Things from Another World

Chapter 1325: There is no king of earth in the whole world.

Chapter 1327

The birth of the "Magic Energy" online game has brought more changes to Prandall than Tang En imagined.

Because the spirit is accelerated in the game, the time ratio is lengthened, leading to a situation where the time on the senses has increased several times, and many minded people have found other uses for this game.

For example, learning in the game-because the system spirits in the game can call the data in the artificial soul quantum computer, and the computer can get a lot of knowledge from the magic network, etc., they have a Several times the learning environment of the real world.

After studying for five days here, only one day has passed in the real world. Of course, they will not miss such a cost-effective thing.

Then the students finally found the best place to "copy homework", and this is the game!

As long as you log in to the game and add cloud chat friends to each other, and then enter the game, you can open a room to enter the same arena, and turn off the spectator mode at the same time, as long as they do not fight each other in the game, they can drag until the end of the battle, in the process This space is absolutely private, so they can copy jobs with each other with confidence ...

Then there are those apocalyptic.

When people discovered that ordinary people would master the use of spells in it, other apocalypse also discovered the wonderful use of this game-that is to exercise the spirit and practice combat skills!

For many apocalypse, the physical strength is very easy to temper. After all, the environment in Prendall is so dangerous. There are endless varieties of Warcraft. If you are not careful, you will be in danger of life at any time, so you can survive without physical quality. It would be too bad.

But mental tempering is different.

Too many apocalypse are physically strong but mentally weak. The reason why they have not been able to break through the realm is because their spiritual growth rate cannot keep up with the physical growth rate.

What is more troublesome is that it is not so easy to temper the spirit. It is necessary to use a harsh environment, a life of ascetic monks, and unswervingly pressure on self.

Therefore, it is very difficult to break through self and become a strong person in both physical and mental aspects, and the golden level boundary does not exist for this kind of people, at least they can be promoted to the Grand Master level.

For most people, it is too difficult to find a place where they can safely exercise their mental strength.

Until they found the game "Magic Energy" ...

They just turned high!

In the game, the time ratio has been extended several times. One day can be used for five days. The growth rate is five times that of ordinary people.

In the game, you can personally experience the release process of various spells. If you accidentally master the release ability of several spells, you will realize your dream of breaking the professional boundaries early!

In the game, you can also feel the feeling of being bombarded by various spells. Through mental pain and stimulation to temper your own spirit, you can quickly become stronger and stronger!

In the game, due to individual warfare and various bombings of spells, you can experience various spells and chaos, you can learn very important experiences, and you can also prepare for various unexpected situations. When you encounter a similar situation, you will not panic, and the probability of survival has greatly increased!

Proficiency in practicing combat skills in the game can be directly brought to reality!


All in all, these people find that there are many things that can be done in this game, and the benefits that can be brought to reality are even more!

So why don't they support the game?

The avid pursuit of the Apocalypse has led to a higher level of attention in the society for the "Magic Energy" game. More and more ordinary people know the existence of this game. These new gadgets that are already very popular on the Internet are even more powerful, reaching into the hearts of every Prandall.

And just when everyone is crazy and obsessed with the "Magic Energy" game, some people have even begun to worry that the fire of this game will affect the production work in reality, and when various reflections are born, people will be even more The shock happened-Princess Aurelia made an official announcement on behalf of Her Majesty Tang En!

The official statement of the royal family of the Illus Empire actually supports the development of this game in an all-round way, and even requires that every citizen must regularly play the game of "Magic Energy"!

This is simply ridiculous!

Many old ministers even almost had an angry cerebral hemorrhage, angrily clamoring that this was to reversing history, and even disregarding obstructions, they had to rely on their old aristocratic status to go to the palace to make their own opinions!

However, Aurelia turned a blind eye to their attitude, and still released those regulations by herself, and even further promoted the further development of the Magic Network, expanded the popularity of Datang Internet cafes, and reduced the artificial soul quantum computer. The price, in order to facilitate the popularization of the whole people-this is clearly to the end of the popularization of "magic energy".

Just as these people lamented that if the country continues, the country will not be in the country, and other new regulations that have dazzled everyone have also been introduced.

