Things from Another World

Chapter 1321: New era of online games

Magic Energy Engineering Research Institute.

Yustissa looked at Tang En in amazement, wondering what the "online game" he said suddenly was.

"So, it is to simulate a virtual world on an artificial soul quantum computer, and then let the users of the computer take risks in it and experience another kind of life."

Tang En searched his intestines and scratched his belly, and finally found a more accurate description to explain the meaning of online games and Yusiti Sa.

Yustissa seemed to understand: "In fact, it's just like watching TV and animation, it's a means of entertainment, right?"

"You can understand that."

"But we're busy building a spell model now. How can we free it up?"

Yustisa couldn't understand why Tang En suddenly had this idea. Now the main researchers of the Magic Energy Engineering Research Institute are busy building mathematical models of spells, and have no time to make any online games.

What's more, entertainment as such is meaningless, it will only make people lose their desire to struggle and immerse themselves in the virtual world.

"Since I'm going to do this online game, of course it can't be an ordinary online game."

Ordinary traditional online games for ordinary user interfaces have no meaning to Tang En. What he has to do is the kind of virtual reality game that will only appear after a certain degree of technological development!

The world where Prendall lives is very special. Human beings have souls. Therefore, it is much simpler to realize immersive virtual reality in this world than on the earth where he lives. Consciousness enters a designated place.

Either a virtual world like a dream, or a semi-planar space of purely spiritual activity, or a digital world that exists purely inside an artificial soul ... this is all possible.

And Tang En is to take advantage of this unique advantage.

Tang En said with a smile: "Because I suddenly thought of a great idea ... and it doesn't conflict with what we are doing now."

Hustissa froze, does not conflict with what she is doing now? What do you mean?

Tang En said: "The mathematical spell model we are currently constructing is to enable those who do not have the ability to cast spells to be released through our equipment. At a critical moment, it can play a certain combat effectiveness and reach the lower limit of social combat effectiveness. "

Yustissa nodded and agreed with him.

"But the average combat effectiveness of our society and the upper limit of combat effectiveness also need to be improved as a whole."

Tang En spread his hands and said, "The upper limit of combat power can basically be benchmarked by dragons. Among the races of humans, elves, orcs, naga, and dwarves, that is the number of legendary strongmen.

"The number of these top powerhouses is unlikely to change significantly in a short period of time, so what we can do is increase the average combat effectiveness in the middle."

"The one who represents the main force of battle is the apocalypse."

Tang En smiled and said, "We have now increased the probability of citizens' awakening talents through Adventurer Paradise and various peripheral products with hidden God's Word runes, but this is not enough. I also think of new ways. "

"That is to use the popularity of the magic network and use online games to increase their awareness of magic."

Yustissa reluctantly said, "But you have said so much and still haven't explained how to do it."

Tang En pointed to the next door and said, "In fact, the core thing, we are doing it now."

"Mathematical spell model? What do you mean?"

Tang En explained: "Of course online games are about building a virtual world. This is not a problem for the current team of Dan Trian and Mitsuba, but of course there is no ordinary online game for us. Whatever we want to do is different from the average online game. "

"We want to embed a real casting system in the game."

Yustysa froze: "What is a true casting system?"

"The spell model we are currently building is achieved through our casting, using mathematical methods to analyze and describe changes in magic and elements. This is to allow artificial souls to understand our casting process through mathematical language."

"But we have forgotten that the artificial soul is also the soul. It can copy and record our feelings."

What Tangen talks about is the method used by the Einzbelen family in the production of alchemy puppets on the production line-let the alchemy puppets copy and learn the operations of others, and then reproduce it.

Similarly, due to the characteristics of the soul, Tang En can use divine runes to strip the feelings during the casting process and reintegrate them into the artificial soul, so that the artificial soul can directly experience the feelings during the casting process.

"What's the point of this?"


