Things from Another World

Chapter 1337: Undefeated war

Yalinx Datang Magic Projection Theater.

Under Tang En's guidance, Prandall has given birth to a magic projection, that is, a movie.

But for the Prandall, this kind of dynamic image is nothing new, and the things that I saw through the photostone are also dynamic, so if you want to conquer them, you still need to use excellent plots and fresh experiences. Only OK.

There is no need to say more about the plot. The blueprint of the story born from Tang En is definitely attractive to the Prandall, and the movie viewing experience ...

Tang En continued to exert the magical beauty. The magic effect turned watching the movie into a special enjoyment. Watching the movie in the cinema was floating in the air, and a huge anti-gravity magic array was laid throughout the projection hall. At the same time, there are various effects that match the plot, windy, rain, thunder and lightning. These are trivial ...

Under the effects of these spells, it can be said that it is an immersive movie viewing experience.

However ... even if the movie viewing effect is so good, there is no way to solve Tang En's predicament.


At this moment, only the words embarrassment can describe Tang En's situation.

In the air, Tang Enru is sitting on a needle felt, even if a wonderful movie created based on him is shown, and even if Prendall experiences an extraordinary experience while watching a movie here, he still has no interest in going to the movies.


Because Fiona really didn't worry about Aurelia, and came over to make fun.

A while back, she and Tang En have confessed everything, Tang En promises very well, but Fiona is still not assured, especially, she knows Aurelia's mobility, and once she is given a chance , She will immediately take advantage of it.

Fiona can accept Aurelia and Down, but she can't accept that she runs faster than herself!

-Why? Obviously, she knew Tang En earlier than she did not know how long, but finally let her run in front of her? Totally unacceptable!

So, after the opening ceremony, Fiona quickly finished the work at hand, and followed them.

These days are the most dangerous!

Although the crab hasn't fallen into a dormant period again, but the woman's determination cannot be underestimated. If Aurelia really makes up her mind, even if the crab is awake, she can't stop her.

Fiona looked at Aurelia with a smile, turned her eyes around her arm, and then looked at Orina: "Can you come out so bright, so you have reached an agreement?"

Olina bowed her head awkwardly, not knowing how to answer Fiona's words. She always felt that Fiona was sarcastic about the innocence and shame of their mother and daughter.

"That's right."

Aurelia said casually: "Our mother and daughter are dependent on each other, this world was originally dangerous, and now I have found a trust that can be trusted, of course, can not give up."

"So it is."

Fiona took a deep look at Olena, who was guilty of embarrassing cancer, and had roughly understood the situation.

In terms of the character of Aurelia and Olena, Aurelia is a very strong character. This is because she accepted the royal etiquette at the same time as she was a child. Apostate education is full of desire to challenge everything.

Olina is a standard princess from the royal family. The royal family of Ronnett is undoubtedly perfect for her etiquette education. You can't pick up anything wrong from her. She is decent and decent. It's a kitchen under the hall ... but because of such a perfect education, she has formed a very gentle character.

As for her daughter Aurelia's strong offense, Olena can only passively defend. Looking at the current situation, it is clear that Olena has been forced by Aurelia to accept the reality.

It's tricky ... It's really tricky ...

Fiona felt she had met a very powerful opponent.

If the mother-daughter behavior of Peltis and Sellisis made Tang En full of awe from Naga, mother and daughter of Lola and Luo Lin both made Tang En see the dark elves. How thorough can the discipline be lost ...

But these are aliens, so for Tang En, there is no real sense.

But now in front of him, but the very familiar mother and daughter of Olena and Aurelia!

If they decide to join forces to capture Tang En, they're afraid that Tang En can't resist their offensive-after all, they are human beings, no matter how powerful they are, they can't be compared with other races, so the combination of the two of them just adds temptation. Force, will not cause any pressure on Tang En.

Fiona was in deep thought, and the sound of the movie echoing from her ears seemed to have disappeared. She found the situation to be quite serious, because compared with Aurelia, she had no extra points at all— -Refers only to the gender aspect.

Isari has Aegwynn, Lola has Lola, Peltis has Selise, vanilla has cocoa, and even Tina can pull Marin and Beatrix to help ...

