Things from Another World

Chapter 1332: Pointe noire counterattack

Blackhorn Mountain is the first setback where the human army entered the abyss of purgatory. This setback not only caused a huge blow to the mighty human army, but also allowed the very optimistic high-level military officers to finally see their current Strength level.

These demons are just low-level demons among the demons, not even big demons. The demon lord did not appear, but it is such a demonic team that makes the firepower fierce and defends the powerful human legion. Not to mention the main battlefield team composed of powerful great devil.

Depp, who is the chief commander, and several legion leaders who have important responsibilities, Locke and Brian have sobered from the situation of blind optimism after this battle. They have become more stable and faced the devil. At the time, I also learned to use some useful strategies to increase the probability of his own victory.

Now, they endured so long, and finally waited for the opportunity to turn around.

The army assembled under Noire.

The regrouped human forces now look much better than before, at least they don't have that pessimistic look on their faces.

Of course, the most important reason for this change is because of the emergence of intelligent casting systems.

With the help of this intelligent spell-casting system, each of them is a master of magic who masters dozens of spells. If they were in the previous War of Prandall, now they can even compare to a powerful one. army!

Yesterday, after receiving the updated information pushed by God of War, these fighters in Purgatory Abyss can't wait to try the effect of new features. The wonderful feeling of freely releasing spells really made them want to stop. So I heard that today To gather together to launch a counterattack against Heijiao Mountain, these soldiers have already entered a state of extreme excitement.

"Attention all! Take the ten-person squad as the basic unit of action and the action plan as the unit. Don't leave the team without permission!"

Depp was standing in the lobby of the command center. The front-line anti-aircraft gun overlooked the ground in mid-air. He looked at the picture on the projection screen, and the sound spread through the host to each soldier's helmet. The original scattered team immediately changed. Quiet a lot, Xiao Xiao's atmosphere began to permeate the team.

"All personnel cooperate with their comrades in accordance with the previous division of labor. Now I will give you ten minutes to adjust the smart casting system of your smart watch. Everyone adjusts the spell wheel according to their own division of responsibilities and sets the preferred spells- Enemies on the battlefield will not give you time to change your spell roulette! "

As soon as Depp's voice fell, the soldiers in the team immediately got busy and began to adjust their smart watch system.

Preferential spells refer to fast casting. This is mainly because Tang En achieves the function that allows soldiers to release the desired spells at the fastest speed. It is a spell roulette that can be activated instantly. On the spell roulette, There are preset grids that can be set to your favorite spells. Each grid occupies a range of 36 degrees by default, so ten quick spells can be set in a circle.

Of course, this does not mean that they can only set a total of ten spells. These ten spells are the easiest to release, the fastest reaction speed, and the most commonly used spells. If multiple spell roulettes are turned on, in fact, all the current ones can be used. All the spells are set up, but then there are too many choices, and it is easy to pick up the eyes at the critical moment, and there is no time to react at all, but the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.

The team of Purgatory Abyss had a very clear division of labor before, some people attacked, some were responsible for cover, some were responsible for logistics, etc. Now everyone sets their own preference spells based on their previous division of labor. For example, the person responsible for the main attack can set 8 of his ten quick spell slots as various offensive spells, and the remaining two are set as displacement flashes, and one is set as an emergency life-saving substitute. Just fine.

The warrior in charge can set half of his spells as interference, such as slime, activation rope, etc., and half as tactical spells, such as fossil mud, stealth and so on.

The choice of warriors in charge of logistics is even more. The various auxiliary spells are very important on the battlefield, and each one is indispensable, such as Berserk, Aura of Storm Guard, Aura of Earth Power, Aura of Arcane Force Field, Aura of Arcane Protection, Aura of Spell Damage Suppression, etc. There are at least a dozen of various auxiliary spells, which is because Tang En has not completely mathematicalized all the spells. .

However, the fighters in charge of logistics rarely face the enemy directly and have enough time to think, so their ten quick spell bars are not enough, they can even open an additional spell wheel, and they can prepare some offensive spells. Complement the shortcomings of other fighters.

The blink of an eye arrived in ten minutes, and the variety of choices in the cast system made them dazzle, but they finally completed the configuration of the spell wheel in strict accordance with the requirements of the order.

