

As the calculation continued, everyone in the room watched in the air above the external interface set by Eve, a sudden magic circle of runes suddenly appeared, and the fire elements quickly gathered there to condense into one. The blazing flames then burst out and hit the target directly opposite!



Everyone in the room cheered, one by one, very excited, because today will be the moment in the annals of history!

Starting today, Prandall will officially start a new era of magical civilization!

Everyone is a magician, no longer a dream out of reach, but a reality at your fingertips!

"I didn't expect it to be successful ..."

Fiona stared dumbfounded at the black target hit by the fireball, feeling a bit sorrowful, for without her, the fireball released by Eve was more powerful than her ...

After looking up for a while, Jean raised his head and said with a little shock: "The power of this fireball technique released by Eve has reached the limit. It can be said to be the perfect fireball technique. I think even if I come to release it, I am afraid Can't be more perfect! "

This fireball even melted the target made of magic metal, which shows how terrible the temperature is.

"That's understandable."

After thinking for a while, Tang En said, "After all, Eve is an artificial soul and thinking is very simple."

Tang En's remarks were straightforward, and the problem was thoroughly analyzed.

Although humans have to work hard to be focused when casting, the human brain is difficult to be completely controlled, and they always think about something messy, even if they are already legendary Jean and Angus. In the same way, they are at best as stable as possible.

But Eve is different. It is an artificial soul. It relies on the instructions received to act. Tang En orders it to perform the calculation and casting process, then it will only do one thing.

In addition, this formula was modified by Otinia secretly. It can perfectly describe a series of changes such as the composition and launch of fireball. The computer's calculations are completely based on the formula. The formula is perfect. Eve's execution is perfect. result.

Therefore, the spell effect released by Eve can be said to be 100% of the power of fireball, and I am afraid that even Tang En can't do it.

Looking at the black target, Tang En twitched: "I always feel that if the power is further strengthened, even other spells have failed to simulate, this fireball alone is enough."

"what are you talking about!"

Excited Clotto shouted: "Although the first time failed, but the second time has succeeded, don't you know the true meaning of science! As long as you succeed once, you can succeed the second time. Three times, and even countless times!-And this success is a revelation for us. We can try to analyze other spell models by analyzing the simulation process of fireball to see what is wrong. "

Angus was also excited: "——If you can find out the problems in other spell models, it means that Eve can perfectly simulate any spell model we have built! If Eve can be released, it means other The device can also use this method to achieve the release of the spell! We can completely achieve the independence of the spell, completely turning it into a discipline that can be studied, studied and modified! "

Angus seemed to see that one day, the children of the entire Prandall learn how to analyze and create their own spells in school. They may not be magicians, but they have the ability to create new spells-and all this It's all because of the foundation they have laid now, and these basic spell models have been constructed.

At that time, ordinary magicians do n’t even need to learn complicated casting process, they just need to pick up the “staff” with a large number of built-in spell models and provide it with the magic in the body, which can release the powerful power very conveniently. Spell out.

This innovation is equivalent to freeing the magician from the heavy learning of spells, and no longer pays attention to the so-called talents, because at that time the magician only needs to strengthen his magic pool-as for casting, all Give it to the "Staff" to solve it.

"But is this really good?"

A magician whispered, "I always think weird ..."

"Yeah ... the reason why spells are so fascinating, isn't it because they can be mastered directly by us and released through our hands?"

Another magician nodded and thought deeply: "If any spell can be released by foreign equipment, we don't have to learn anything, we just need to strengthen the magic pool. I always feel like I have become an accessory, I feel a little bit strange."

"And one day, sooner or later, those people in the future will forget how the spell came, and how should humans learn how to master the casting process?"

A magician said anxiously: "It is even possible that in the future, magicians who study hard for spells and casts like us will be suppressed by those guys as heretics. If magicians using new technology are new-style wizards, we will not even Is it a traditional mage? "

The worries of these magicians are not unreasonable. The simpler the thing, the lower the threshold, the wider the popularization, and the wider the audience. When the penetration rate exceeds a certain rate, the simplified things will become the mainstream. The masses naturally began to exclude non-mainstream minorities.

At that time, the "magic" who use the new technology to cast will probably look down on the magicians who chant the casting on their own.


Because of the difference in casting speed!

After the new technology matures, how fast the operation speed is and how fast the casting speed means, this means that most of the spells can be instantaneous!

And what about magicians who rely on their own learning to chant spells? The casting speed is limited by his ability to understand, whether he has learned specialties such as instant spells, and other complex conditions ...

In combat, the faster the casting speed, the greater the advantage.

In this way, traditional mages like them will naturally die out.

Tang En said at this time: "Don't worry, traditional mages have an advantage that they can't ignore, and I'm sure that anyone with a little vision will choose to do both."


Jean raised an eyebrow: "You mean ..."

"Realm and life."

Tang En smiled and said, "Only magicians who have really learned and mastered spells will have the opportunity to touch the rules to break through the realm, and their lifespan will greatly increase. Even for a longer life, those people will not give up completely now. Learning methods, so your worries are superfluous. "

Hearing Tang En ’s words, those people think about it carefully. Although your new school of mage uses new technology, but only strengthens the magic pool without learning spells, there is no chance to understand the mysterious changes between various elements and break through the master. , The possibility of supreme and even legend is almost zero, and what about us? Although you can't beat you, the skills of these spell models are provided by our traditional mages. At worst, we can also be researchers! What's more, our research is thorough, and we can even promote the legend, greatly increase the life span, and even laugh at the generations of your new mage ...

"OK OK."

Tang En clapped his hands and attracted their attention: "The dispute between the new mages and the traditional mages has not yet arisen, there is no need to think so much. What we have to do now is to continue to study this direction and add more spells. The model was built to reach usability as soon as possible-now our soldiers are fighting in the blood of Purgatory Abyss! They need our technical support! "

"Oh oh oh !!!"

"Let's get started! Everyone is rewarded today!"

Tang En smiled and walked to the door because he saw Aurelia coming.

As soon as he got closer, he heard Fiona exclaiming in a voice, "... what !? Are you serious !?"

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