Things from Another World

Chapter 1333: Is it about to expire?

On the Heijiao Mountain, all kinds of demons and human legions were completely slaughtered together. From the sky, they were all black squads. On the chaotic battlefield, it was not even possible to tell which spell was released from which side.

The demon's chaotic nature seems to be transmitted to humans, but fortunately, the human legion operates with a ten-man squad as the basic unit of action. The host God of War can also track the positioning system and vital sign data on the smart watch to mark me. Therefore, we can roughly judge the distribution of our personnel from the situation on the battlefield.

More importantly, because the release of the spell is also performed by the host God of War, the God of War can determine the position of our personnel through the positioning system to calculate whether there are friendly forces within the range of the spell release, and whether the power of the spell will spread. Friendly forces—If the judgment fails, the host Ares can change the trajectory and range of the released spells according to the needs, avoiding its own personnel to a certain extent, thereby achieving the strange effect of "spells avoiding friendly forces."

Therefore, when the soldiers discovered this, they became even more brazen in their use of spells.

Depp didn't stop, at this moment Tang En was also at the command center, watching the projection screen.

This battle was not so much a counterattack against the Blackhorn Mountain demons, but it was Tang En who used them to test the advantages and disadvantages of the intelligent casting system.

The intelligent casting system described based on mathematical formulas is too superior in all aspects, but it is precisely because of this that it makes people more worried about potential dangers.

All the spell release process is also a process of reverse analysis and calculation of mathematical formulas, and all the calculation processes are given to the central host, so if there is any problem with the central host, it does not mean that all connected devices on the battlefield will fall into Paralyzed? If someone is fighting a powerful enemy and the cast system is suddenly paralyzed, wouldn't it be dead?

They have already considered this problem. The problem is the same as the previous Internet hosts. Three hosts are used to process data in parallel. Each one has the ability to independently perform calculation and analysis. In normal times, they have priority. As soon as there is a problem with the currently running host, the two backup hosts will immediately start the takeover procedure according to the priority level. The three backup hosts are enough to cope with this unexpected situation.

The second thing to worry about is whether this fast, high-intensity and wide-range intelligent casting system will affect Prendall's current state of magic?

From the perspective of simulation calculations alone, it seems that it will not cause any huge impact, but they are very worried about the effect after the actual promotion, so they will first come to the Purgatory Abyss. As long as they fight here, they can start from Here is the local situation to infer the overall situation.

The infernal abyss belongs to the magic deposition area. According to Otinija, the magic environment here in Illus is derived from the product of psionic decay, that is, this energy is likely to be affected by the gravitational influence of the planet Together, they are relatively abundant around the planet and relatively thin in the void.

It is precisely because of the magical deposition area that changes in magical power are more easily observed.

Tang En is waiting for time now.

After fighting for several hours, Tang En suddenly said, "God of War, switch the observation mode, and gather observation data from Heijiao Mountain."

The camera on the floating gun has a variety of built-in observation modes, a telephoto mode, a reconnaissance mode, and a night vision mode. Of course, the most special one is the magic induction mode.

In this mode, the floating gun will detect the magic concentration in the environment. After receiving the data, the host will draw a contour map of magic concentration according to the data ... Usually this mode is to observe the powerful enemies hidden in the natural environment. , But now it is used by Tang En to observe the flow of magic.

"The command is received, the observation mode is switched, the mode is switched to the magic induction mode, and the data collection is completed."

The projection screen suddenly turned into a red contour map, which was superimposed with the original top view, and there was basically no way to judge the difference in magic concentration.

This is because the concentration of magic power in Purgatory Abyss is too high.

"Mark the lowest value at this moment as the reference value and redraw the image."

"Order received."

The content on the projection screen refreshed instantly, and then Tang En found that although the concentration of magic power in Purgatory Abyss is generally much higher than that of Prendall, the image became clear and clear immediately after the standard value was raised, red and yellow. Orange green is scattered randomly on the image.

