Things from Another World

Chapter 1326: reform? reform!

"Crazy! You are really crazy!"

In the palace study, Aurelia was chanting while she was busy there. The new laws and regulations were announced. Even her secretaries were too busy. Now almost everyone is connected, and feedback from all over the place. The information was in a mess, and the magic phone sounds kept coming and going.

She cried and laughed and shouted, "You're crazy, and I went crazy with you!"

If an uninformed person saw it, I'm afraid I don't know what to think.

Orina next to it was almost the same feeling, looking at Tang En's face full of collapse: "Dear, we all know what you want to do for the future of this world, and we also know that you come from a more civilized, more A harmonious world, you want to make this world more civilized as soon as possible, but what you are doing now is really exaggerated, your steps are too big!-It is easy for you to grab benefits from those people. Stir back those people! "

Aurelia said in a crying voice: "This time I agree with my mother-in-law, I really shouldn't be with you so crazy-now they are not crazy, I am going crazy."

Both their mother and daughter are very clear about Tang En's identity and mission, so they also know that Tang En ’s original world is a more civilized world. It is indeed imperative to reform the Prandall society, but the reform is not so! A sudden release of a lot of new laws and policies, and most of them are against the aristocratic class who has the right to speak in the society. This is definitely trying to die!

——It's a bit annoying to say that the government is forcing the people, but at least there will definitely be some people who will revolt for their own benefit!

Tang En shook his head and said, "You worry more. In fact, the pain experienced in the reform is essential. In particular, the entire Illus Empire regime has not experienced a huge internal revolution. It is a social development. In China, we have initiated social reforms spontaneously, so it is normal to encounter resistance. "

Olena couldn't help but say, "Since you know, you're so sudden ..."

"Just because I know, I need to make such a decisive decision," Tang En said very seriously. "I have experienced so much about reforming this kind of thing. To be honest, without the courage of a strong man to break his wrist, there is no one-size-fits-all with past It is determined that it cannot succeed without a decisive separation from the old society. "

"Social contradictions generally exist in any class. The intensification of such contradictions will become more and more serious as the social class solidifies. Now, the entire society is undergoing huge changes due to our measures. The contradiction has faded, and this is a good time for us to start. "

"If we don't solve the problems left over from the old society directly with the momentum now, but let them wait to be dealt with slowly later, these problems will sooner or later become terrible time bombs, which will burst out at a moment we all don't expect. "

Tang En watched the two seriously and said, "It is my idea to resolve all potential problems as soon as possible, rather than wait until the outbreak, to find a way to deal with it. This is my idea. In fact, if you are not worried about nationalizing the land It will irritate those people, and I will even directly turn the land into state ownership instead of taking it back in my own name. "

Aurelia also knows that with the development of the Datang Chamber of Commerce, the productivity of the entire society is constantly improving, and at this time, the contribution of the bottom people to society is far greater than that of the aristocracy. The whole society is already doing more harm than good. They occupy a lot of social resources, but they do not contribute to the development of the society. What is more frightening is that they take this treatment for granted.

In the past, due to inconvenient transportation and inconvenient communication, the aristocratic class was a tool for the ruler to maintain the rule and divide and rule the vast territory. The ruler only needed to manage the aristocratic class, and his rule would basically not cause much problems .

But now, there are all kinds of convenient communication tools such as magic mobile phones, artificial soul quantum computers, magic energy fax machines, and magic energy networks. The central government's control over the place has never been stronger, and nobles are no longer needed. Hierarchies have come to assist management. Their existence has dispersed the control of the central government, and they have too many privileges, but rather an unstable factor.

So revoking the aristocratic privileges, re-releasing resources to the whole society, increasing the rights of the people, and giving them access to ascension, this is almost what will happen in the future-but Aurelia did not expect this day to happen so soon Already.

If you think about it, what Tang En said is actually very reasonable. The reform of society must be full of all kinds of resistance. Anyone with vested interests will not be willing to give up their rights. They will do everything possible to hinder the reform. This process It is extremely difficult in itself, full of various obstacles, and it is simply impossible to complete the reform process gently.

