Things from Another World

Chapter 1329: Are you right? Sister Olina?

After coming to Prendall, Tang En, who is in the power of a magician, can actually say that he has only done one thing-that is to pull the magician off the altar, and unveil the mystery of magic.

Whether it is the large-scale application of magic energy technology, the impact of the popularity of magic energy networks on the superiority of magic, or the popularization of spell release capabilities caused by the combined use of mathematical spell models and magic energy networks, these are all It is a big shock to the existing traditional magic forces.

It's just that the Silver City has now been stepped down by Tang Enze, becoming a force standing on the side of Tang En, and enjoying the revolutionary technology of the new era in advance, so they have not become the resistance of this reform force.

Because a large number of spells have been parsed and reconstructed, anyone can use the magic network covering the entire Prandall to contact the central server Eve to apply for casting permissions, which has led to the embarrassment of junior magicians-the spells they are studying It's not even as good as a few keystrokes.

Only powerful magicians will not be affected, because the powers required by those spells are necessarily very high, and ordinary people cannot reach them at all.

In the future, the status of the Prandallian magician will inevitably change from the current mobile turret. The positioning of humanoid strategic nuclear weapons will change greatly. They will change from combat professionals to research workers, so as to optimize magic technology, and further To promote the progress of this society.

The technology that Tang En developed now fundamentally changes the future war mode of Prandall, and also makes those low-level magicians lose their role on the battlefield, so Alleria is so surprised.

"I won't talk about the first-order spells of fireball. What about the seventh- and eighth-order spells I just saw?"

Aurelia asked in a horrible battle, "Don't tell me anyone can release these spells."

"As you have just heard, applying for the use of spells requires permissions. Depending on the registered household registration, personal security, and level of war, we can open permissions according to different situations."

Tang En said with a smile: "So you can rest assured that ordinary high-level spells do not have permission to use."

Olena asked curiously, "Did you guys still bother about how to describe spells mathematically? Why was there such a big breakthrough all of a sudden?"

"That's because we are **** ..."

Tang En smiled and scratched his head: "We only thought about how to describe mathematically the release and effective process of the spell, but we forgot what the essence of the spell is ..."

"The nature of the spell?"

"In the beginning, we tried to describe the fireball technique perfectly, and strived to release the fireball technique through the artificial soul quantum computer in the same way as we released it. Later, we tried our best and did it, but , This is just a first-order spell, the difficulty is so high, let alone increase the first-order spell. "

"We kept trying and failing. Until then, I suddenly realized ..."

Tang En smiled bitterly: "We are all horny. Spells are actually not as complicated as we see."

As soon as he waved his hand, many bright spots of light appeared in front of him, all of which are concrete elements: "As you can see, the essence of magic is actually that we use magic to control elements to exert their own characteristics. To the material process-that's the nature of the spell. "

Alleria and Olena nodded involuntarily. Although unknown, they felt terrible ...

"That is to say, we don't need to pay attention to the external manifestation of the spell, or the morphological characteristics of the spell, as long as the core feature of the spell, its power is sufficient."

Tang En smiled bitterly: "In the beginning, we were stuck with trying to restore the appearance of the spell without paying attention to its essential characteristics. After we woke up, we realized that we wanted to describe the most fundamental core of a spell, but we didn't. So difficult as imagined ... "

Aurelia suddenly realized: "That is to say, at first, you made it harder for yourself, not only want power, but also want to be the same as the current spells, so the difficulty has increased sharply and the useless parts have been eliminated. After that, the difficulty suddenly dropped a lot. "

"That's it."

Tang En looked at the small box in his hand and said, "Now our work progress has accelerated a lot, and soon we can organize the temporarily resolved spells into fixed modules and package them, and then push them to the active soldiers. Now. "

It's just a simple technical update that can instantly make the combat effectiveness several times in the presence of existing forces, which shows the importance of technology.

"The matter of war is entrusted to you. I am only responsible for managing a stable rear."