Tang En explained: "Just like the adventurer's paradise that is now running steadily, almost every month can stably produce a certain number of apocalypse for us. After long-term operation, we can gradually improve the whole Awakening of the Prrandal apocalypse Probability. "

"And we make an online game with various professions inside, especially the magician who sets various spells. I can strip my own casting process experience from my body and integrate it into Eve, and then through Eve and The corresponding spells in the game are tied together. When players use the corresponding spells, they can experience how I felt when they released the spell. "

Yustissa probably understands Tang En's thoughts: "You want to let them experience the personal experience, greatly increase the probability of players awakening the casting talents in real life, and maybe even let them master some without mastery. Spell? "

Tang En nodded with a smile: "Yes, we can implant the principle and knowledge of the spell into the game, and pass it to the players in an educational and entertaining way, so that they can master it in the process without knowing it. A lot of basic knowledge. "

When talking about it, Tang En thought about it, couldn't help but tap the table and groaned. After a while, he suddenly said, "I think of another thing. In the virtual world, we can change the time lapse rate. That is to say, if we accelerate the time ratio to an acceptable level for ordinary people, they can learn and master more knowledge in the virtual world, which can maximize the use of the precious time now. "

For a pure spiritual body, time is a subjective consciousness. If the mental activity is fast enough, the time is relatively slow, so as long as the frequency of the player's mental activity is increased, it is equivalent to increasing the time inside and outside the game. ratio.

But ordinary people ’s mental strength is very fragile. If a powerful apocalypse can withstand a time acceleration of 1: 100, ordinary people may be on the verge of collapse at 1:10.

"Do you mean that not only do players need to experience casting in online games, but also take advantage of the characteristics of online games to allow them to learn enough in the game?"

Yustisa looked at Tang En: "Master Herald ... Are you sure this is a so-called game for entertainment and relaxation? It is not a training device that squeezes human potential?"

Tang En smiled. The smile was very sunny, but in Yustisa's eyes, the smile was so insidious: "I have never said to you personally. Online games are used to relax and soothe the spirit. Ah ... it's all your own understanding. "

Yeah, who says playing games means relaxing? Obviously after playing a game, the brain has been running at a high speed, which is more tiring than fighting a battle!

"Don't you be afraid they quit playing for a day and find that their spirits have become more exhausted, and then they dare not play again?"

Yustissa is very speechless. If it is really designed according to Tang En, I am afraid that it will not be long before those enthusiastic players will be scared away. After all, after playing the game, they still have to go to work or even work in the farmland. Yes, how can you work so tired?

"Do not worry."

Tang En said quietly: "I am very experienced in how to attract players to hook and let them get a sense of accomplishment in the game.

A company on the earth is very good at this kind of thing, but they are for profit, so they must trick the players to keep charging to become stronger, to get a sense of accomplishment, and to be more refreshed ... And Tang En is not doing profit now , But to promote the promotion of the whole people, so what he has to do is do the opposite-not only does not need to charge money, you come to play my game, I also give you money!

The stronger you play, the more I post! — This sounds like another routine of a pit money company.

If you can successfully awaken your talents after the game, we will also include employment package distribution!

Who wouldn't be hooked like this?

I am afraid that Tang En's headache is not that he is not hooked, but that there are too many people hooked, but it will affect the normal production of society!

Therefore, how to grasp this degree is still quite troublesome and requires their careful calculation.

But it doesn't matter. Now Fiona, Oscar, and even Riviez of Star Diamond Bank are all experts in this field. Tang En can go to them to calculate the space that can be operated inside.

Yustisa was talked by Tang Enla to discuss the plan. She is now watching Tang En feels that he is all black. Who else will be like him, no matter what is behind any project, whoever can Hang the user's place, and never miss it?

I'm afraid no one knows that the artificial soul quantum computer they bought back has a built-in copy of God's Rune?

And who knows, now that the magical mobile phones that they can't help but also have the God Word Rune constantly playing a role in it?

Godly Runes are now added to the prizes in Adventurer's Paradise, and to various peripheral products sold in the market ...

The goal is to make these people awaken talents as soon as possible and improve the average strength of the whole people.

But they never thought that even if they wanted to play a game and relax, they were all in Tang En's plan ...

Yustissa even sympathized with these humans-she felt that these humans were like white mice in the hands of Tang En, who was playing with them in the palm of her hands.

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