Normally, it is only possible to create a new order if there is a complete revolution, the overthrow of the previous regime, and the complete defeat of privileged classes.

But Tang En came.

He established a new order, he brought about a revolution in the productive forces of the society, and he created one miracle after another. What most people ca n’t understand is that he may have voluntarily given up his own interests, but chose to give them back. To the whole society!

Others don't know, but the people around Tang En are very clear that he doesn't need these so-called wealth, and he doesn't care who owns those wealth. The Datang Chamber of Commerce is just a channel for him to gather the entire Prandall resource The identity of the Regent is just a tool for his redistribution of these resources. He always has only one goal to achieve, which is to promote the overall level of strength of the entire Prandall as much as possible, whether it is agriculture, industry, Commercial, or perhaps the most important military strength.

Tang En wants to sacrifice self-interest to drive the entire Prandall to initiate a class revolution, completely abandon the old ideas of the past, and welcome new social ideas. Let us work hard together for a glorious future and a lofty ideal— The ideal situation in Tang En's mind is to complete this reform within one or two generations, and to standardize the entire society's laws, customs, morals, education and other standards as much as possible, so as to form a stable, efficient, and harmonious , And full of civilized modern society.

Otherwise, after a long time, it will be difficult to guarantee that those people will not distort this concept in the future, and will eventually be pulled back into the abyss by the social garbage like cancer that is unwilling to progress and self-degraded, and everything will return to its original state.

As the well-deserved emperor of Prandall, Tang En did have the qualification to do so, and his leading role was also obvious. At least Aubry, Adrian, Duke of Tares and others, as well as those supported by Tang En The new lords have publicly stated that they fully support Tang En ’s decision, and have taken the lead in returning all the land owned by the family to Tang En, while complying with the new laws and regulations, will allow farmers who are currently using those lands to grow for free, Rents are no longer levied on tenants in the territory, and tenants are completely free, but according to the new law, they must accept the jurisdiction of the chief executive of their district and accept identity registration.

Aurelia and Olina, and even others around Tang En know that Tang En is doing this for the future of the entire society, but they all have the same concern, that is, Tang En is too fast. There was simply no time for the whole society to prepare, so a sudden bomb was thrown, which exploded everyone.

"Aren't you afraid of their uprising?"

Olina had deep worries. Tang En was a very kind person. He didn't have the heart to act on those people. Those people may not remember his goodness. If they were really red-eyed, they would dare to revolt. ——Especially, the education level is still far away. Those people are too easy to be fooled. No matter in which way, this is not a good time for social revolution.

"Relax, most people are afraid."

Tang En said with disdain: "Ninety percent of the people who occupy the entire society are civilians at the bottom. Now the civilians at the bottom are all on my side. Why do they fight with me?"

"Now everyone knows that Gene and the City of Silver are on my side. Dwarves, dwarfs, elves, naga, and even goblins and giant dragons are all my allies. They all support me to do it. Decision, how much courage does it take for those who are not willing to stand up and rebel? "

"Yes, it is true that some people are easily brainwashed and fooled, and some people are red-eyed because of loss of profits, so they will have breakfast impulse, but do n’t forget that I am a king, I have taken righteousness. When you come out of rebellion, you must be ready to die for your ideals, and I can just take the opportunity to clear up these unstable factors. "

Tang En smiled very happily: "They think I'm forcing them to rebel? That's right, I just want to avoid those people jumping out, so I don't have to bother to find them one by one ..."

"They think I'm too kind to fight against their own people? Let them continue this misunderstanding."

Tang En smiled even more happily: "Although I don't know who gave them this misunderstanding, it is a kind of affirmation to me, and I feel quite honored."

Tang En is kind?

Yes, in general, he is indeed kind.

But you all stepped up to make him rebel, and you feel that he will continue to be so kind, not only will he let you go, but he will choose to forgive you ...

How big do you think he is?

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