Things from Another World

Chapter 1324: Potential change

The maids in the palace found that Queen Olena seemed a little depressed recently.

Often when no one is there, she looks at the distant sky in a daze. Even if someone walks by, she doesn't seem to have any consciousness, and she doesn't know what she is thinking.

It is only occasionally discovered that Queen Oreina has often been quietly observing Princess Aurelia in secret recently ...

In particular, when Tang En came down to the palace, Queen Olina would always disperse the maids, and then personally bring tea to them-only the maids found that Queen Olina was simply thinking Watch them in the dark ...


They don't know, or they know but dare not say.

Aurelia is also very melancholy now-because she found the little ambiguity between her and Tang En when she found her mother ...

Olina thinks that she is very secretive, but the gap between the two sides is so large, how can she hide Aurelia?

When Olena first hid in the dark to observe, Orella was already spotted.

Aurelia was able to find her, and of course it was even more impossible to hide Tang En.

Tang En originally just enjoyed this kind of little sister-in-law with Aurelia. Ambiguous, but he felt that since Olena had discovered their little movement, they should converge slightly, don't touch it often Yes ... otherwise it is easy to go wrong.

I wouldn't have thought that Aurelia didn't know what was going on. She pretended not to know anything, but she didn't notice Olina at all, but she still kept a quite ambiguous distance from Tang En as before.

This makes Tang En quite passive.

Yes, he is indeed a man who likes beauty, but now his task is too heavy, he is overwhelmed, and he really has no energy to do anything ambiguous.

What's more, Aegwynn has been in the cold war with him for a while, and it is still unknown when Isary can get Aegwynn down. Tang En really doesn't want to mess with it anymore.

But it was at this time that Aurelia came to chaos him ...

Tang En is also desperate!

In particular, Tang En never thought that this was an idea that had been inadvertently thought of after being affected by Elijah, and it would have such a profound impact on Prandall's future. All things must be taken seriously.

In recent days, due to the unexpected sales of this game, Tang En has had to come to Alinks and Aurelia frequently to discuss the expansion of the number of Internet cafes, and also to use the official identity to introduce related promotion of the entertainment industry. Development policies and regulations, these can not avoid her.

What's more, there are some things that must be decided by Olena-after all, by name, Olena is now the deserved first leader of the entire Illuth Empire, and Tang En is only the regent in his identity. That's it.

So when three people were sitting together, it was when Tang En was particularly embarrassed ...

——He felt sorry for Victor in the Hall of Spirit ...


"... I think what Tang En said is necessary to continue to follow up."

In the study, Aurelia's rare emotion patted the table with a little excitement and shouted: "Mother, you don't know how great this game is for us Illus, no, it should be said that it is great for the future of the entire Prandall Impact! It must be promoted, and if necessary, every citizen must be involved-this is the best tester, it can easily select from the users who really have the talent of the caster people!"

"I know, but Aurelia, my daughter, you have to admit that the popularity of this game has begun to affect the production of society."

Olina said tepidly: "Did you not see it yet? Residents of many cities are addicted to it, and the economic growth rate has slowed down everywhere, and even Tanaka has no one. The situation ... If things go on like this, the farmland will be deserted, what will our people eat? This online game will not fill your stomach? You are not those people, you are the ruler, you should see more clearly than them, and it ’s longer. In this case, it is still useful to continue to implement a stimulus policy to stimulate them to continue playing the game? "

"There is no one in Tanaka because the cultivation period has passed. Don't bully me, I don't understand."

Alleria said a little annoyed: "Because I am acting in power now, I see better than anyone else and have a long-term perspective. What Tang En said is what we really need to do-do n’t forget, we The world has never been safe, the real danger has never come! The threat of demons is just an appetizer! "

That's right, for Prendall, the real threat has always been chaotic creatures that have not yet fully appeared, and the devil is just a little "trouble" trouble that the devil is corrupted by chaos.

If the army of chaos suddenly strikes, what's the use of more grain? Haven't they all been corrupted?

There is not enough strength to protect the world, saying nothing is useless!

