Things from Another World

Chapter 1322: Solve opponents first, then teammates!

After being persuaded by Tang En, Yustisa immediately arranged relevant personnel to start the corresponding development work.

Although they now have a lot of experience in program development, it is still the first time to develop this kind of "online game" that contains a lot of interaction with users and combines various rich scene content.

At the beginning of the project, I encountered a lot of problems. Because there is no experience, almost everything cannot be started. In many cases, I need to wait there for Tang En to help remind me. The development progress is very slow.

After more times, Tang En simply pulled out of the spell model project department, and specifically squeezed out a period of time to develop online games with them, after all, this is also a very important business.

With the participation of Tang En, the project development speed has suddenly increased a lot. The main reason is that his rich experience can completely prevent those programmers from many detours, plus any memory in his memory. The gaming experience is new to the indigenous peoples of this world, and it can be used and used without worrying about playing the game at all.

And here he also has the unique advantage that there is no need to pay copyright fees for game development-all the story background, all the technology, all the personnel are his, the development cost is almost zero, and the only thing that needs to be paid is the time cost. What else does he need to worry about?

The programmers of the project team first made a small project under the leadership of Tang En, and developed a small game to train their hands. Through the development of this small game, they understood the meaning of the game and the needs of users. Accumulate experience.

Just half a month after Tang En joined the team, they successfully developed the first truly playable game.

When the engineers saw that Tang En finally nodded in recognition of the results of their work, they were relieved that they could be relieved from the state of acceleration, and then they looked at each other and felt a sense of escape— —Because Tang En's requirements for them are too high, the pressure during the development process can be horrible!

But in Tang En's view, this is normal-programmers, don't use "the spur of love" to urge them to work overtime, how can they be called programmers?

However, seeing the games they developed successfully run on artificial soul quantum computers, these programmers are still quite fulfilled.

This game called "Magic Energy" is a game of magician fights. The game is not divided into camps. Each player is an independent party. After entering the game map, you can choose to alliance with other people, or you can Choosing one against everyone, it's up to you to decide how to play.

Here, each player can release dozens of built-in spells through different combinations of elements, and fight through the combination of these spells, which test the player's reaction speed and strategic mind.

The process of combining these elements is roughly the same as when the spell is released, but it takes into consideration the entertainment effect to reduce the difficulty. At the same time, all the built-in spells have been implanted with the feelings that Tang En personally released when he released the spell— -This means that each player will experience the feeling of Tang En when he uses the spells.

Although it may not be effective once or twice, they often feel the feeling. Later, when they awaken the casting talent and start to contact the spell, they will find how great the experience in this game is for them.

That's definitely more effective.

At the same time, when playing this game, because players directly enter the game world through mental power to play, they can greatly improve their ability to sense magic. After a long time in the game, their own affinity for magic It will also be greatly improved. It is very beneficial for their awakening talent. Under Tang En's design, these benefits are all linked. As long as they really have potential, they will never be wasted.

When the competitive game called "Magic Energy" led by Tang En was pushed to every networked artificial soul quantum computer through the Magic Network, people were attracted by this brand new application almost instantly-they didn't know What does online gaming mean, but at least know this is a new application.

Now that the artificial soul quantum computer has become extremely popular, any new application will attract countless users to click and use it. So, the first online game users of Prandall were born!


Jon is an ordinary worker living in Nanila. His usual work is to organize the warehouse at the Jinshi Chamber of Commerce, record the entry and exit records, and so on. When his chamber of commerce purchased an artificial soul quantum computer, he was the first Batch of contacts.

As a result of his work, he can be said to be the earliest person in Ronentante who is proficient in computer usage, and it is for this reason that he fell in love with the powerful artificial soul quantum computer.

He discovered the "magic energy" pushed by the server this morning, but was busy at that time, so he didn't start the program curiously until now he was busy.

He just executed the "Magic Energy" program, and then suddenly noticed that a strange wave suddenly came from the computer. The screen in front of him seemed to turn into a water wave, following his consciousness for a while. Flowers, they found themselves in another place.

"Gods are up! Where am I ?!"

