Things from Another World

Chapter 1341: Red Lake Battle

"Depp, they want to attack the Black Rain Plain?"

After seeing the report, Fiona called Down and frowned, "Do you think it's a good time?"

Tang En is unknown so "What's wrong?"

"Balmatos is pressurizing the main battlefield. We can harvest the final victory as long as we wait by the side. Now why do we let our people take risks? And also consume a lot of resources, which is not good for us long term plan."

Fiona doesn't like this strategy: "Not to mention that we are now mapping the spatial structure points in the rear. After the spatial structure map is drawn, we have to allocate a lot of manpower to deal with the unstable spatial points. After the decentralization, we did not have enough soldiers to go to the Black Rain Plains. "

Tang En shook his head and said, "You don't need to be so conservative. Resources are important, but experienced fighters are more important. The purgatory abyss is a place for us to temper our fighters. Equivalent opponents are hard to find. Fighting in that environment can make you Their strength has increased rapidly, and it only takes a few years to bring us back a large number of top powerhouses, which is a very good deal. "

"As for the problem of understaffing that you are worried about, you can rest assured that the recruitment advertisements we have been conducting recently are designed to cope with this situation. These recruits only need to undergo simple training before they can bring equipment to participate in the rear After fighting, the demons who attack from those unstable space points are often not very powerful, so recruits can also stand on their own with the aid of equipment, not to mention ... fighting there is also good for them. "

Tang En and Gene have analyzed the reasons why the devil and the devil are so powerful. In addition to the fact that they are the first generation of gods, their environment is also very important. The magical deposition environment in Purgatory Abyss led to their The body's affinity for magic is extremely high, and it is naturally easy to use magic.

-Even the redstone dwarves living in the underground world can master the power of magic in a magic environment, let alone other races.

Human beings fight, exercise, and meditate in this kind of environment. The effects of various practices are very obvious. This is why Tang En built a recruit training ground around the base in Purgatory Abyss, although the environment there is very harsh, One day of exercise will return to the surface world to rest for several days, but the effect of a day of exercise there is comparable to the effect of ten days or even a month of exercise on the surface. This gap is very scary. Over the year, the strength of these recruits It will make a rapid progress, just like a tough and powerful one.

Coupled with the newly developed virtual training ground for accelerated mental training, after a day of training in Purgatory Abyss, they returned to the surface world and entered the virtual training ground for mental training. Combined, the growth rate of these recruits follows Eating hormones is just as scary-and this growth is safe and without side effects.

The first batch of veterans who entered the abyss of purgatory and participated in the Battle of Blackhorn Mountain has returned to the ground for recuperation. The second batch of soldiers and recruits have also adapted to the environment there. Now is the time for them to undergo the battlefield test. .

Fiona, convinced by Tang, immediately adjusted the production plans of various factories and began to focus on the production of various combat materials, including off-road vehicles, wild survival kits, first aid supplies, etc., and the military factory in Blackstone Cave also began to expand. Production scale, a large number of material resources are continuously transported here, and then turned into various weapons and equipment to be transported to various bases in Purgatory Abyss.

Soon, at the end of the month, all the people who surveyed and mapped the spatial structure around the purgatory abyss returned to the bases. After the various data they brought back were integrated, the host of Ares mapped out a picture of the devil's territory. Space structure diagram.

On the huge space structure diagram, the stable space structure is shown in green, and the unstable space points are shown in red. As a whole, it can be seen that the dense red areas occupy almost 90% of the area, and the remaining one In Chengdu, more than half of the places are yellow and unstable spaces, and only a few dozen areas have relatively stable spatial structures.

After seeing this space structure map, Tang En posted a photo on the spot: "Now what we have to do is very simple. Immediately organize manpower to build camps near these stable space nodes, and stay there waiting for the enemy to throw themselves into the net. Just fine. "

It is very dangerous to teleport in a chaotic space structure. Even if Tang En builds a teleportation array here, it is also built on a few stable space nodes. If the demons want to teleport to the rear to destroy it, they cannot be special. , Can only be transmitted from stable space nodes.

Staying there is at least better than running around the world.

