Things from Another World

Chapter 1320: The idea of ​​otaku

With the success of the first test, the focus of Down, Jean, and Angus has begun to shift. The previous research work has been delegated to those deputies, and they have concentrated all their energy on Construct mathematical models of various spells.

Although the mathematical models of those spells were relatively simple at first, the difficulty increased exponentially with the rise of the spell class. Many spells can't even find a way to accurately describe them now. The mathematical formulas to be implemented are too much. It's complicated. With their current level of mathematics, it is difficult to achieve the desired purpose.

In order to realize Tang En's idea of ​​building an artificial intelligence magic net as soon as possible, Clotto and Yustisa, their main research subjects, have now started secondary learning. The main learning direction is mathematics.

From the database of prehistoric civilizations, they have analyzed a lot of available mathematical data, especially the algorithms in those deciphered programs can also be used for reference learning, so they are also quite busy recently.

Busy Tang En didn't even have time to accompany Elijah and Winnett, not to mention that he has been avoiding Aegwynn for a while.

Since the last time Isari suddenly gave him that time, Aegwynn has always been fascinated. Even if she saw Tang En, it disappeared quickly. She seemed to concentrate all her energy on destruction. On top of the chaotic creatures, Man Man's search for the door of chaos, even asked Jean to share her observations of the Xingyue Tower-she seems to want to use the battle to distract her, Free yourself from that strange feeling.

Tang En also knows that this is his own mistake, so even if he is full of entanglement, he still did not take the initiative to find Aegwynn. Instead, he focused on continuing to study the mathematical model of spells in an attempt to create an artificial intelligence magic net as soon as possible. Increase the probability of winning in the final battle.

Isali came to Tang En again a few times. Naturally, she did n’t need to say anything. When the two were still warm, Isari even patted her chest. Assured Tang En to be able to convince Iger Wen, let her feel wronged for the future of the elves. Tang En heard that she was wronged with her, and of course it was impossible to spare her ...

Time is passing by so slowly, everyone in this world is busy with what they should do, and no one is idle ...

Except for the bear kids who have been on summer vacation.

Because he has been busy building a spell model, Tang En has been negligent in treating Elijah and Winnett, not even knowing that someone is now about to become a cyber-addicted girl.

"Mom! You don't do anything, you know to be online!"

Wearing an apron, Winet was mopping the floor while voicing Elijah. After more than half a year of growth, now she has become a pretty young girl, looking about the same size as Elsa now , A lot bigger than Ilia, but due to habitual problems, she still yells at her mother one by one.

Every time Tang En sees Winnet yelling Elijah's mother, she feels awkward and contradictory in his heart-he always feels that the relationship between the two should be reversed to be normal.

——After all, Elijah is getting longer and more crooked now. She has no loveliness when she was a child. She has a tendency to develop towards a house girl.

This tendency became more serious after the emergence and popularity of the magic network.

The information and resources on the Magic Network are too rich (relative to the previous ones), so it is too easy to find something, chat with strangers, or find like-minded friends, which leads to After the holiday, Ilia turned into an abandoned housewife in an instant.

In fact, it ’s not just her. Even the other students in the school are in a similar situation now – because Ellington ’s situation is special, the per capita income is now the top in the whole of Prandall. Buy a home-made artificial soul quantum computer. It is really not a problem, coupled with the blind worship and trust of Earlton residents for Tang En, so the new product will be sought after almost the launch, so the popularity of artificial soul quantum computers here is quite high, almost Counting is one per household.

This means that in Ellington, the number of Internet users can be counted as the most dense.

After the students in the school mastered how to use the artificial soul quantum computer, they immediately activated cloud chat, exchanged their identification codes, and started chatting on the Internet.

It's not much to brag about each other online, and now they have started to take advantage of the features of cloud chat and share the homework answers at home-I have to say that in the application of new product ideas, children are always full of ideas ...

