Things from Another World

Chapter 1344: Army attack

"The rear is stable!"

After receiving the reports from the bases, Depu at the command base of the center exhaled a long breath. God knows how much pressure he will endure!

His Majesty Tang En delivered the expeditionary force deep into the purgatory abyss into his hands, which represents how strong he trusted him. It is self-evident that if these future stars of hope cannot be brought back safely, Depp feels I want to die with guilt.

Although knowing that war cannot be dead, Depp hopes that all these good children can safely return to Prendall.

Now, at the rear of the Devil's Territory, all the stable space nodes have been occupied by human beings. The rapid deployment of temporary bases has provided them with strong support, and abundant logistic support can also ensure that they are facing a steady stream of When demons, can stand on their heels and block them at the exit of the portal.

After a large number of demons were transferred from the rear to the front, the stability in the rear was arguably the only thing Balmertos worried about. Now the stability in the rear is the foundation for victory in the front. No matter how bad it is, the demons on the front have been guaranteed. Safety when backing up.

After staring at the map for a moment, Depp finally made a decision.



Kundal was the unlucky child rescued by Tang En in the underground world. Because of his excellent strength, he left the underground world and joined the Ellington Guard. Later, stimulated by various resources provided by Tang En This guy has grown from the silver level six at the beginning to the eighth level of the grand master level, and is already one of the top players in the army.

He has now been promoted to be a general in one of the expedition's legions.

"It's time to lead them off."

Depp slightly on the map, several red curves protruding from the bases near them, and after the front bases converged, they circled north from one side of the blood battlefield, and then inserted directly into the Black Rain Plain. in.


Kundal salutes, then turns and leaves.

Time is precious. Any second can have unpredictable consequences for the entire war. They must act at the fastest speed.

Immediately after summoning His Majesty's soldiers, they opened the teleportation array and quickly gathered at the frontline base. When they arrived at the frontline base, there were already soldiers preparing vehicles and weapons for them.

The specially modified vehicles are all in flight mode, which can ignore the hot ground and flowing lava environment. At the same time, these vehicles also have a built-in environmental protection system similar to "shelter" soft armor, which can weaken the environment to the soldiers to a certain extent. influences.

Behind the vehicle is a large-caliber machine gun mounted on the beam. During the process, this machine gun can be used to stop the demon from approaching the vehicle. Not only the machine guns configured, but also several mobile missile launchers. These missile launchers Can provide them with powerful fire support when they enter the battlefield.

Then there is the "Thunder" floating above the soldiers. This combat platform is a flying combat platform belonging to the Sky Mothership series. It is equipped with a large number of firepower systems. It is even more exciting because of the artificial soul quantum computer technology. Development, this flight combat platform uses the second-generation core technology, which has made great progress in terms of controllability and combat performance, and the required number of control personnel has been reduced by one third, which means that it can Carry more combat personnel.

On the deck of the "Thunder" was parked a single-person flying combat vehicle similar to a flying motorcycle. Originally, Tang En wanted to name it "Light Cavalry", but was spit by humans and mobile array missile launchers. The "cavalry" was renamed, so it was renamed "Dragon Knight". Although the dragon king Sasha Glott sneered at the name, he did not say anything about it.

What surprised Tang En was that after the soldiers heard that the vehicle was named Dragon Knight, they became very interested in its training and trained a number of good air forces.

In addition, a large number of experimental weapons are placed in the warehouse below the Thunder ’s deck. If all of these ammunition are projected, I am afraid it will be able to raz the entire Red Lake to the ground. As an aviation combat platform, its firepower Definitely powerful.

In fact, strictly speaking, the Thunder should not have appeared here, but after the R & D and production of the Sky Mothership series of air combat platforms, it has basically not experienced much battle. In the battle against the demon corrupted islands, The sky mother ship only exists as a supplementary supply platform. In that war with floating islands as its core, there was no room for it to play.

So this battle is actually to test the Thunder and the actual combat capabilities of experimental weapons on the battlefield.

"The energy system is operating normally, the energy is replenished, the magic output is stable, and the Thunder is in good condition. The hatch has now been opened to accept soldiers to board the ship!"

"The supply depot has been inspected and it is confirmed that the medium and long-term battle plan can be executed."

"The space anchoring device has been activated, and the return home crystal binding system is open. Soldiers can choose whether to bind the return home crystal."

