Things from Another World

Chapter 1336: New generation products

Chapter 1338

Order calendar 852 years, the month of celebration.

After a good month of peace, after seeing mountain-like food, the people of Prendal calmed down a lot from the threat of demons-as if in their eyes, as long as there is enough food, they can be fearless.

However, in fact, what really reassures people is actually the military strength of the Illus Empire that has soared in this year.

The stable operation of the adventurer's paradise and the "magic energy" online game can make the human country stably awaken the apocalypse. Once the apocalypse is awakened, it will be collected by the state immediately, and then incorporated into the military loan management to receive the most comprehensive training. They quickly turned into a usable combat power. After initial training, these people were quickly sent to the battlefield of Purgatory Abyss to participate in the war against demons and quickly grow on that cruel battlefield.

Although the time seems not right now, the glory festival is still held as usual.

Not only the Holy See, Jerezini XXIII, presided over the opening ceremony, but also the virgin Illyli appeared and used the artifact to release blessings to people everywhere.

As a veritable ruler of human beings, Tang En is certainly not absent, but this year's glorious ceremony is different from last year.

Last year, Tang En discovered the corrupted land on the other side of Prendall while broadcasting the opening ceremony of the glorious ceremonies in space, and thus began the fight against the demons.

This year, thanks to the addition of the intelligent casting system, the great victory of the Battle of Heijiao Mountain injected a boost to the low-mood human coalition. After the news spread from the abyss of purgatory to the human society, it naturally caused another battle. The national carnival.

The significance of winning this battle is not just to represent the power of new technology, but more importantly to reverse the invincible concept of demons in people's hearts!

In the past, when people mentioned the devil, the first impression was that it was powerful, terrible, and invincible. This mentality was very negative, and it often led to losing half without fighting.

But now it's different. The victory of Blackhorn Mountain has made people see hope-the demons are not so invincible and powerful, and we humans can still defeat them!

The victory of Heijiao Mountain can be said to be the best congratulations to this year's glorious festival. Thanks to this victory, the glorious festival that might have been deadly has also renewed its dazzling glory.

Devout believers and keen businessmen from all over the place have already arrived at Airlink and Ellington through airships early and booked the best stalls and shops in advance. The news of this victory has made people happy. As a result, the desire for consumption has also increased a lot. Fiona has already made a prediction in advance-the revenue of this year's shining festival may be able to recover last year's losses.

The booming development of the airship transport industry has not affected the prosperity of the land vehicle market. After all, one is a state-controlled vehicle and the other is a convenient vehicle that can be owned by the family. The two do not conflict.

Therefore, the Datang Chamber of Commerce once again launched a promotional event, with a more refined process, more beautiful shapes, and better performance. A new generation of magic cars was launched to the market during the glorious ceremony. At the same time, there was a new generation of magic phones. .

Compared with Maneng Auto, this year's new generation of Maneng mobile phones is really the highlight of the year!

Due to the stable development of the intelligent casting system, many spells have been completely simulated, so the second-generation new mobile phone launched this time also has some built-in zero-order spell functions, such as water creation, flame, and low light ( Flashlight), cleansing, detection, arcane arrows, mute, and other zero-order spells, as well as radios that can listen to radio, mobile TV functions that can watch TV programs, and more.

Most of the 0th-order spells have little power. They are more supportive of life and have a very convenient effect. For example, water creation. With this spell, anyone with a magic cell phone can Easy access to pure water anytime, anywhere, no more drought and hunger due to accidents, and thirst can ensure that users can set fire anytime and anywhere in the wild, no longer need to specially prepare those ignition Tools, low light can replace the torch lighting, cleaning can greatly extend the use of clothes, no need to frequently wash clothes to waste time ...

The 0th-order spell of Arcane Arrow basically has little power. The reason why it is built into the second-generation magic cell phone is that it wants to give them a certain self-protection ability and a means to improve security. Want to get users to adapt to the experience of using their phone to release spells as early as possible.

For ordinary people, spells are a mysterious and powerful force, not to mention the use of mobile phones to release spells-how can such unthinkable things happen?