"Who said I didn't do anything? I didn't finish my homework."

Ilya waved her hands lazily, and the lazy look was a mature one. Where is the woman's performance, like the innocent and lovely little girl before?

However, Vinnet did not know the situation after all. She ignored all the performances of Elijah. She only knew that her mother was lazy to the extreme. If it wasn't for Dad's return, she would even change her clothes ...

"You're done? That's clear!"

Winnet was so helpless, why did her mother look like this?

——After all, do the mothers of other students in the class have their own jobs? Only my mother is the same age as myself ...

Winnett's memory is still blocked, and she still doesn't know how special she is. Of course, she won't know how special Eliya is.

For the sake of confidentiality, Elijah now only Otiya knows that she is fully awake in the whole world, and she does n’t even know Vinnett. She usually acts in full accordance with the action guides provided by Otiya. She is a normal adolescent woman.

——However, the innocent Elijah didn't know that Otiniya had a bad taste at the time. The information provided to her was not the living habits of ordinary girls here in Prandall, but information from another world ...

So it's not difficult to explain why Tang En's immediate sense of seeing Elijah has become stronger recently-otaku, even if you haven't seen it before ...

"Is there any difference?"

Winette exclaimed, "It doesn't make sense to do your homework!"

Ilia said lazily: "Anyway, the homework will be handed in anyway. I understand all the questions asked by Pamela. It makes no difference."

Anyway, she is a goddess. How could this superficial knowledge be difficult for her? She was just lazy to think about those issues.

Winette sighed and gave up her plans to persuade her.

She knew very well that the only ones who could persuade her mother were grandparents (Abburton and Clara) or dad (Town).

Just then, Tang En, who had been busy for a day, finally returned home.

After seeing Tang En enter the door tiredly, Ilya, who had been lying there browsing the webpage, immediately jumped up, grabbed the broom from Winnett, waved it pretending, and shouted exaggeratedly. : "Ah! Dear, you are finally back! Do you want to take a shower first? Or do you want to eat first? Or you say ... want to eat me first?"

Tang En bounced a bit on her mind: "Okay, don't learn, always learn these messy things!"

Elijah smirked, anyway, he did not refute the title "dear" is enough.

The next Winnet held her arms cold and watched, her apron had not been removed.

Tang En took the broom from Elijah and sighed, "Vinette, you worked hard."

"It's okay, Dad."

Winnet suddenly smiled happily: "You worked hard too."

The two looked at each other and sighed in unison. Tang En's feelings were particularly obvious. How could the cute and cute Yelia suddenly change her style and become such a girl who likes to sneak and play? And still a house girl!

You have to know the ten house nine rot!

too terrifying!

Worried Tang En felt that it was time for her to find something to do, or after Ms. Di ’s memory was fully awakened, she found that when she lost her memory, she turned into a horrible creature like a rot girl, I'm afraid Ilia All my anger will be poured on my head ...

……what? She might not be angry about that kind of thing? Is it even more terrible?

I glanced at the room and sighed again. It was really embarrassing for Winnet. It was indeed a little angel. It was really embarrassing to be able to take care of this lord's house.

After Tang En returned to the room, Tang En was in bed and began to think hard about how to solve the problem of Internet addiction.

As the saying goes, it ’s better to be blocked. If you blindly prevent students from going online, they may be more enthusiastic about going online, and they will look for various means to go online. It ’s certainly not useful to formulate rules for this purpose. Broken, there will always be people drilling holes.

Therefore, it is better to let go of the restrictions directly, or to take the initiative to guide them on how to properly use the magic network.

After Tang En pondered for a moment, a sudden flash of light came to his mind, and a good idea came to mind.

Since preventing them from going online is not feasible, then make the most of their interest in the Magic Network to allow them to absorb more knowledge and become the talents they want to become in the game!

Since you like the internet so much ... I'll help you.

Tang En smiled insidiously.

Maybe ... you guys like online games.

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