Things from Another World

Chapter 1330: Local tycoon! capricious!

Tang En knew about Olena's pregnancy.

She has been pregnant for three months, and now is the month of good harvest. In other words, at the end of the month of life and the beginning of jubilant moon, Olina is pregnant.

It happened suddenly and logically, because it wasn't just Olena who was pregnant, but also Isari.

Is really pregnant.

Tang En's subconscious has never been ready to be a father, so he has always resisted conceiving a partner. Therefore, the strength of his body will not really allow his partner to conceive.

In the waning month of last year, when Tang En led the army to the New World, Isari gave him a shocking gift package. The news of pregnancy scared Tang En directly, but it was because of this that she defeated Tang En. The defense line in his heart made him accept the reality. Since then, Tang En no longer deliberately rejects that idea, the body's secretion system has started to normalize, and he has started to create his powerful genetic factors.

So his only legitimate wife, Olena, hit the dart.

And, under the elaborate arrangements that followed, Li Sali repeatedly stiffened. While Tang En honored her promise and accompanied Ellie and Sanye to their unveiled meeting, she sneaked in to replace the other elves several times, and then Really pregnant ...

Do n’t think it ’s impossible. In terms of appearance alone, immaculate elves are really easy to cause face blindness, especially at that time, Tang En ’s consciousness is almost comatose. Observing who is riding on him? Clover? Pamela? Another Elf Girl? ... or Isari?

After Sari successfully conceived, she was more certain that her decision was correct. Therefore, she was more motivated to urge women in the tribe to push back Down, especially Aegwynn, who had no sisters. Congenital advantage, everything comes naturally, the only trouble is that she can't get through the hurdle in her heart.

However, as Isali continued to brainwash her, and hinted to her, Aigwin now has less anger and less resistance to what happened to Tang En, and it is precisely because of this that she only spent a few days Will come back immediately after receiving the news to help Tang En ...

Tang En doesn't know yet. He put down the defense line in his heart, but the opportunity to break the deadlock. If he knew, now I am afraid that both he and Isari's children can already play soy sauce ...

It's no secret that Olina was pregnant. In addition, she also had the heart to let her daughter back out, so she also deliberately showed it. After the maids found the signs, they were almost passed on. Almost all the people in the Royal Palace and even the people in Yalinks knew about it, so the rumors that doubted whether Her Majesty Tang En's disease in some way could not be broken.

However, Aurelia did not retreat as difficult as Olena thought, but continued to work as usual, as if she knew a very ordinary thing.

"His Royal Highness, Her Majesty's pregnancy ..."

"I already know, what's wrong?"

The maid captain, Celia, whispered, "Don't you have any ideas ..."

Alleria is too old for the average marriage age of human females in Prandall, and she is also a royal princess, which is even more incredible.

Generally speaking, the princess will reach a political marriage with a foreign country to stabilize the political situation, but the entire human kingdom of Prendall has been unified, and she does not need to marry a foreign country at all. With foreigners, the former King of Rennes, Tester ’s The marriage request was rejected ruthlessly again, leaving no room at all ...

Could it be that the pearl of Yalinks is finally going to marry a domestic nobleman?

Many old nobles are paying attention to Aurelia's movements and paying attention to Tang En's meaning. Even they were very excited at first-because Queen Olina is already old, she may have lost her fertility, and In the past few years, Her Majesty Tang En married Queen Olina, and nothing happened, which just shows that their guess is likely to be true.

If Her Majesty Tang En is not as satisfied as she is now, that means Aurelia's children will have the right to inherit the throne!

In order to wait for this opportunity to legally usurp the country, the eligible men in these established noble families have never been married (of course, this does not mean that they cannot play with women), they are waiting for this opportunity.

I just didn't expect that the news of Olena's pregnancy suddenly appeared, just like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, breaking these people's illusions.

Queen Olina is pregnant, which means that the Illus Empire will soon have another prince or princess. Now, her other daughter, the longest princess Aurelia, has not yet married, and has even replaced her own. His father, Tang En, was in control of the state, and it was awkward.