"Now, everyone switches channels according to their respective teams, enters combat mode, and accepts the command of the captain."

After Depp said, he switched his channel to the exclusive channel of the regiment commander. This combat communication command system is transmitted from top to bottom in one direction. That is to say, after entering this mode, the communicator can only receive itself. The order of the first-level chief.

In the command center, Depp can monitor the entire battlefield through the camera of the floating guns flying into the air, so as to control the situation as a whole. His order is passed to Lock, Brian, Cao and other legionary commanders. After that, the chiefs of these legions made a certain judgment based on the situation on the battlefield where they were, and then chose the method of execution, and then continued to pass the instructions down.

This will not only allow the commander's instructions to be executed quickly, but also avoid cross-level transmission and management confusion.

At the same time, in order to avoid unexpected situations, Depp at the command center does not know, so there is an emergency communication function on the communicator. After opening, you can directly report the situation with Depp at the command center-this function is strictly limited, only Sudden situations that affect the war situation to a certain extent are allowed to activate this function.

After starting the combat mode, the soldiers began to gradually disperse, followed their officers to the area they were responsible for, and looked down from high altitude, they will see that they are now advancing towards Heijiao Mountain as a whole, forming a semicircular encirclement.

At this moment, the demons on the Black Horn Mountain have also noticed the movement of the humans under the mountain. Some of them have burst into the sky and started to throw the evil flame spells from afar. On the yellow sky, green evil flame fireballs are dragging. The long tail flame whistled and fell, like an apocalyptic carnival.

Nazura's killing monster swooped down from the Black Point Mountain, and the sharp machete that could easily cut the human body into his hands almost turned into two green lights.

Nazura Blight has begun to release a large range of blight. As long as human soldiers stand in it, vitality will begin to quickly drain, and at this time, those auxiliary spells can exert their effects, whether it is spell damage suppression The aura, or the arcane protection aura, can help them resist this damage to a certain extent.

Ubolis purgatory demon stood on the mountain and started a joint cast. At the foot, a huge and bright magic array lit up. They liked to burn everything with the blazing flames. It should be no surprise that their joint release at this moment should be a Eighth-order fire spell purgatory fire sea-for the environment at the moment, it is really very suitable.

Like a fixed turret, the Ubolis Corruption Demon occupies the advantage of high ground vision and directly opens the "spray" mode. The highly corrosive acid should not be sprayed on the human legion.

The power of this acid solution, which is synthesized by Yuboris' Corruption Demon, is very terrible. Even the devil in Purgatory Abyss is sprayed, and even the bones will be melted away in extreme time. However, the synthesis of this acid solution takes time. They have emitted frequencies that have never been faster.

Maybe they also think it's time to win?

"Evil flame fireball is here! Get ready!"

"Shut up, I'm not blind! Look at me!"

A warrior held up his right hand, the smart watch was activated immediately, and the magic roulette appeared around his wrist. He locked the spell he needed almost instantly, and then-released!

Spell Protection Enchantment!


A faint layer of transparent light curtain was formed in a blink of an eye, wrapping their entire team inside, and then, the fighter who was in charge of logistics and now transferred to assist turned on the magic damage suppression aura.

"Not only evil flame spells, but also acid missiles!"

"I said I'm not blind!"

Obviously, the soldier who was forced to change his position as an assistant was very irritable. There was no way to help him. In the past years, the assistant also had a heart that he wanted to output. He turned on the aura of the arcane force field, a spell aura that specifically suppresses splash and missile attacks .

Then the guy pulled a hand and directly opened the second spell wheel, and when he didn't agree, he pulled out a snowstorm and hit the mountain.

"Bold! As an assistant, you dare to steal my head!"

This time the others were furious. After avoiding the first wave of evil flame spells and acid missiles falling from the sky, they activated the spell wheel, and then various spells were smashed against the Nazula demon rushing down the mountain. past.

Purgatory Blast, Arcane Torrent, Lava Burst, Freezing, etc ...

We have enough reasons to believe that if it was not for Tang En that they had not converted the seventh-level or higher advanced spell analysis, these red-eyed guys would dare to use legendary spells as regular spells to make ...

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