Things from Another World

Chapter 1327: People's name

Chapter 1329

The revolutionary wave has been wiped out before it has begun.

Although it sounds cruel, it is the case. The ubiquitous ghost agent has exerted the intelligence advantage to the extreme. Anyone who tries to gather for the uprising can not hide Tang En's eyes.

When they first planned to discuss countermeasures, Tang En had already investigated their ancestors and eight generations. All the weaknesses of these people were in their grasp. The uprising had been divided and broken before it began. In other words, how can this be done?

What makes those who are trying to restore feudal slavery despair is that the two sides not only have a rolling gap in the collection and transmission of information, but also the transmission channels. They also have an insurmountable gap in confidentiality. These people think that it is safe to contact on the magic energy network without showing up, or to set up a private room in the magic energy game, so that people outside can not know what is happening inside. It is theoretically more secure, but the actual Up ...

They forgot that Magic Network was designed and built by Tang En from the beginning.

Which idiot in the world would be so stupid as to send his own combat plan through enemy communication channels? —Unfortunately, there are these idiots here.

There were even people who wanted to use Yunchao to send the news of the uprising. As a result, Eve was intercepted directly, and then his home was copied by Tang En's people. All of them were arrested without running away.

Due to the existence of the network identity registration system, it is too easy to track down those who are in trouble. After all, all the information in the magic network must be recorded in the central server, and the so-called anonymous information is only one-way anonymous. For Tang En, those messages are all under the eyelids, which can be easily checked at any time.

As long as you use the magic network, your identity information cannot be hidden-this is the benefit of the information age to rulers.

The enthusiastic agrarian reform and social system reform suddenly disappeared, but many people know that this tough way of Tang En is just to temporarily suppress things, like a volcano with accumulated power, it is possible at any time It will break out--unless he can keep the society developing at a high speed and make all people's lives better and better, some people are waiting to drag him off the high table.

"That is to say, the reason you are so unscrupulous is because you know that they have no resistance at all, and you don't have to worry about their uprising at all?"

Sitting opposite Tang En was Aegwin, the servant of the wind and dust. She was originally looking for the door of chaos to fight against chaos. When she was supplying in the village, she suddenly heard news from the outside world and heard that Tang En was in big trouble. Now, she immediately let go of her mind and rushed back, and wanted to help him, but when she arrived in Ellington, she found that this guy looked so leisurely and suddenly Aegwynn had a kind of Feeling out of breath.

"Chill out, you're right or wrong, let me explain to you slowly."

Down was comforting Aegwin, who was a little bit annoyed.

Aegwin would rush over because he was worried about him. This made him almost ashamed to see the light of hope again, and his heart was full of joy and joy. To this end, he even sent Nora to accompany Aegwin. To distract her.

"Okay, although I'm nervous, let's hear what you say."

Aegwin's "I'm really nervous, but because things are important, I have to sit here and listen to your explanation", so Tang En can not help but this guy would also make excuses for himself, he thought Iger Wen really is the kind of fairy who doesn't eat fireworks on earth.

"It's like this ... With the reunification of our Illus Empire, the human kingdom has actually lost its internal problems. What we need to face next is external contradictions, but you know, in history, The main external contradictions of the human kingdom are, on the one hand, the elves of the Emerald Forest, that is you, on the other hand, the Rennes Empire to the north, orcs. "

Tang En pointed out on the map that the satellite-photographed map can clearly see the sharp contrast between the north and south areas. The emerald forest occupies the southwestern part of the mainland, and large areas of green cover almost every land, while the northwest The Rennes Empire is almost desert, and only sporadic green can be seen. The desert and the Gobi Desert are the main terrains, and the human kingdom in the middle has various terrains.

"However, these two main contradictions have also disappeared almost completely due to the two chaotic invasion wars. In the face of unprecedented foreign invaders, all kinds of Prendall ethnic groups have felt a huge survival crisis. To the enemy-therefore, after the two chaotic invasion wars, the conflicts between aliens have faded a lot, but the human being has fallen into a state of division ... "

After a pause, Down continued: "Then my appearance changed the situation of Prandall, I unified the human kingdom, and at the same time united all the forces that can be united, elves, orcs, dwarfs, dwarves, giant dragons, It's all our allies, and we all belong to Prendall at this moment. "

"This means that the entire plant is now an alliance-like existence, and we have become a whole!"