If Princess Aurelia continues to be the longest princess, how should Tang and Olena's children face her after they are born?

The best option now is to get Aurelia to marry as soon as possible.

But also because of this news, the nobles who have been waiting have given up hope, and the idea of ​​marrying Aurelia has been diluted a lot.

Many people in the palace know very well that if they drag on like this, even the pearl of Yalinks, the noble and perfect Princess Aurelia, will end up alone.

"what idea?"

Aurelia said lightly: "Don't worry about my affairs, I already have a lover, but it's not the time to get married."

"Oh ... what !?"

The maid captain, Celia, suddenly exclaimed, and then she gave a shudder and calmed down immediately: "I'm sorry, I'm out of order."

"Nothing, this is normal."

Aurelia said lightly: "After all, in your eyes, I haven't been out in the palace all the time, and it's normal to have no love."

Celia laughed a few times and slipped away holding the tray.

Aurelia sighed, this Celia ... remembered that the mother had tried to let her in several times to share the pressure, and it always happened unexpectedly ... Well, such gossip, let her go to Tang En to warm the bed sooner or later Taste it.

-In Aurelia's eyes, letting a maid sleep on a male master is nothing, even if she has always accepted Tang En's concept of equality, let alone those civilians.

Aurelia squeezed her eyebrows and looked at the documents sorted out by the secretarial team in front of her. She couldn't help but sighed and felt a little bit nervous.

The harvest is now at the end of the month, and the harvesting of farmland in various places is nearing completion. Due to the convenient functions of the artificial soul quantum computer and the magic energy network, reports of grain production in various places have also been submitted. The integrated calculation of the computer has also released the grain output of the entire plant-far beyond imagination.

Last year, because of the miracle (Nora's power), one more crop was harvested, so last year's grain output was very amazing, but I didn't expect that with only one crop this year, the total production capacity was not as good as last year. Comparable!

This year's national grain sown area was 1,134,400 square kilometers, an increase of 40.52% over last year. Such a huge increase was due to the stable situation of the Illus Empire, the large number of agricultural magical machinery put into use, and The reclaimed farmland was put into use.

The national grain output this year exceeded 62.143 million tons, an increase of less than 0.3% from last year. However, last year was a two-season crop and this year is a one-season. Therefore, the actual growth rate is still very exaggerated.

Such a huge increase is of course due to the contributions of the elves Druid sacrifices in the Temple of the Earth, and the improved crop seeds developed and produced by Grantia have played an inestimable role, followed by the plant growth of the Hohenheim family The huge effect brought by the formulation of the catalytic liquid, after the official mass production, Tang En spared no effort to use the channels of the Datang Chamber of Commerce to promote it nationwide. All villages can buy this kind of gold at a very low price. Pull "super nutrient solution ...

A large number of convenient agricultural magic energy machines, a large number of newly cultivated arable land, super high-yield seeds cultivated by "biological" technology, and super advanced nutrient solutions produced by "alchemy" ... so many advantages are superimposed together. There is nothing indispensable, and finally such a powerful effect erupted.

Such a huge grain output is enough to supply all races in Prandall, and it is not surprising that with the increase of cultivated land and the increase in population, the grain output will continue to increase in the future, and it will reach a new high every year ...

It is also because of anticipating this result that Tang En will safely promote the game of magic energy, because the future agriculture will change from the current labor-intensive industry to a technology-based basic industry, a skilled farmer who has mastered technology Can exert the efficiency equivalent to the current 1,000 farmers.

Aurelia is lamenting this now-Tang En merely popularizes the power of magic, and then makes the whole society shine out with incredible potential, and can even make everyone eat and live Good day, why hasn't anyone thought that before?

Or, has anyone thought about it before, and did so, but ultimately failed?

Aurelia looked at the huge food application from the underground world in front of her. The amount on it was huge. If it had been in the past, Aurelia would have to hesitate for a long time to make a decision, but now ...

Alleria "唰 唰 唰" quickly signed her name.

"Yes, let them eat!"

For the first time, she had the willful confidence of a local tyrant.

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