Things from Another World

Chapter 1331: Hope from new technologies

During the war, there is not much time left for researchers. Once the technology is determined to be safe, it will be immediately put into practical use, especially the technology that can quickly increase combat effectiveness.

Therefore, after completing a certain degree of research work, the magic model project department of the Magic Energy Engineering Research Institute immediately separated some people and started independent packaging. Their task is to copy all existing spell models and fill them. Installed in a separate artificial soul quantum computer host.

This host will then be transported to the abyss of purgatory, to interconnect data with the computer in the base, take over the communication system there, and then it will push the existing quick cast function directly to the smart watches of all soldiers. For these elites, any new technology that can enhance their combat effectiveness can be quickly grasped at the first time, and there will be no threshold problems-not to mention artificial souls to assist in explanation.

So, at the end of the 852-year harvest month, after the war of purgatory abyss has begun for several months, the human kingdom once again sent a batch of support to the purgatory abyss, and this time, they were carrying Technology that can stabilize the situation, even enough for humans to gain a foothold in the abyss of purgatory.

The mathematical analysis of the spell model allows many fighters who do not have the ability to cast spells. The most important part of this change is not that the human army has a rather terrible joint casting ability. The most important thing is that these themselves rely on new equipment. Soldiers who have gained a lot of combat power can once again get the ability to use spells to assist in combat.

This time, instead of relying on Tang En's spell aura, they released auxiliary spells. They can judge according to the situation on the battlefield and according to their own abilities, and then release the spell that best suits the current situation to help themselves or their comrades. Combat, this flexibility is much more convenient than previous methods of combat.

Frontline Combat Command Center.

"Report to the commander, the artificial soul quantum computer 'God of War' has been deployed and can be started at any time!"

De Puhaha laughed and gave the start command, then stared intently at the projection screen in front.

"The system is live ... salute you, Commander Depp."

After the computer of Ares greeted Depp, it immediately took over the control authority of the original computer in the command center and integrated all the current data: "The map data has been loaded, the personnel data and statistics have been completed, and the networked devices have been activated. A total of 58,482 devices At present, all work is normal, the vital signs of the personnel have been analyzed, and some of them have emotional abnormalities. It is recommended that 1024 soldiers return to Prandall to rest and replace the replacement ... "

The Ares just launched, and immediately discovered many problems that Depp did not find, and gave a solution based on the countermeasures loaded in advance.

Just a simple demonstration, the function of the Ares has already made everyone present very surprised, they did not expect that the performance of this host sent this time is so powerful.

However, what surprises them is still behind-when the potential risks are dealt with, the Ares immediately enters the information push mode and starts to execute the preset procedures.

"Compatibility check of smart caster is completed, the number of compatible devices has been determined, and update information is being pushed ..."

The Ares projected screen quickly dazzled with complicated lines of complicated code. Those are the program codes that implement the intelligent casting function. They also contain very complicated spell formulas that most people cannot understand.

"All online devices have been updated, the instructions for use have been synchronized, and the remote magic control system has been launched ... the smart casting system has officially started."

At the same time as the broadcast sound of God of War dropped, Depp found that the golden rune projection suddenly lit around the smart watch on his wrist, and then the smart casting function option appeared, and it was very intimately displayed next to it. How to use this manual.

Depp was surprised, then overjoyed: "This is the new function developed by the research institute?"

The nearby Locke was also very excited: "It looks very good, let's try it!"

They had received news from Ellington long ago and were very interested in this whimsical technology.

Unexpectedly, this technology is actually realized now.

Depp they immediately went outside the base. Find some targets and start testing according to the instructions on the manual.

"Release Fireball."

"Release the wall of ice."

"Release the flame storm."

"Release power to strengthen."

"Release defense enhancement."

In the courtyard of the command base, various sounds of spells emerged one after another. Although they were a little accustomed at first, they gradually mastered the tricks after a long test.

The smart casting system of the smart watch's innovation has helped them more than they thought. Just a few simple tests, they are already happy.

In the courtyard of the command base, the light and shadow of various spells rose and fell. The strong magic and the fluctuation of the elements are incredible to those magicians, but now they are just them. These ordinary apocalypse who have not yet broken the professional boundaries are released through the smart casting system of the smart watch. Release speed Very fast, almost no chanting time, and no cooling time, all the pressure is borne by the artificial intelligence magic net, and even the analysis and molding process of the spell are controlled by the central host, they themselves as the user and the release side are Just lock the target and give instructions.

All the advantages of the intelligent casting system are much stronger than the existing magicians. After seeing their attempts in the yard, even some magicians are envious of envy.

Looking at their unhindered release rhythm and refreshing casting process, some magicians couldn't help sighing, "What's the use of this magic?"

Yes, after years of hard work, and finally academic success, when I thought that I could finally stand proudly at the top of the whole society, I suddenly found that I was proud to be replaced by artificial intelligence technology. But his unique stunt has become a skill that everyone can have casually. This kind of blow is probably devastating to every magician. If the quality of the mind is not good, I am afraid that it will take a minute after this happened Will become an antisocial personality.

This may be what Fiona and Aurelia were worried about before, but fortunately, Tang En had already prepared a solution in advance, turning all the magicians of the Silver City into research and development in their own camp. The main force, therefore, the birth of this new technology has not caused a contradiction between traditional and new school mage.

After testing the intelligent casting system in the base, Depp and they couldn't wait to rush to the front line to go to a fierce battle with the demons, so as to personally experience this wonderful enjoyment of arbitrary casting.

You know, in the previous period, Depp did not have so many legal talents, and the magic power in their hands was only magic pistols, special seeds, and special missiles. They only needed to rely on these weapons and equipment to compete with those. The pressure of powerful demons fighting can be imagined.

Now that they have an intelligent spell-casting system, they are equivalent to everyone becoming a powerful magician. In the average combat quality, they have even crushed the low-level demons to a certain extent.

In the contract signed by Down and Balmotos, the human legion needs to be responsible for protecting the old, weak, and sick of the devil. The main enemy is the low-level demon legion.

In this case, Depp, who has been directing the team to run guerrillas everywhere in Purgatory Abyss, has long lost his anger, and now he can get a chance to fight a beautiful counterattack. .

Depp quickly replaced the magic crystal in the smart watch to ensure that the smart watch was in the best condition, and then he turned his head to reveal a sloppy smile: "Rock, do you remember where we recently stalemate with the demon? "

"Of course it's at Black Point."

Locke froze and realized: "You want to--"


Depp said aggressively: "Ready to summon soldiers, this time, we will kill all the demons!"

Locke licked his lips and laughed: "This time I support you ... with the help of this intelligent casting system, we finally have the power to resist when facing the demon's magic net."

Heijiao Mountain is a black peak in the thorny stone forest. It is only over a hundred kilometers away from the command base where they are located. It was originally a devil's settlement, but was occupied by a group of demon raids.

Depp When they got the news and rushed there, all the demons living there were slaughtered, leaving only a large number of demons roaming over the corpses.

At that time, Depp and they had already organized a surprise attack, but the demons occupied the geographical advantage and the number advantage, so the human army was very passive. The use of missile bombing could easily cause the mountain peaks on both sides to collapse, but it was easy to hurt their own people. After not being able to attack, the two sides stalemate at Heijiao Mountain, and until now they have not separated.

After trying the intelligent casting system this time, Depp immediately discovered the chance of victory-such a convenient and fast casting system, which is enough to compare with the devil, that is, use the spell to fight against the devil on the front battlefield, They can also completely stop the wind.

Heijiao Mountain, this time it can finally be won!

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