Therefore, Alleria feels that as long as the food is enough, it is sufficient to meet the needs of population growth. It is not necessary to continue to grasp the production capacity of grain so much. It is necessary to liberate the agricultural labor force appropriately and let them try to test. Then some apocalyptic, their contribution to the world is quite different.

Orina, maybe because she was scared in the Victor era, so after subsistence, she always thought that she should continue to pay close attention to agriculture and increase food production, the more the better-you can even stop other Development in this area is also intensive.

"Don, who do you think is right?"

Alleria suddenly turned her head to look at silent Tang En, and Olina put down her tea cup and looked over.


Tang En was agitated and sat upright.

Aren't you arguing with each other? Why did you suddenly burn the fire to me?

From the heart, Tang En supports Aurelia, but judging from the current situation, if he said this directly, I am afraid that he would step on the mines 100%, so ...

"I think what you said makes sense."

Tang En said very seriously, "So I came here to solve this problem."

The impact of the magical online game in Plantar is far more profound than what Tang En, Aurelia, and Olena imagined.

Although the impact of this game is still hidden below the surface, soon the subsequent effects will gradually emerge.

The reduction of agricultural production is secondary. The first is the question of education and inheritance of magic.

Jean's Silver City is the traditional force most affected by this.

The City of Silver was originally the base of magicians, and it was called a place of magical magic. Now almost all the magicians accepted by Prendall ’s human kingdom originate from here. The magicians are also subject to the jurisdiction here, until Tang En ’s This restriction appeared to have been relaxed.

The secret law school here was the only surviving magic school in Plantar. Only here can you receive an orthodox and perfect magic education.

But even at the Secret Law School, the education here cannot allow everyone to fully understand the mysteries of magic. Any inheritance will be misunderstood to a certain extent in the process of educating future generations, so many inheritance will be thorough to a certain degree fracture……

Therefore, the education of magic has always been regarded as very dangerous and difficult.

but now……

Since the emergence of the online game of Mo Neng, the apprentices of the Secret Law School have all been dull, dumbfounded and crazy after trying.

-Lying down! It turns out there is still such a simple way to learn magic in this world! ?

-Lying down! Just playing in the game, learning new spells in the game, and actually mastering these primary spells in reality! ?

-Lying down! Although advanced spells are not mastered, it is because their own magic pool capacity is not enough to support the release process of advanced spells! The release experience of those spells has been completely portrayed in my mind, as if I really learned to master these spells! No need to learn at all!

-Lying down! It can be imagined that once their magic pool is strengthened to a certain level, those advanced spells will surely be released smoothly!

The apprentices at Mystic Law School are really going crazy!

What used to be complicated spells has now become so simple to learn and master, and no longer need to memorize complex formulas ...

They can finally be freed from the heavy learning pressure!

Moving! It's just moving!

The magicians who had always despised Tang En as a noble magician to use as ordinary labor, but at this moment were all grateful to him.


Because he completely changed the future of the profession of magician!

Utilizing the characteristics of this game of magic energy, magicians can quickly master complex spells without having to make thousands or tens of thousands of casting attempts, and the time saved for them can be calculated in "years". !!

The magicians are freed from a lot of heavy and tedious magic learning, so that they can have more free time to dominate and can enjoy what they are really interested in!

To them, now Tang En is the true benefactor of all magicians, and is a hero like the savior of the entire magician industry!

In addition to the great benefits enjoyed by magicians, the students also experienced great "benefits" from this game.

For immature students, the 1: 5 time lapse ratio is too high, even the 1: 4 time ratio can't bear it, but the 1: 3 time ratio still gives them a lot of cheap, Extra, discretionary time ...

At the same time, they also have a very hidden private space for them to do something "unseen" ...

In addition, the changed time flow rate gives students more time to study ...

Not only students, but also other people who need time to enrich themselves, and people who have learned knowledge have also discovered this hidden benefit in the "magic" game ...

The pace of life in the entire society has even changed as a result.

In the face of these effects, Olina's concerns are simply insignificant ...

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