Things from Another World

Chapter 1328: What a feeling!

Once the reform of the social system begins, it is like sailing against the water.

Of course, Tang En never thought of stopping.

The dramatic increase in the total mismatch between productivity and the current era has made the old and rotten system extremely bloated and ridiculous, and has become synonymous with rot. This world needs a more efficient, fairer, and more cohesive Popular institutions emerge.

Tang En was just following the trend.

However, he did not expect that while solving the reform problem, he also resolved the "little" unpleasantness between Aegwin and him.

Igwin was very moved because of worrying about him, which also showed that she didn't have a place in her heart, but she was unwilling to accept the reality between Tang and Isari--even though Tang Eun did not want to accept this reality.

I don't know if it is because of the powerful wrist problems of Aurelia and Fiona. The response to the system reform in the society has been mixed from the beginning, and even fiercely opposed.

Of course there are opposition voices, but they have also become more sane, tending to peaceful discussions, rather than the blind opposition as before.

-Probably because those who dare to strongly resist or even uprising have now become fertilizer.

Tangen is certainly happy to see this change, at least it shows that people have begun to accept this change, which is a good thing.

Tang En even wrote an article specifically for this, which was widely disseminated through the news program of the magic energy projection tower, so that everyone knows clearly how the poor in the bottom of society appeared in the old society. , How serious the aristocracy is with their exploitation, how irrational such exploitation is, etc ...

Then popularize the benefits of equality for everyone under the new system. No one will continue to exploit them arbitrarily and squeeze their labor force. All people can get a comfortable life through their hard work ... people Regardless of being expensive, being equal with each other, respecting others ...

These advanced ideas are a bit too advanced for the current Prandall people. After all, they have only entered the civilized society from an ignorant feudal society in only two or three years. Without the promotion of Tang En, I am afraid this society The form will continue until the world is destroyed ...

Not getting enough education, not enough knowledge, no clear goal in life, and even no self-correct three perspectives ... Can you expect these people to understand what is equal to everyone?

That's pure nonsense.

Seeing the aristocracy, the salute is still saluting, and the **** is still gimmick. It is impossible for them to understand what kind of power Tang En has given them in a short time, I am afraid that they have to wait for this group of people who are now receiving education in school. After entering the society, this situation will be completely improved-after all, Tang En has written all the advanced ideas on the earth into textbooks, and now these students are the closest to the existence of civilized people.

All in all, due to the unexpected impact of the "Magic Energy" game, Tang En started the pace of social reform ahead of schedule, and everything was stable and orderly.

And after he lost his mind, he returned to work with fuller and fuller enthusiasm, continued to build a mathematical model of spells, and recorded his casting feelings himself, and continued to expand new magic packages for "magic energy".

These two projects were originally irrelevant projects, but later, Tang En suddenly discovered that if you use mathematical models to simulate the spell casting process in the game, it is more realistic than pure sound and light special effects. After that, the work of the two departments will Intersections have occurred, of course, mainly because the magic model department provides technical support to the online game development department.

With their efforts, more spells have been devoted to magical powers, a more realistic casting experience, a richer choice of spells, a more dazzling battlefield, and a more exciting battle mode ...

The heat of magic energy continued to ferment, and at this time, Aurelia unintentionally revealed in the interview program that she had successfully broken the golden level and promoted the Grand Master because of playing the game of "magic energy". After the level, once again lit the entire circle of Apocalypse!

Originally many strong people didn't bother to play this kind of thing-they think that this toy is only for ordinary people, or people who have just become apocalypse, and they only need to continue to temper and become stronger.

But I didn't expect this game to help break through the realm!

You know, the limits of an ordinary human apocalypse, that is, the golden top. The peak, which occupies the vast majority of the apocalypse, are all these golden apocalypse. Without strong opportunities, they are almost impossible to break through At this limit, only those with excellent talents can break through this boundary and be promoted to the Grand Master.

And now, the "Magic" game is their chance!

For a time, these wealthy apocalypse began to snap up artificial soul quantum computers frantically, causing another wave of snapping up in the market.

