Things from Another World

Chapter 1319: Modernization of Ronentante

After having the magic energy air conditioner, in the summer, people have lacked motivation, and they like to hide in cool pubs or Internet cafes. The emergence of the magic energy network has led to the central topic of people's discussions. Colorful, not limited to the war of purgatory abyss, or the return of Roninante, Illus's unity.

The constant collision of thoughts has sparked more sparks than Tang En imagined, and this wave is more violent than before. It is almost a blink of an eye. The magic network has become indispensable in the life of the Prandall. The missing part.

In the Illus area, the magic network is like a storm, and it instantly blows into the hearts of every citizen, becoming an integral part of their lives.

People began to get used to using mobile phones or computers to log in to the Magic Network to check news, weather, and connect with family and friends on the go. Convenient application software allows them to use computers and the Magic Network to complete many complex tasks. The height of the artificial soul Intelligence can help them complete more tasks, and Tang En doesn't even need to run a computer training school, because all the computer technology has been written into the artificial soul, they can answer any questions from users at any time.

With the help of artificial souls, even people who did not understand computers at first can quickly grasp how to use computers.

Thanks to Tang En ’s push, the shipment volume of artificial soul quantum computers is increasing day by day, and the manufacturing cost is also declining. The sales price has stabilized at a fairly friendly level, only selling 4,999 gold. The salary level, this price is no longer high, coupled with Tang En's deliberately frequent activities of various names, various attractive discounts, which have further promoted the rapid popularization of artificial soul quantum computers.

The month after Ronentante's return, the hottest summer month of the year, when schools around the world began to take vacations, the development in Ronentante finally began to pick up.

This is of course because the economic strength of the Roninante region is relatively strong. In addition to the normal cooperation with the Datang Chamber of Commerce, it can also hire a lot of additional labor to help construction.

The highways that originally connected only first-tier cities in Ronentante were simply expanded to second- and third-tier cities by Oscar.

Tang En is also happy about this. After all, the economy of this area is already very developed, and convenient transportation can expand this advantage.

Then the airship route was also greatly expanded. Construction work on the aviation towers of multiple cities was started simultaneously, and the flights to Nanila gradually improved to a normal level.

The magic car was finally lifted, and it was able to enter the market in the Roninante area, receiving praise from these local tyrants-unfortunately their driving license policy has been criticized by them.

The original free trade zone, due to the peaceful integration of the two countries, has now become a special economic development zone and a very active place for various chambers of commerce. Over time, it will definitely develop into a port city no less than the port city of Fira Another bustling business capital.

Then it was the magical mobile phones that made those who were jealous of Ronentante appeared in Ronentante's market. Once sold, it was immediately sought after.

In the period when the Magic Phone was released in limited quantities, only those in the Illus area were eligible to buy or make reservations. The residents of Roninant only stared.

Later, the businessmen who had the magic cell phone communicated with each other by deepening the relationship between each other. The business became more and more prosperous, and the merchants on the Ronente side fell into an awkward situation in the rain. Without the magic cell phone, there was no Ways to join their news channels, all business opportunities were snatched by them.

This difference between before and after made the merchants here at Ronente deeply aware of the importance of the magic phone.

Time is money, information is money, and magic phone is the perfect combination of time and information.

Therefore, as soon as the Magic phone was launched in Ronentante, it was madly sought after, and it was sold as much as possible.

The businessmen are all crazy.

What makes them crazy is the artificial soul quantum computer.

Any businessman knows how troublesome it is to keep accounts when doing business. In addition to accounting, there are various tedious things such as statistics, monthly reports, salary calculations, etc. If there is no artificial soul quantum computer, These things need to be calculated by hand, and it takes a long time to calculate, which is a waste of manpower and material resources and a drag on efficiency.

But now, with the artificial soul quantum computer, through the office software in the computer system, all kinds of data can be calculated by the computer, which is faster than the human hand. I know it is the boss of the chamber of commerce. Saved how much time and human resources.