After Down's order was issued, Depp immediately acted, and after a lot of simple training, the awakened talented recruits put on armor to resist the weapons and scattered to their respective battlefields. They had to rush in Balmotos to Red Lake Only be in position before launching the main attack.

It took them five days to reach their destination. Later, Tang En teleported according to the space markers they carried. It took another two days to set up a simple teleportation array in the fast-expanding temporary base. A week has passed, and at this time, the Devil's Army convened by Barmotos has rushed to the edge of the blood battlefield. This battle against the Red Lake is finally about to begin.

On the edge of the blood battlefield, the devil army.

"Her Majesty the Lord finally can't stand it, have you decided to win the Red Lake ... This is really exciting news for me, I don't know how long I have been waiting for this battle!"

"Red Lake has been our devil's territory since ancient times, but it has been occupied by those corrupted guys. This is the shame of all our devil. This time, we must make them pay the blood and turn Red Lake into a green lake! "

"Come on, it sounds so good. I didn't see much of your fighting power during the battle before, but I heard that this time we all transferred us from the rear because we have the assistance of human soldiers."

"This is not a rumor. It is true. I heard from Lord Heroflia that Her Majesty the Lord and the King of Man named Tang En have reached a contract, and humanity will fight the demons with us."

"Humans? What use can humans make? They are weak and inferior to the slaves in my family!"

"You said that it was before, and humans are very powerful now. I saw them setting up a camp in one place a while ago, so a big camp was built in just a blink of an eye, and even more amazing is that each of those human soldiers They have a very powerful casting ability-they don't need to sing, there is no casting process, they just complete the casting process with a wave of their hands, which is terrible. "

"Impossible! How could human beings have such terrible spellcasting power !?"

"But this is a fact. I also heard that this time humans will send a vanguard to raid the Black Rain Plains. Alas, for humans, this action plan is already very courageous."

"If I remember correctly at the Black Rain Plain, is it the domain of the Ubolis demons? Especially the Ubolis Corruptions, there are so many, they are covered with corrosive rain all year round, and only they can live there."

"Isn't a human soldier there looking for death?"

"Haha, maybe when the battle on our side is over, they may not have found the enemy there."

The devil laughed. For them, it is a joke for human soldiers to come to the abyss of purgatory to participate in the eternal battle between the devil and the devil.

At this moment, a huge black shadow suddenly appeared in the sky, and the huge pressure dropped from the sky, which made the dark army of demons underneath quiet for a moment.

"Shh! Quiet! The devil is down!"

Soon the figure of the demon king Balmotos appeared directly above the army. Although the battlefield was so large that the devil in the distance could not even see him, the devil's voice was as clear and audible as if he were by his side.

"My people, the long war between us and those corrupted compatriots will enter a new stage today. Today, we will recapture the Red Lake, drive the demons out of this land, and let them renew Turtles retracted into their territories! Today, you, and me, will usher in a brand new day in Purgatory Abyss! We-uh-"

Balmotos hesitated, then glanced at the manuscript in the palm of his hand, and saw the utterly embarrassing speech lines, twitching at the corner of his mouth, he simply burned the manuscript with a fire, and pointed The blood battlefield in the distance said, "Have you seen the battlefield in the distance? Go! Tear them to pieces with our claws! Burn them to ashes with our spell! Kill them!"

Sure enough, this simple and straightforward line is more suitable for him and more suitable for the style of the devil.


The devil made a loud cry, and then they raised their wings and whistled to the sky and rushed to the blood battlefield in the distance. Their number was so huge that they covered the sky and left the blood battlefield. Darkened a lot.

"Boom boom boom--"

The devil has not yet entered the battlefield, and the dense spells have taken the lead in bombarding the past. Various spells flew out of the devil's army and fell directly into the chaotic battlefield. In one round, thousands of them were destroyed The devil also successfully aroused a strong sense of crisis for the devil.

At the next moment, the magic of the blood battlefield trembled, forming a terrible magic tide, a huge red crimson vortex appeared in the sky. At the moment when it appeared, the temperature of the entire battlefield began to rise suddenly. Just a blink of an eye and the devil were burned to ashes by the high temperature and evaporated.

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