It can be clearly seen from the image that in the middle of the battlefield, the concentration of magic power is the highest crimson. This color almost covers the entire battlefield. The further away from the battlefield, the lower the concentration of magic power. Around the corner of Heijiao Mountain, a green trough of magic power is formed-the magic power there may be completely emptied by the smart watch in the battlefield.

After passing through the trough of magic, the magic farther away began to regain its average level in a staircase ...

Tang En called up the ruler tool and stroked it on the projection. The range affected by the battle of Heijiao Mountain is about 20 kilometers in circle. The magic in this range has been converged due to frequent casting and high intensity use In the middle of the battlefield, near the peak of only 4 square kilometers, there is only deep red now.

Tang En continued to collect data for several hours for comparison experiments, and then he found that as the war continued, the surrounding magic power was also increasing, so the scope of influence was also increasing. After an hour, the range of influence has expanded to about 40 kilometers, and almost all the magic in this range has been extracted to the central area.

At this point—compared to other areas—the concentration of magic in that area is already quite thin.

This discovery forced Tang En to be more vigilant, which meant that the large-scale use of smart watches and smart casting systems did have a very obvious impact on the surrounding magic environment-now he cannot even determine whether this effect is reversible. of.

Theoretically speaking, the energy inherent in an environment is limited. The energy countercurrent of the astral channel gave birth to the current magic-enriched environment, but over the years, these energy have not been consumed in continuous consumption. If this energy is a kind of non-renewable energy, then at such a terrible rate of consumption, I am afraid that in a few years, they can completely exhaust the existing magic of Prandall, and make the entire Prandall again become a Magic world.

By that time, wouldn't Tang En's trouble-changing magic reform technology be the end of the road?

"It's time to end the fight."

Anxiously, Tang En threw a word to Depp and left the purgatory abyss.

Depp, who has been directing the operation for more than ten hours, finally regained his spirit and began to issue the final total attack command. Various weapons and equipment have also begun to appear on the battlefield. This time with the intelligent casting system Assistance, they have sufficient self-protection ability when facing the demon's spell bombing, so they can fully resist the pressure to fight back.

At this time, Tang En returned to Ellington, found Otinia, and told Otinia what he had just observed and his inferences.

After listening to Tang En's speech, Otiniya then looked away from the book and looked at his face.

"Are you dumb?"


Tang En faced with aggression: "Why scold me?"

"Your worry is simply superfluous."

Otiniya reluctantly said: "Now Prendall ’s energy-enrichment status will not change, and it can be expected that it will not change for a long time. The direct impact of void energy and the long-term immersion of phantom energy have completely changed With the ecological environment of this planet, otherwise how do you think the magic crystal is formed? "

"Magic crystal ... I really don't know."

"Magic crystal is the energy crystal after phantom decay, so it can be directly used by you as an energy source. Its appearance symbolizes that the planet belongs to an energy-enriched state, and because the magic crystal vein itself is an energy-enriched node , It will attract free energy to continue to grow, which is a very cheap and efficient clean energy. "

Otinija looked at Tang En rather disdainfully: "This energy is more efficient than the energy of your original world so you don't know where to go."


"Let ’s not say, now that the world barriers of this world have changed because of chaotic creatures, do you always know?"

Otiniya snorted: "Under this condition, the void can continue to penetrate into this world. Do you think the high-energy environment of this world will disappear?"

Tang En stunned: "I haven't considered this situation ... What you say is to admit that my current development path is correct?"

"I didn't say you were wrong, nor did you say that I was right. I am the guardian maid Otiya, not the omniscient Otiya."

Otinija said angrily: "If you want to know this, it is better to ask your family Elijah!"

Tang En was stunned again: "Why ask Elijah-!!!"

As soon as his heart trembled, his face changed fiercely, and he pursed his lips and said, "—You mean, Ilia's memory of her seal is now about to be released !? She is about to wake up?"

"What do you think?"

Otiniya had no guilt at all. She looked at Tang En meaningfully: "After all, she's sixteen years old this year ... Ah! Speaking, she's almost past the shelf life? It's too late if she doesn't start."

"... Why do you always feel that this sentence is full of strong malicious and strange hints !? And I really want to say that you are the one who can legally start!"

"... beast! Pervert!"

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