"However, an alliance without common enemies or common goals is very fragile, because it is easy to lose the motivation to move forward, and because the regions of various ethnic groups live differently, the quality of life is also huge. It ’s easy over time. There are contradictions in land disputes, so at this time, in addition to solving such problems as much as possible, I must also find a goal ... a goal that allows all of Prandall's races to notice and all participate in it. "

Tang En tapped the table and said, "In the beginning, I thought about making demons our common enemy, but then I found that this choice was not wise ... If you want to make demons a common enemy, you must release the demons. Come to Prendall to wreak havoc before we provoke our enemies ... but this is not the result I want, I want the demons to perish completely in the abyss of purgatory. "

"Later, as you also know, I started to get busy and fell into research work. Various new equipment, new theories, and even new projects were born ... at this time, online games based on the magic network The birth of 'Magic Energy' changed everything and changed my thinking. "

"We never expected that such a game would suddenly change the whole society. Almost everyone can find things that are beneficial to them. The operation of the entire society, including labor production, economic trade, etc., has been affected. If this continues, I am afraid no one will be willing to continue working in labor and production. "

When talking about this, Tang En smiled and said to Aigwin with a bitter smile: "Don't look at me with that kind of look. At the beginning, I just wanted to give them a chance to experience spells. I didn't expect this game. The impact would be so great. "

Eggwin: "..."

Tang En shrugged: "In fact, I originally planned to implement the household registration system. I divided all people into agricultural household registration, commercial household registration, military borrowing, etc .... I managed differently through different household registrations, but then I gave up. The idea-to be equal in life, to actively divide household registration, nationality, and so on, and to treat people differently is the most foolish behavior. This is an artificial division, which is very detrimental to integration, so I gave up the idea and just implemented identity. Registration system. "

"Later, I thought that since the human kingdom has been unified by me and the identity registration system has been implemented, why not simply reform the system directly? So, I really did that. I hope not only humans but also The Rennes Empire also noticed the need for social system reform. "

Tang En spread his hand: "Then I succeeded ... not only the whole human kingdom was shocked, but the orcs were almost all frightened by this sudden reform-you know, the orcs used to like to learn the human model. Well, this time Tastro was a little panicked. And I found this to be a great idea ... Originally because of a lack of a common goal, the reform of the system made all people see the hope of struggle, which not only reduced the magic energy The appeal of this game to them makes them more willing to work in production, and also gives many people a sense of ownership. "

"And you see, my policy has caused all those potential threats to jump out. After they have been cleaned up, the atmosphere of the whole society has improved a lot, and we don't have to worry about maintaining law and order."

Tang En smiled and said, "It won't be long before we can completely solve the poverty problem of the Illus Empire, the slums will completely disappear from our world, and everyone will live a life of adequate food and clothing."

"And such a life is definitely not something that can be achieved in this feudal slave society, so it must have a matching system. Therefore, a new social form based on land state ownership was born-although it was far away from me. There is still a gap in the social system of that world, but this is a good start. "

Tang En looked at Aigwin and said very seriously: "In order to completely liberate the entire Prandall productivity, system reform is imperative, class conflicts must be resolved, and the people must be twisted into a rope. Only then can the full potential of this society be exploded and let us move towards a common goal. "

"Otherwise, this newly unified country would fall apart again because the accumulated contradictions eventually broke out."

"The unity of the country is only the unity of the surface, and the unity of the people is the real unity. Only in this way can we work together, and we will be able to overcome the invasion of chaos instead of stepping into the abyss of destruction."

Down offered his hand to Aegwin: "So, would you like to work with me for this great cause? Of course, I will not force you."

"What are you talking about?"

Aegwynn put aside his face, but took his hand, and whispered, "Of course I do."

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