Things from Another World

Chapter 1342: A Song of Ice and Fire

Legendary Spell · Gate of Hell!

This is a pretty scary legendary spell!

It can open a channel connecting the elemental world of fire, and then gather the rich fire elements that come back up and bombard them, creating a large-scale ultra-high temperature environment, which can kill all living creatures in the area without indiscrimination and burn everything. .

In the distance, Balmotos cursed, "Damn! I hate this legendary spell ... Gorlius, Olodurum, and there is a Jublis purgatory monster above the lord level. fix it!"

Gorglius is a deep prison inferno, and is also the strongest of the twelve devil dukes. He is particularly good at using the power of flames. He can ignore the power of Uberis inferno.

Olodurum is the Frost Demon, and his power restrains the Ubris Purgatory Demon.

"give it to me."

Olodurum exuded a bitter chill all over his body, and the moment his voice fell, he rushed into the middle of the battlefield.

Gullius snorted, crushed a demon's neck next to him, and pierced its heart. He was lazy and grabbed Orodurum.

When Olodurum rushed into the battlefield, the power of Hell's Gate had completely erupted, as if a supernova had erupted close by, the earth began to melt, the rocks became thick lava, and the air seemed to be affected by Lit up, looking away, all sights have become red.

Under the burning of this spell, the weak demon and devil, the skin becomes black and chapped, the body is quickly dehydrated, and the body surface will soon become as terrible as the chapped earth. It takes no time to work, these weak and weak Life was burned to ashes by the heat.

And this is just the beginning. In the sky, the gates of the Unicom fire element channel are constantly expanding and spreading. Fire elements coming from the world of fire elements are also increasing, and the temperature is getting higher and higher. If it is not stopped, it is very It will soon be completely turned into real **** by the gates of hell.

"Want to change the battlefield environment with a gate of **** !? Too naive!"

In the middle of the battlefield, the temperature rise in the area centered on Olodurum has suddenly come to a halt. Not only that, the surrounding fiery red world appears a sizzling ice-blue halo, accompanied by the continuous casting of Olodurum. The ice-blue space also began to expand. A huge crack opened behind him. A hurricane wrapped in a thick snowstorm roared from the crack, like the incarnation of the Snow Maiden who brought death.

Behind that crack, there is a corner of the elemental world of water that is always frozen, where the temperature has reached the limit of this world, where even the space is frozen, time has no meaning, and any material has stopped moving. , Even the electronic protons have lost energy ...

Legendary Spell · Eternal Kingdom!

The energy is transmitted from high to low. When this crack is opened, the gates of **** in the sky are immediately affected, and the hot flames all flood to the place where Olodurum is located. The temperature in other areas This stopped the climb and allowed countless demons and demons to survive.

After the blazing flames poured into the frozen eternal kingdom, the energy was quickly swallowed up by the nearby space. The boundless space was like a bottomless pit. No matter how much energy poured into it, it had no impact on it.

In the distance, Depp, who observed the battlefield remotely through the floating camera, not only took a breath of air after seeing the scene of the ice-fire confrontation, but began to secretly thank his people for not participating in the battle.

At the current scale of battle, the human coalition is not even involved in cannon fodder. Maybe even the enemy has not seen it, it has been torn to pieces by this terrible spell Yu Wei. Where can I join the battle? Qualifications?


"Does such confrontation really cause contradictions in the elemental realm and lead to war on the plane ..."

Depp looked at the confrontation between Bing Lan and Fiery Red in the picture, and felt quite annoying.

But at this time he also thought of Ellington's advantage. If they encountered this legendary spell when they were against the devil, it was actually easier to deal with it-it was possible to use the power of Dikarios to forcefully close the elemental world of fire Channel to terminate this spell.

Perhaps similar solutions are needed to cope with other crises ...

Depp could not help but fall into deep thought. Maybe it is time to suggest Tang Enzhen go down to the other elemental realms, and those elemental lords, or even the elemental kings, will meet in peace? Sign an offensive and defensive alliance contract?

"Got you!"

Suddenly, Olodurum smirked. While maintaining the rift, he had been staring at the demon in the battlefield, and then he found the Yuboris purgatory devil hiding behind to release the spell.