Aurelia walked in front of Tang En, tidy up his collar, and then said very seriously, "We will defeat the demon soon, right?"

Tang En froze, then smiled: "Yes, soon."

Busy Tang En didn't have much time to stay. After learning about recent events and showing new technology, he left in a hurry.

"He's been really busy lately."

Suddenly Olina said, "I'm too busy to fix my clothes."

Alleria said without changing her face, "Yes."

However, it should be my job to make clothes for him.

Olina's expression is very complicated. Is this daughter about to declare her sovereignty?


Alleria suddenly said: "You once said that a good man is like the most dazzling gem. Everyone wants to own it, so if you encounter it, you must not hesitate to be decisive, right?"

"I said that ..."

"So, do you think there are better men in this world?"


Orina opened her mouth: "He's you—"

Alleria interrupted her: "That's just a definition of reason. He and I actually meet the requirements, right?"


"I think at the beginning, you and your mother should have thought about me and him, right?"

Alleria looked at Olena and said very lightly: "But I'm afraid you haven't even thought about it yourself, and it will be you who will eventually marry him."

Facing Aurelia's accusations, Olina has nothing to say. In the past few years, things about Victor have been downplayed. She has accepted a new life, a new life, and even returned Rediscovered the taste of happiness ...

But all this was snatched from her daughter.

If it weren't for her, now Tang En's legal wife should be Aurelia.

Olina suddenly had a very strong sense of guilt. As soon as she wanted to say something, Aurelia planned her words again: "You don't need to feel guilty, not because you are my mother, but just because you and you Tang En's approach was the best choice, not to mention that I wasn't even sure if I liked him at that time, so I wouldn't blame anyone. "

Then you still ...

Alleria seemed to see Olena's doubts, and she continued: "I don't blame you, but it doesn't mean that I give up on him ... mother, no, you should say ... sister Olena."


Olina took a cold breath, and her worst worry happened: "Are you crazy !?"

"No, I'm not crazy."

Aurelia said lightly: "Look at Pertis and Selise, and then look at Lorraine and Lola. Do you think I'm exaggerating?"

Olina exclaimed, "That's different! They are Naga and the Dark Elves!"

"You discriminate against them?"


"Do you think they are inferior to humans?"

"Do not……"

"Then why do you look at them this way?"

Olena was speechless, refuted by Aurelia.

"Or would you give up on him willingly?"

Alleria looked into Olena's eyes and said calmly, "First of all, I don't plan to give up. I'm sure, he's the person I've been waiting for."

give up?

Olina covered her belly, at this time, you said let me give up?

"You should have noticed something before? So every time I talk to Tang En recently, you will be here ... because you are disturbed."

Aurelia dissects Olena's thoughts a little bit: "You worry that compared with a younger me, your charm is not enough to continue to attract him, you worry that you will lose him ... so you need to appear often He showed a sense of presence in front of him. "

"No, it's not ..."

"In fact, this is your underlying idea. You are now very upset and insecure."

Aurelia shook her head and said slowly: "I didn't know the reason at first, but in connection with the recent rumors of the maids in the palace and the recent changes in you, I think I understand ..."

Olina's face changed slightly, and she subconsciously avoided her gaze.

Alleria leaned over and gently stroked Olina's belly. Touched and whispered, "How many months?"

"... Three months."

"That is to say, in the month of recovery next year, I will be my mother."

"Right ... no!" Olina's face changed. "It's my sister!"

"No, believe me." Aurelia corrected Olina and said meaningfully, "I will be your child's mother."

"You'll hurt him by being cursed into a ridiculous unconscious king!"

"But don't forget, history is written by the victor. If he can save the world, he is the hero of all people, and he will not care what he does."

Alleria smiled slightly: "On the contrary, if he fails ... then the world will be destroyed, all of us will be buried with him, and no one will care what he does. Are you right? Austria Sister Lena? "

Olina found herself speechless!

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