Things from Another World

Chapter 1323: It ’s over, the worry has happened


In the bedroom, Aurelia, wearing light silk pajamas, was sitting cross-legged in front of the artificial soul quantum computer, and suddenly opened her eyes to burst out a swearing. Of course, the princess's elegant temperament was gone for a moment.

"This group of pits! Don't they know the three elements of the Master's War !?"

Alleria clutched her hair anxiously, her soft blonde hair was messed up by her rubbish, it was rare to be able to relax a bit, but she was so anxious by those silly pits, and could not play together happily.

"What are the three elements of a mage fight?"

Olina, who was full of steam in a bath towel, walked out of the bathroom and looked at her daughter curiously while wiping her hair. I didn't understand why she had just taken a bath. The daughter was so irritable and so imposing. Not at all like her usual image.

Aurelia waved her fist fiercely: "Of course it is fast, fierce, accurate! Move fast, whether it is singing a spell or launching an attack, it must be unparalleled fast! The second is to be fierce, to be lethal, no Leave room, you must let the opponent lose the ability to resist and lay the foundation for victory! In the end, you must be accurate, you must calmly lock the target, you must not let your own attack fail, and every failure is a fatal mistake for yourself. There will never be a second chance on the battlefield! "

Olina stared blankly at her daughter: "... who taught you this?"

These are the three elements of the Mage War? Are n’t magicians all elegant and noble and mysterious?

How does it feel more like a warrior's combat style?

"Game tutorial," Aurelia let out a hand, "To be exact, it was Tang En, because that tutorial was made by Tang En."

"It's him."

Olina was suddenly realized, if it was Down, it would be understandable-this guy's fighting style has never been a standard magician.

But for him, as long as he can win, what's the difference in fighting?

——Even in the game of “Magic Energy”, there is no restriction that you can't knock your opponent with a staff, right?

"These **** idiots!"

Alleria scolded and grinned, "They're so stupid!"

Alleria re-logged in as she said, Olina shrugged, sitting next to her hair, and when Tang En was not here, she began to get used to sleeping with Alleria, otherwise she always Insecure.

As a result, her hair was not blown yet, and Aurelia was detached from the game again. She opened her eyes and yelled, "Did these beeps have no sense of contract at all !? Obviously they have finally won, I was secretly behind me! "

Apparently, Aurelia was conspired by her teammates at the end of the battle.

Olina asked without looking back: "Magic?"

"if not?"

"Don't you know the gold tip of‘ kill your opponent first, then your teammates ’?”

"Of course I know, but I didn't expect my teammates who had already reached a cooperation, and they would be behind me!"

"That's how naive you are."

Olina said with a smile: "There is only one final winner of the matching mode, and everyone knows that it is his teammate who must beware of it in the end."

"I don't know what this idiot Don thinks!"

Aurelia gritted her teeth and said, "He created this game to train more potential mage talents, but this game of plotting teammates to win the final victory, isn't it implying that players betray their comrades in the future?"

"So, you really haven't done the booting carefully, nor have you read the game instructions carefully."

Olina laughed: "The game guide made it very clear that the game was designed for entertainment purposes only. In ordinary battles, you must fully trust your comrades in order to win in the end."

"But it's not necessary to design this way!"

"He told me this last night," Olina said helplessly. "The most fundamental reason for this design is because ... they don't have time to design the function to turn off the damage of friendly forces. Another project has entered a critical period. Their personnel will be transferred back. "


"Yes, the core content and gameplay have been made, and the next thing is to let the remaining people expand on other game modes on this basis."

Olina said with a smile: "He said that those people are developing a five-player mode. Only five people can work together to defeat the opponent, and the betrayal of your teammates at that time will also disappear."

"I hope so."

Aurelia slammed off the game login interface: "It's annoying, I don't want to play anymore, I wanted to relax a bit, and the more I played, the more angry I became."

Olina said with a smile: "But don't forget, with the release of 'Magic Energy', in the materials submitted from all over the past two days, many new apocalypse appeared, and they are all applying to modify the identity card The information. "

Aurelia is deeply impressed. Although the design of this game is very bad, especially the setting of pitting teammates is full of spit desire, but I have to say that this game has indeed worked wonders!

