Things from Another World

Chapter 1343: The art of war

"All ideas! The portal has appeared! Target 3 o'clock, 2 kilometers away!"

In base No.Bonestone Forest-A1, Locke, holding the sword, shouted and shouted: "The short-range missile locks the target area! Entering the pre-ignition state! All machine gunners are in place immediately, and finally check whether the sentinel artillery is full and Equipped with a compound ammunition! Once the target enters a kilometer range, fire immediately without asking! "

"All combat personnel check whether the double-layer armor is normal! Confirm that the inner armor is working normally, confirm that the magic energy power armor is completely normal, and confirm that the backup energy is ready!"

Locke yelled and issued instructions, and the space distortion in the distance became more and more serious. Soon the space was completely torn, and a large number of rampant demons poured out from the twisted space portals. In the next second, the personnel at the base where Locke was located did not even give them the opportunity to observe the surrounding environment. The missile launch team fired hundreds of short-range missiles almost immediately.

The short-range missile dragging the tail flame whistled into the assault team of the demon. The devil who had not seen the missile did not even know what these were, and then watched the missile explode in front of it.

"Hit the target! The hit rate is over 99%! Beautiful job!"

Locke shouted, "Continue firing! All soldiers take out the RPG launcher, load ammunition, suppress the demon, and reload the missile launcher!"

"Roger that!"

The soldiers observing behind the bunker on the city wall were excited when they heard the order. They sipped and took out the portable missile launcher-that is, RPG-and the miniature high-explosive armor-piercing projectile from the space equipment. They hid behind the bunker and aimed casually at the target before firing.

With a distance of more than two thousand meters, with their eyesight and experience, as long as they are not blind, they can't be crooked.

In fact, just as Locke thought, the first round of missile bombardment blasted the demons who had just appeared. In the smoke and smoke, they just stood still, and the miniature missiles launched by RPG whistled. Zhuo hit the head!

"Boom boom boom--"

The continuous explosion of explosions can also be regarded as adding a few different glories to this dead world.

"Hit all! Continue bombing!"

Locke looked back and shouted, "Don't be afraid of wasting! Our ammunition is very abundant! Her Majesty Tang En will be proud of our battle! You will be heroes of our Illuth Empire!"

Although Locke's shout was simple and rough, it has to be said to be very effective, especially now that he has turned on the intelligent casting system, opened several spell auras, and enhanced the quality of the soldiers in the field, they also Began to feel blood.

At this time, Locke couldn't help but start to feel the power of the intelligent casting system. In the past, even if there was a gold-level magician in this team, he might not dare to open such a large range of spells when fighting. Halo, because the pressure on the wizard itself is too great.

But now it ’s different. The intelligent casting system is connected to the artificial soul quantum computer through the magic energy network. It concentrates all the computing pressure on the host computer. The smart watch only serves as the output terminal of the casting, and human beings do not have to bear any pressure. , So this has led to the open spell aura of the intelligent casting system, which can achieve almost unlimited coverage within the range allowed by the computing power.

Even if the limit of computing power is reached, the upper limit can be increased by connecting multiple computers in parallel and sharing the computing pressure. This is the terrible part of this system.

The thick smoke in the distance was blown away by the violent air flow. The demon just out of the portal had not stood still, but was blown up by several rounds of missiles. Some weak demons had been blown apart and died on the spot. , And some other slightly stronger, equivalent to the great demon above the Grand Master level were also blown up and bloody.

Locke glanced a little. After these rounds of missile bombardment passed, only about one-tenth of the demons were killed, and most of the rest were just injured. These injuries will heal over time, so you must The battle must end as soon as possible.

But now those demons have returned to God and found out the direction of the attack. They just snarled and killed after just staying for a moment!

Although the missile is still firing, the effect is not so good after the demon is alert.

Their response speed is extremely fast, and even some big devil can catch the missile after it enters the second acceleration, and then throw the missile out before it explodes or directly halves it in half!

In the endless explosions, the demon finally rushed into the range of kilometers, and at this time, the soldiers who had been sitting in the sentry cannon could not wait to fire!

The sentry gun is a 15mm high-caliber high-fire rate machine gun like the carrier-based machine gun. The six-pack design uses a rate of fire of 10,000 rounds per minute. This horrible firearm weapon will only appear in this unscientific world Now, if it is on the earth, only the anti-seismic force can dispel people! Not to mention the overheating of the barrel caused by the horrible rate of fire, there is no solution at all.