Then Olodurum quickly began to condense some ice crystals. These ice crystals also emitted ice blue light at first, but as he continued to adjust the permeability and refractive index, the ice crystals quickly disappeared into the air. , And finally almost completely disappeared from this world. In fact, more than thousands of sharp ice crystal fragments have accumulated around Olodurum, which is as simple as instinct for the ice demon, and he can fully control the movement of each ice crystal.

"go to hell."

Oluodurum flicked his finger, and those ice crystal fragments hidden in the air beside him whizzed and flew out. The dense ice crystal fragments could not be seen with the naked eye, but they were comparable to the most powerful weapon. The demons in the battlefields along the way didn't even know what happened, they had already cut off their heads or arms with ice crystal fragments, and some of them were pierced directly into the heart and died on the spot.

The people in the command center are looking at the astonishment. This method is not a spell but it is better than a spell. Not only is it more powerful, it is simpler and easier to release, but it is also easier to manipulate. This is actually the future trend of spell development.

If the spell module in the intelligent spelling system is directly simplified to be able to be controlled by the user, although the difficulty of use has increased, the flexibility will definitely be greatly enhanced. What kind of spell effects can be derived will depend entirely on the use This may also be a development idea.

If you look down from a high altitude, you will see a blank strip-shaped area suddenly appeared in the center of the entire battlefield, and the demons inside it fell down, and in front of that strip-shaped area is the Yubo hiding behind to release the spell. Reese Purgatory Lord.

After a short flight, the dense ice crystal fragments arrived near the Ubolis purgatory, and then the ice crystal fragments flew around him, intending to cut it directly into irreversible fragments.

But at this moment, the Uberis purgatory demon had already noticed the abnormal fluctuations around him-think about it, as a purgatory demon who is good at using the fire element, he must be very sensitive to the water element. Feeling-when invisible When the ice crystal was approaching, a circle of fiery pillars burst out on the ground around it, melting all those ice crystals!

"whispering sound!"

Olodurum in the distance took a sip after seeing the soaring pillar of fire, then he simply dropped the elemental channel that was fiercely fighting behind him, rushed directly to the Ubolis purgatory, and passed by him along the way. Before the demons approached him, they were completely frozen in place by the overflowing cold, and the demons that rushed in would give them a fatal blow.

Not only Olodurum, Gorlios, Zakunkandal, Kukavosov, Hilobria, and so on. Each of these devil dukes has top-notch strength, although they are scattered in the blood battlefield. Around, but every fierce Duke of the Devil battled out, very fierce fighting broke out, stalemate for years without knowing how to fight, after Balmotos did his best to mobilize the whole family to participate in the war, the situation finally began to the devil side Tilted.

However, when the devil began to take advantage on the front battlefield, on the other side, the demon king may have noticed the change in attitude of Balmotos, so it changed the original combat strategy almost immediately and dispatched immediately. A large number of demons began to teleport through space, sneaking into the rear of the devil's realm, trying to force Barmotos to retreat and defend.

Although the Demon King has seen through the eyes of Balmotos that humans have begun to be stationed there, in his eyes, humans are just like the ants under their feet, weakly making them completely unable to lift any fighting spirit, and not letting the demons The king cares.

Where does humanity stay? Then the airborne army crushed them!

"Anomalous spatial fluctuations detected!"

At the command center, the host **** of war suddenly sounded an alarm: "The number of abnormal space fluctuations is rapidly increasing-more than fifteen!"

Depp saw the red dot on the screen, hesitated to pick up the communicator and shouted: "The demon struck! All bases immediately entered the first-level combat state! Repeat-"

Although the communication quality and the surface of the magic energy communication equipment in the magic deposition environment are somewhat different, but in general it is quite easy to use. Depp's instructions were transmitted to each base in an instant, and the harsh alarm sounded through the sky. All the soldiers immediately entered the combat state, all of them stared intently at the magic radar on the smart watch.

Although the smart watch does not have a powerful radar function, the accuracy of the soldiers ’data is quite considerable after they are sent to the host for integrated calculations. The base itself also has a large magic radar that can detect the magic fluctuations in the vicinity of the scan, and then The data is sent to the smart watch. Combined, the scanning effect of this radar is no less than that of electromagnetic wave radar on the earth.

Soon, a lot of distortion appeared suddenly near these stable space nodes!

Demon's Space Portal appears!

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