"Is it really important to increase the importance of 'magic energy' in this way?"

Aurelia was asking Tang En, who was slightly tired on the opposite side, while playing the elemental ball in her hand. Yes, she had just been promoted to the Grand Master level. With the help of the magic game, she was now able to Converge the elemental **** smoothly and play at will. Even because the body has recorded a lot of casting experience, she can quickly release them into spells.

These are the changes brought by the "Magic Energy" game. If nothing else, as long as this game can always exist, breaking the professional boundaries in the future will no longer be the supremacy or the patent of the legendary powerhouse. The threshold will be Repeatedly lowered.

Mo Wu Shuang Xiu is no longer a dream, but a reality at hand.

Tired Tang En was lying on the sofa with his eyes closed, enjoying Olena's massage and saying, "Don't press me, you need to pay more attention to rest now."

Olina's face was full of happiness: "I'm fine, at least for now."

He sighed, and then said to Aurelia: "It's not because we have infinite potential to increase the magic power, but because it has this potential that we will be valued. This is natural."

In addition to serving as a spell trainer, the use of mental acceleration has also made it the best place to learn. Many people use this game based on this point. Tang En has recently separated this function. In developing a separate, pure learning software too.

"It is also an accident that the breakthrough of the gold-level apocalypse has helped. I am afraid that the most fundamental reason is to let them experience the feeling of controlling the elements in advance."

Tang En waved his hand and said, "But it doesn't matter ..."

"what happened?"

When speaking, Aurelia's eyes are more on Olina. In the past when discussing such things, her mother-in-law Olina rarely appeared, because she did not feel such things interest.

But every time she discusses things with Tang En recently, Olena is present, and she also intentionally or unintentionally expresses her possession of Tang En.

... Does she really care?

"Because of our other research project, we have finally entered a brand new stage."

Tang En was refreshed and said, "The reason why we are building a spell model is basically to meet military purposes, and now we have enough practical products."


Alleria suddenly became interested: "What is it?"

"Come in the garden and let me show you."

Tang En took them to the garden behind the study, and then took out a small device, he explained: "This device is just a sample, the core is actually the internal program."

Alleria immediately knew: "That is to say, whoever can carry those programs can use the new technology?"


"Including magic phone?"

"You're smart." Tang En laughed. "Including the magic phone."

In fact, not only Magic phones, but other similar products. Any device that can install programs and connect to Magic networks can use this new technology developed by them.

Alleria nodded, then saw that Tang En activated the small box in his hand, and then a circle of pale gold projections appeared around his palm. The circle of pale gold projections was divided into many different The grid is also divided into several layers. Some of the grids show clear icons and simple text descriptions. Alleria sees several common spells at a glance, and some of the grids are blank.

"This is the current tentative layout. To facilitate operation, this layout plan will be further optimized."

Tang En explained it and said, "Those blank squares are spells that have not been authorized for the time being. They are more powerful, so the authority requirements are higher ... well, for example."

Tang En took out a card with his left hand and swiped over the box: "Tang En applies for permission."

"The application is approved, you have the highest authority, all the spells have been unlocked, and the push is completed."

As soon as the sound in the box dropped, Aurelia and Olina suddenly noticed that the circle of golden projection on the side of Tang En's palm suddenly expanded a lot, and there were more layers, many spells, and even seven Eighth-order spells are available!

Tang En swiped with his right hand, and Aurelia noticed that a grid on the golden projection lighted up, and then Tang En only lightly, a golden magic rune suddenly appeared in front of the box, The magic resonated, and the fire elements in the air instantly gathered together and turned into a fiery fireball. Then, as soon as Tang En raised his hand, the fireball whistled and flew into the sky.

Tang En smiled and said, "Compared to the magic pistol, this new technology is more convenient. It does not need to replace the magic substrate to realize the release of different spells. It is also very convenient to update and maintain. Personal identity information is authorized to change, enabling terminal control. "

Alleria was stunned, and a moment later she said dumbly: "The birth of your technology ... how can those magicians feel embarrassed?"

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