The emergence of artificial soul quantum computers has greatly reduced the mental activities of those businessmen. After liberating them, more energy can be focused on how to innovate, how to increase product competitiveness, how to expand the market

It can be said that in the eyes of those businessmen, the artificial soul quantum computer is even more important than the magic cell phone.

Although some of the two functions overlap, convenience and functionality are incomparable. One wins in portability and one wins in function. They are indispensable and important helpers. They are loved by Ronaldant's business people. Can't extricate themselves.

Because of the release of these new products, the market of Roninante changed for a while, and the price of goods was almost a day. It also made the residents here very uncomfortable. After integration with Illus, Roninant Prices in the special areas have risen and fallen, which has a great impact on the quality of life of residents. Fortunately, Fiona and Aurelia have quickly made a response plan, and a large number of living materials and new products have been continuously delivered to Romania. The Netant area quickly stabilized the prices here, and the complaints of the people disappeared quickly.

However, when the people of Ronentrant welcomed the artificial soul quantum computer to enter the Ronentant market, and they could finally enter the magic network to experience another world, they found that it was only later than Illus After a few months, they could not keep up with the rhythm of the old networms ...

However, this did not hinder their enthusiasm for surfing the Internet. Datang Internet cafes opened all over Ronentante immediately afterwards, making the number of Internet users once again show explosive growth. Looking at the entire Prandall, just a few In one month, the number of registered Internet users has occupied one fifth of the population, more than 100 million people, and the greetings of people have quietly changed greatly. Many greetings have become greetings on the Internet. Written language, and even people's daily habits have changed dramatically.

Many people have not even noticed the process of this change, they have accepted the new lifestyle.

Aurelia was surprised when she saw the comprehensive research report on the magic energy network presented.

Although Tang En said at the beginning that the birth of the Magic Network would definitely change the society, and Aurelia didn't doubt his words at all, but she did not expect that everything would happen so quickly!

"Is the statistics reliable this time?"

Aurelia looked to the secretary in front of her. Under the advice of Tang En, Aurelia and Fiona both formed their own secretarial team to share the pressure of their work. Many things that are not so secret will Leave it to the secretaries, and they just need to make the final decision themselves.

After really starting to use the secretary to handle the sundries, Alleria found that it was really easy to use, at least her stress was significantly reduced.

"Previously in the Illus area, because no preparation was made in advance, a lot of data was not collected, and the statistics were a bit inadequate."

Secretary Miquel sat opposite Aurelia and said meticulously: "But this time we entered the market in the Ronente region with the magic cell phone and artificial soul quantum computer. Various materials in the Tante area. We have very clearly recorded how great the changes in the lives of residents in the area before and after the entrance of the Magic Network.

Miquel said: "The Magic Network is not just a tool, it is also a channel. It is a bridge that connects everyone. It integrates all people's thinking together and creates a fierce collision between each other's ideas. The collision of thoughts is the most wonderful. Many whimsical thoughts occur during these processes, just like the various network terms created on the magic network now. You never know what will happen in the next moment on the network. Something new. "

"And this fresh information is the focus of attracting people to continue to pay attention to the magic energy network ... This is particularly evident in the Roniant area, especially the merchants in the Roniant area. They have a lot of information Being more sensitive will also pay more attention to the changes in the Magic Network. "

"And according to statistics, the top three applications of artificial soul quantum computers registered in the Roninante area are the form processing tools, document processing tools, and instant messaging tools, which are slightly different from the Illus area. This may be due to the high proportion of merchants among the residents of Ronitante. "

"Beside this there is……"

Listening to Miquel's report, Alleria couldn't help but think of the ideas that Tang En had mentioned in the past few days.

If we follow the current development speed, I am afraid that the days of a magic cell phone will not be too far away, and the artificial soul quantum computer will further penetrate into each family and become a necessary product.

If Tang En's plan is really successful, at that time, I am afraid that it can really be a soldier for all ...

The key is whether Tang En can really succeed.

And now, Tang En's ...

Still in the Magic Engineering Institute, he is busy building mathematical models of various spells, and then conducting simulation tests to find loopholes.

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