When the sentry guns standing on the wall of the base fired at the same time, the loud sound of "Da Da Da" even exceeded the noise of the previous missile launch. The air at the front muzzle of the sentry gun was almost all fired by high-speed bullets. Lit, a dazzling fire came out!

The dense shells fell like a heavy rain, and the belts of bullets were continuously transported from the warehouse in the city wall under their feet and directly into the sentry cannon.

The demons just rushed into the attack range of the sentry cannon and were immediately welcomed. The bullets rolled over like a metal storm, sifting their fragile membrane wings into a sieve, and tearing the outer demons around. The fragments, before they landed, were beaten into meat sauce by subsequent bullets!


The Nazula demon in the middle of the team found that his companion was bombarded with meat by the bullet, and immediately roared and raised the defense of the front shield, and then rushed towards the base against the dense bullets!

Kemala demons can transform their form into a fully immune physical attack phase, so they are not afraid of this attack. They are already looking for prey that they can possess.

The Uberis demon hiding behind was relatively fragile, so he hid behind the Nazula demon and began to release the barrier of spell attack base.

The dense and hot ball of fire descended from the sky, hitting the base's shield fiercely, causing a circle of ripples.

"Warning! The main shield has been attacked by a spell. The current remaining strength is 98%. The estimated recharge time is 2 minutes!"

"It's the Uboris demon! They cast spells later! Get rid of them first!"

"They are hiding behind the Nazura demons! It's hard to attack them!"

"We can try to assault from the air--"

"No! There are Uberis Demon Slayers and Kemala Demon Slayers. Once exposed to their vision, they are easily controlled by the mind!"

"We can replace compound ammunition!"

A soldier quickly said: "The magic bullets and high explosive shells, armor-piercing bullets, explosive bombs, etc. are assembled on the bullet belt in a 1: 1 ratio. Using the magic penetrating effect of the magic bullets, we can instantly Just send all the subsequent bullets into its body, and it will be no problem to kill the Nazula devil in front! "

"Just do it!"

Another warrior yelled, "We can't hold them anymore!"

After the Nazura demons changed the strength of the shield, they approached the base quickly against the bullet storm. Once they got close to the base, the soldiers inside had to fight close to them.

"The compound bullet was set up before! In mode 3! Soldiers fire alternately! Covering sentry and guns switch firing mode!"

After hearing the order, the soldiers behind the bunkers on the city wall lost their hot RPG launchers and replaced them with Gauss guns on their backs-that is, electromagnetic rifles-this kind of firearms fired bullets very fast and very powerful. Powerful, but the disadvantage is that the charging speed is slow, and the efficiency of converting magic into electricity needs to be further improved.


A burst of air sounded, and the heads of the Ubolis demons hiding behind the Nazula demons exploded in response.

Gaussian guns are loaded with bullets and sentry cannons and assault rifles.Because they are electromagnetically propelled and accelerated by mass energy to achieve the killing effect, most of the bullets used by Gaussian guns are mass bombs-they also contain less Part of the special structure, such as the essence of smoldering stone quenching, and miniature high explosive magic formations.

This kind of bullet is very penetrating and explosive. It is even as powerful as the depleted uranium armor-piercing projectile on the earth. Even the devil cannot resist it, and the shooting accuracy is very high.

"Fool! Are you recruits not trained? The heart of the devil is the heart! Don't hit their heads! Even if you don't know where their heart is, aim at the chest!"

"Easy to say, but we don't have a firing angle at all-damn it!"

The just fallen Ubolisian demon crawled up again, at the same time, a new round of spell attacks fell over the base, weakening the base's shield again.

The Nazula Devil is also close at hand!

Can change the firing mode of the sentry and cannon is a little bit worse!


Get some more time!

Locke even started thinking about preparing to face up!

At this time, a soldier simply lost the weapon in his hand, stretched his right hand, directly activated the smart watch, and then threw out a quagmire.

Unexpectedly, this simple second-order spell played an unexpected role at this time-the Nazura devil who had just rushed to the outside of the base fell to the ground and exposed his back. Vital!

"It's done!"

Just listening to the cheers, the sentry gun finally turned again, and after changing the shooting mode, it showed its fangs!

"Da Da Da Da--"

The roaring sentinel again smashed all targets within its attack range with its unparalleled power!

No enemy can resist the power of compound ammunition!


Locke smiled, and should advise Her Majesty Tang that he would simply produce only this ammunition in the future.

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