"The space transmission device is tested, everything is normal, and the emergency off-battle system can work normally!"

When the soldiers boarded the Thunder one after another, the staff on the Thunder were also busy checking whether the data was normal. This is their virgin. If you are so prepared, you can't show your momentum. I'm afraid I won't be able to look up in front of my colleagues in the future.

The real situation here was directly transmitted to Depp at the rear center base through the magic network. Through the data sharing between the host "Thunder" and the host "God of War", Depp personnel could clearly observe the Thunder. Everything.

"I hope that this time will successfully launch the sign of the Human Legion!"

Depp clenched his fists, feeling extremely nervous.

Soon, thousands of soldiers boarded the Thunder. Those who could board the Thunder were all soldiers who had obtained air combat permission. They would join the battle as air combat troops and special mech airborne troops. .

"The soldiers are on board! The Thunder is ready to go!"

"Army forces are assembled! All vehicles have started!"

"The vanguard has set out to scout the battlefield ahead! Our main force applies for immediate departure!"

Depp decisively approved their application: "Let's accept it, the whole army will attack!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Huh! Huh! Huh!"

Heavy engine roars rang through the sky, and a large number of flying cars suddenly emerged from the hidden bunkers near the front line base. All heavily armed soldiers wearing armor were on standby, staring abnormally at the on-board radar. The light spot representing the vanguard was spreading rapidly into the distance, and the speed was extremely fast. They were riding a solo flying combat vehicle "Dragon Knight".

The radar with a narrow range originally received a signal from the vanguard and the detection area suddenly became much larger. All the movements within a range of tens of kilometers were directly marked on the electronic map, so there was no need to worry about any sudden conditions. -

"All vigilance! Unexpected magic waves suddenly appeared two kilometers away from the ground! I suspect it might be the Demon that the devil said-"

Before the words of the Vanguard team members were finished, the abnormal magic wave had already rushed in front of him, and even predicted the speed of the two of them, and the place where they met, and then a loud bang made the ground burst. Open, a huge and horrible World of Warcraft suddenly appeared in the battlefield, with a big mouth with dense teeth, biting directly at the soldier!

Because the speed is too fast, the soldier did not even find a chance to escape, and fell directly into the mouth of that Warcraft!

"team leader!"

Not far away, another vanguard fighter saw this scene suddenly burst into tears, growled and took out the RPG, and gave the huge Warcraft a missile!

However, after being hit by a missile, the World of Warcraft turned a blind eye, but continued to chew ... After a while, it suddenly spit out a block of metal, which is a dragon knight.

"There is no captain's body! He should have inspired the way home and Crystal escaped!"

"Take this lava devourer away! It's too dangerous!"

This giant Warcraft named Lava Devourer is like a cylinder with a diameter of dozens of meters, and a huge mouth in the middle. It is full of sharp canine teeth, which are very scary and they are born in Moving underground at high speed, unexpectedly when attacking, even for those devil, it is very dangerous, not to mention the relatively dense human army, this Warcraft is simply a natural nemesis!

"Where to lead !? We're in a circle!"

The vanguard soldiers were suddenly desperate. Through radar detection, they have discovered that there are more than ten abnormal fluctuations similar to lava devourers!

And now, they are just close to the Black Rain Plain!

At this time, General Kundal's order came from the headset: "The vanguard obeys orders! Put those lava devourers together as much as possible!"

After receiving the order, the vanguard soldiers hesitated, and immediately began to actively attack the Lava Devourers.

And after the Warcraft was attacked, it really hooked, and began to chase the vanguard soldiers.

But a moment of effort, the black and red scorched earth saw a continuous cracking ditch. Alas, as the Lava Devourer advanced at a high speed, the plains were strewn with fissures, and the cracks had been biting the soldiers riding the dragon knights. .

"See you!-Now! Find a way to force them out! Then you immediately use the returning crystal to get out of the battlefield!"

Force them to come out! ? That's great! In addition to using yourself as a bait, how can you force it!

However, even so, they did not hesitate to execute the order-of course they both squeezed the return home crystal, at least, they can comfort themselves, the return home crystal can save their lives.


The earth suddenly trembled violently, more than a dozen lava swallows and 6 biters drilled out of the earth one after another, and they also carried hot lava flowing on them, and they bite directly at the soldiers in the air!

Just then, a dazzling white light suddenly lit up in the distance!

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