But now it has really appeared.

The mysterious and noble magic has removed the mysterious veil and turned into an application on the mobile phone. Once activated, you can use convenient 0-level spells as you wish-of course, you need to deduct in the process of using the spells Then a little cost ...

When the Chaos Army arrives in the future, magic phones and smart watches will be Tang En's magic weapon to instantly improve the national combat effectiveness, so the sooner they get used to this function, the safer they will be in the future.

Some people may say that the cost of spells will affect the citizens ’desire to release spells. Slowing down the speed of popularization, but Tang En also has his consideration. The addition of a fee system is not for profit, but to limit citizens' abuse of spells and let them know Spells are not released without cost.

Users who can buy a magic phone will not care about the cost of releasing the spell, not to mention the longing and longing for spells of those people in Prandall, even if they know that using the magic phone to release the spell, they were absolutely absolute at first They don't care, they will definitely try until they are addicted. After the freshness period, they may not return to their senses.

And this charging system Tang En can be terminated from the server side at any time, so it does not affect the overall situation at all.

In addition to the much-anticipated second-generation Magic phone, smart watches are also introduced to the market. This market-oriented smart watch is essentially the same as the one used in the military, but it was built-in when it was released. The system was largely castrated, leaving only basic functionality.

For ordinary people, these basic functions are enough.

When war breaks out in the future, Tang En can also unlock all smart watch functions at any time by adjusting the server, which is very convenient.

And all of this is inseparable from the rapid development of artificial soul quantum computers and magic energy networks.

Although Prendal ’s civilization has experienced a long accumulation, the acceleration of cultural growth has not appeared. Now, after Tang En arrives, through the common sense in his mind, combined with the magical power unique to Prendall , Instantly put the world on a high-speed development train, and immediately entered a rushing information era ...

What's even more amazing is that for this huge change and development in the world, in addition to being surprised, the current generation is not accustomed to anything. They can adapt to new technologies and changes at a very amazing speed. Many People have even become accustomed to entertaining and searching for information in Internet cafes, which makes Tang En feel uncomfortable.

-It's as if he was the hunk who hasn't seen the market.

"Come on, don't look like a hunk who hasn't seen the world!"

Alleria urged Tang En who was suddenly in deep thought. From the busy end of the year to the beginning of the year, I'm afraid that she can only put down the burden on her shoulders today and relax.

It's just coming out with them, and Olena.

This is very embarrassing.

Aurelia apparently has made up her mind to win Tang En, so she does n’t care about Olena ’s existence, it ’s just like usual, she also has special intimacy when facing Tang En. Tang En was very uncomfortable and made Olina very tangled.

Stop it? I don't seem to have the right to stop her, don't stop it, and know that her behavior is very inappropriate. If you let the outside world know, I'm afraid those people can hold it for many years!

After all, Tang En was her husband in a legal sense, but now her daughter is going to grab her husband, which is unreasonable for reason ...

If she says her own attitude, Olina is not very angry.

What should I say, she knows that her happiness is only an illusion under self-hypnosis and self-suggestion. She and Tang En have been a mistake from the beginning, but for the future of the entire world, she can only make mistakes.

In fact, Olina also knows that compared with herself, Aurelia is more suitable for Tang En, in fact, she is the one who should be out ...

Although being a mother will feel guilty ...

Olina took Tang En's arm a little harder, and just gave up the happiness that was already in her hands. She was not reconciled as a woman!

Aurelia noticed Olena's movements and gave her a subconscious glance, then she naturally held Down's arm and said with a smile: "Let's not waste time, go to the cinema to watch the first movie Let's go! "

Today is not only the first day of the Shining Ceremony, but also the first magic projection film (given reading habits, which will be referred to as a movie in the future) filmed by Datang Films as the first test of the water Although there are many shortcomings in writing, many people have already rushed to the cinema and are ready to feel the charm of this new art.

And this time ...

"Oh huh ..." A laugh-like voice suddenly passed by. "Look what I see?"

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