The chamber of commerce of the Chamber of Commerce disappeared, replaced by a huge and empty square with many pillars engraved with mysterious symbols, and a huge picture floating in the sky next to it, with fierce magic Divisions are at war ...

As Jon looked at the picture in a daze, a pleasant voice suddenly came from his ears: "Welcome to the world of magic, from Nanila, Mr. Jon from the Goldstone Chamber of Commerce."

Jon paused, exclaiming, "Who is talking !?"

"I'm a magical system wizard. You can call me a system directly."

A light ball appeared in front of Jon, and after shaking it, he said, "I'm here to guide the novice how to join the fun world of 'Magic Energy'."

"Magic ... Yeah! I just opened the demo of that!"

Jon suddenly remembered what happened before: "Then I suddenly appeared here-what the **** is going on !?"

Jon was anxious. He couldn't disappear for too long. If something happened in the warehouse, he would lose his life.

"Please don't panic, Mr. Jon, look here."

The system was in front of him, and Jon appeared one or two times in front of him: "The slower rotation above is the real time, and the lower one is the game internal time. After testing, the limit ratio of your mental strength can be 1: 5, that is to say, if you spend 5 hours here, the outside world will only spend an hour, and your body is still in place and monitored by the game system's health detection system, so you do n’t need to be nervous. . "

Jon was relieved, and finally got the mood to listen to the system.

When Jon heard the explanation, he knew that it turned out to be a game developed for ordinary people to experience the battle between magicians. Immediately, his interest increased greatly. He followed the instructions of the system and established his own role. The name was "Cyrus is a fool", and he didn't hesitate to set his image to his own appearance without making adjustments.

With the help of the system wizard, after a simple man-machine battle test, Jon can't wait to start the matching battle.

Just a moment, he suddenly appeared in a huge ring-shaped gladiatorial field. With him, there were nine other people. They were scattered around each other in a ring, and they all wore initial novice robes. Holding a rudimentary basic staff, staring at each other staring at each other, his eyes revealed surprise.

"You are all human? Aren't you?"

"Crap! Of course we are humans!"

"Where are you from? I'm from Casparmi."

"I'm from Hymn."

"I'm from Nanila--"

"Huh?" Jon was very surprised. "I'm from Nanila too! We can team up!"

The man in Nanila looked back at Jon for a moment, and when he saw his name, he suddenly growled: "Jon! I think you want to get out of the way!"

Jon took a closer look at the man's face, and suddenly panicked: "Boss Cyrus !?"

"I've hired you to work! It's not for you to play games at work!"

"No, I'm not, I don't ..."

Jon was bitter in his heart, how many users of the magic game, he even met the boss when he first matched!

This luck is so bad!

Just as Jon and Cyrus quarreled, a player in the distance saw other people's attention attracted to them, a clever, immediately raised his staff, began to combine the basic elements without hesitation, and then chanted. Up.

"... The hot element of fire, with the breath of the wind, adheres to the heavy earth elements, and descends into this world in the form of a flowing water ..."

"Damn !!"

Immediately someone noticed his movements: "It's a lava lake! This guy is taking advantage of the opportunity to zoom in! He'll have him second!"

As soon as this person's voice fell, there were already six or seven fireballs roaring nearby, killing the guy who was singing the spell directly.

Jon looked at the wand in his hand and was stunned. He thought it was an illusion when he was in the tutorial mode, but now when playing against people, the feeling is even stronger-a wonderful power is being taken by him like an arm Pointing to control.

Especially when the spell was just released, the power accumulated in the body suddenly opened the gate, and the feeling of controlling the surrounding elemental energy condensed into a fireball and then poured out, really fascinated him.

"This idiot! Didn't you read the novice instructions? Singing a spell while fighting with a mage is to kill!"

Cyrus sneered, and glared at Jon again, "Now accompany me with these guys first! Your matter will be discussed later!"

Jon, in a daze, was clever: "—obey! Boss!"

Jon kept in mind the system wizard's previous warning to him, and there is only one trick to winning in the game.

——Resolve the opponent first, then the teammates!

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