First, in order to bring a better public security environment to all citizens, a population registration system will be fully implemented from now on. All residents (including newborns) will be required to register for identity cards, which will be bound to me. At the same time, the identity card will also come with a variety of functions, such as a personal Internet pass, a magic mobile phone communication card, and a personal bank card. It will become a must-have when going out.

Second, we will abolish the agricultural tax in an all-round way, and implement industrial subsidy policies for a number of industries related to national economy and people's livelihood, such as agriculture and production, to support farmers to expand production and increase income.

Third, the full implementation of the compulsory military service system. Any adult who has reached the age of eighteen years and does not attend school must serve two years of compulsory military service to receive military training. If studying at various colleges, the time of compulsory military service can be postponed. But you cannot evade obligations.

Fourth, the state respects the personal privacy and freedom of citizens. However, in the event of an emergency, the state implements wartime control and militarized management. All citizens must unconditionally obey the government's arrangements, accept the government's call, and work together to protect us. Home.

Fifth, the current aristocracy system will be completely abolished. From today, everyone in Prandall will be equal. Everyone must respect each other's identity and work. The people sitting in the luxurious hall are noble than those who work in the farmland. At present, all persons who have obtained the title of nobility have cancelled all their privileges, and only retained the title of nobility. Moreover, the empire will no longer add a new noble status from the moment, and will only award different titles of honor to outstanding nationals. The title of title will only be an honorary status. , And does not have any real power, nor will it enjoy any privileges. At present, all private aristocrats will be received by the state, and will be unified into the management of military borrowing. Adhering to the principle of survival of the fittest, the unqualified will be eliminated and repatriated.

Sixth, the national civil servants implement a competitive employment system. All citizens can participate in the training of the academy and then participate in the competitive recruitment. If there is a talented person or an incompetent person, the national civil servant is a job for the people and an ideal and ambitious desire. Prepared by the people who work together to create a beautiful home, this is a very hard job. I just want people who rely on the power in their hands to seek self-interest for me to get out of the office as soon as possible (this original sentence of Her Majesty Tang En, it is forbidden to delete it. )!

Seventh, the abolition of the concept of territories, the abolition of the identity of the lord, and replaced by "province" and "province", which are "the governor of a province" ...

As soon as these announcements came out, the whole country was shocked, not only the Illus Empire, but even the Rennes Empire.

This step is not too big, but it is just pulling eggs!

"It's ridiculous! This is really ridiculous!"

Some big aristocrats of the Illus Empire were blushing and angry. Yalinks, a few aristocrats gathered in the garden and roared nonstop: "Unfortunately, we still supported the revolutionary revolution! This is simply to connect us His life is gone! "

"The population registration system? It's nice to talk about better public order, but it's actually to monitor the speech of every citizen !? Registered identity card, all funds flow through the identity card, That guy wants to know that the flow of funds is too simple! Isn't all of our wealth exposed under his eyes !? "

"And this complete abolition of the agricultural tax! This is simply a crazy idea! Do not collect taxes on those low-ranking inferiors, where do we get the income !? How can it be possible to feed such a large family with a subsidy, and how it is possible Lead such a decent life !? "

"What's the difference between the third point and now we are recruiting those pariahs to become militiamen?"

"The fourth one is to let us go to the front to die at a dangerous time !? We pay so much tax each year, can't we let those soldiers protect us !?"

"What's even more ridiculous is Article 5. This is not only our money, but our life! We can make money without money, but if we are no longer nobles and no longer have privileges, what else do we have !? He even takes our personal soldiers away! "

An aristocrat holding a tea cup in his hands, the tea was spilled and he calmly pretended to calm down: "Don't complain, you haven't seen Article 6, even the staff of government agencies are facing obsolescence, we just lost it. Privileges, anyway, life is not getting worse, at least we still have land, plantations, and farm income ... "

The next day, the royal family issued a new decree.

There is no king of earth in the whole world.

Since ancient times, the land has been the property of His Majesty, and even His Majesty's has the right to take it back at any time. Today, His Majesty Tang En announced to the world to take back all his sub-enclosed land and allow all farmers to use the land for free! This means that starting from today, citizens of all lands in the Empire will only have the right to use, not the right to transfer, buy or sell!

This move is completely aimed at those big nobles in Tuntian!

As soon as this decree came out, the entire plant was completely fried!

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