During the game, Aurelia can clearly feel the feeling of magic flowing in the body. Each time she releases the spell, she can clearly understand the magic flowing out and wrapping the elements, and then control the composition of the elements. The process of releasing various spells ...

Even though Aurelia is already a very powerful apocalypse, she is still very new to this experience.

What surprises her is that after playing this game these days, she has mastered several spells!

This is real!

When she was playing the game, she mastered several elemental spells unknowingly-although it was just a small spell, it was an elemental spell after all.

Some people say that little magic is useless? Don't forget that she is just a gold-level peak apocalypse who has not touched the law yet. She has broken the professional boundaries and mastered the ability to cast, which is already a very good explanation!

Originally, the different careers of the apocalypse caused different methods and directions of practice due to the different talents at the beginning. Therefore, the way of using magic is also very different. Although the final result is the same, it is difficult to break the boundaries at the beginning. .

Just like the two most typical examples of warriors and magicians, warriors temper the flesh, absorb the magic into the body, use the power of the blood and blood to drive the magic to run the whole body, and constantly strengthen the flesh, so although they use their own power Called "blood force", but it is still essentially the use of magic, but in a different way. Eventually when the flow of magic has become inseparable with their body, they will also promote the legend and break the profession. The boundaries.

The magician is because his awakening talent is a casting type talent, so he spent a lot of time and energy in the beginning to build a magic pool in the body, and then grew around the strengthening of the magic pool, after reaching the limit It will also act on the flesh in turn, making you very powerful, which is also the effect after promoting the legend.

That is to say, one of these two routes is from the outside to the inside, and the other is from the inside to the outside, but the ultimate goal is the same as the same goal. They are to achieve a unified whole and use the magic as the arm points.

And Aurelia, she was a thief who grew up in Selna. Due to the fundamental difference in the cultivation system, she is now difficult to master those cross-line spells, but now it is different ...

In the "magic" game, even if she does not have these spells herself, she can personally experience the feelings when releasing those spells. This kind of personal experience is a very rare experience-you must know how much the teacher tells you In detail, it is impossible to experience it in person.

In the world, there should not be such a BUG inheritance method, but Otiniya, they are worried about the future situation, and taught the power of Tang En's runes. Tang En had no intention when looking at the runes. After mastering this method of separating "experience", this kind of result will appear.

Because of mastering these spells, Aurelia now has a clearer understanding of the interaction between magic and elements in her body, so the bottleneck that has not been broken for a long time has finally loosened, and Aurelia can clearly feel that she has been promoted from her own. I am afraid that there are no more days for the Grand Master.

This game has this wonderful effect, of course Aurelia cannot ignore it, so even if the current game mode is very problematic, she can only recognize it by pinching her nose.

What's more, with the follow-up development, the group mode will be officially released soon. With the group mode and the more interesting battle mode promised by Tang En, I believe that more people will join this. Comes in the ranks of the game, and he is put in this interesting "cage" to cultivate and catalyze ...

From the perspective of Tang En, Aurelia can't say that this method is not good. After all, Tang En not only gave them a channel for entertainment and venting, but also gave many civilians the opportunity to awaken talents, let them see A wider future world is a good thing.

If nothing else, now through this game awakening talents, those players who have released the first spell in their lives, at this moment I am afraid they are all grateful for Tang En.

Olina walked over and patted her daughter's shoulders and comforted, "Okay, don't think about that much, otherwise you will go to Tang En tomorrow, Sajiao let him change this model immediately, he certainly won't Reject you. "

"Who would spoil him!"

Aurelia said a little unnaturally: "If you want to say it, you say it, I'm going to talk about it, and I have so many things to deal with."

Originally, Olena just said it casually, and it didn't mean much, but when she heard Aurelia say that, she suddenly murmured in her heart, and looked at Aurelia's expression carefully ...

It's over, it seems that what I have been worried about has really happened ...

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