Could it be that you're going to find Grantia or little love? It is embarrassing to ask for an "alliance" suddenly because there is no communication!

If Yustissa or Otinija also had that kind of thought about Tang En, she might have enough confidence to get back a game, but unfortunately this kind of thing is almost impossible.

Although Yusiti Sa is closely related to Tang En, but the two are more in work and business. Yusiti Sa respects Tang En very much, but has never expressed that kind of thought ... maybe there is, just Don't you know?

Otiniya is even more impossible. As a noble goddess, it is impossible to like a human, not to mention that this human is also a reinforcement of the gods from another world ...

Fiona sighed and felt like she was in a very embarrassing situation.

If she can also find a combination that is willing to match with herself and can add points, so that she can gain a foothold in such a brutal competition, all right ...

Wait ... maybe ... Elsa would be willing?

Fiona suddenly felt as if she had found a good candidate. Based on her knowledge of Elsa, the girl had liked Tang for a long time. When there was no such thing as pregnancy, Fiona thought that Elsa Would really come together with Tang En, how come they thought the two hadn't come together yet, this Elsa's belly became bigger first ...

Now it seems like a good opportunity for Elsa!

After a period of recuperation, Elsa has already recovered her health, and her two children are quite special, and returned directly to the giant. Dragon Heart has received restorative training. She does not need breastfeeding at all, and she has no care The child's troubles, as long as she comes back from the battlefield of Purgatory Abyss, she can try to persuade her to stand on the front line with herself ...

And with Elsa's character, she must not refuse herself, after all, Ellington's development is inseparable from her Fiona's credit.

When Fiona thought of it, her mouth twitched, revealing the smile of the win: "I see. Although I was very surprised by Queen Olena's choice, if he agrees with Princess Aurelia, I, as Tang En ', "Trust" the closest person, of course, hope he can be happy, right? "

"—— !!!!"

Tang En, with a dull face, suddenly felt that Fiona took a moment to take a sip, and turned back suddenly: "... oh! Right!"


Aurelia was speechless. Although the light was dim in the theater, she could see the little movement clearly ...

It seemed to find the atmosphere a bit awkward, Tang En hurriedly said, "Olena, if you are right, you are now pregnant, so you should not watch a movie. This sound and light stimulation is not good for the development of the fetus."

"It doesn't matter. Of course it is more important to accompany you than the child."

Seeing Olina's completely indifferent look, Tang En's heart is bleeding-my child, it took you a few molds to give birth to her belly ... This mother doesn't care about you at all Feeling!

All in all, this movie is particularly embarrassing for Don.

Obviously, there are three big beautiful women who are equally divided, and in the process of watching the movie, they enjoyed a lot of benefits, but unfortunately Tang En felt that it would be better not to watch this movie.

Because he felt like he was sandwiched between Aurelia and Fiona as if he was in a battlefield filled with smoke.

How did that happen……

After coming out of the cinema, Tang En paled and fell into deep thinking.

Obviously the relationship between the two was very good before, why is it getting worse and worse, and there is a faint polarization?

Gently glanced at the smiles of the two, Tang Enmin. Seeing the sword light sword shadow from behind their smiles, which made him cold for a while ...

Why did you suddenly compete?


Illiya glanced idly at Otinia who sat upright suddenly: "What's wrong?"

"I'm counting ..."

Otinija smiled strangely: "Someone's harem seems to be on fire ..."

Elijah frowned, and frowned, "Shouldn't it, isn't his harem very harmonious?"

"That was before."

Otiniya said lightly: "Before, no one was pregnant, so everyone felt that the opportunity was equal, but since Isari and Olina were pregnant, this competition has surfaced because they know With a child, the mentality of most men will change, and their chances will be even smaller by then. "

"You know a lot about this kind of thing, do the patron saints of a girl need to know so much?"

Eutinia looked at her blankly: "It is also one of my responsibilities to impart the knowledge of teenage girls to prevent scumbags."

"Don't explain it, obviously you read the garbage knowledge learned by those garbage books again."

Elijah sneered at her words and scorned Otinia, she narrowed her eyes and murmured, "I haven't said anything to you, mother, but you have to fight first ... Well, it seems I need you Know who is the most important character in his heart! "

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