Things from Another World

Chapter 1345: "Dragon Knight" dispatched!

"Boom boom boom--"

The deafening explosion sounded through the sky. Almost all eyesight can see the white light rising from the sky. The terrible shock wave swept the entire plains!

The hot lava was rolled up into the sky, and the thick black dust covered the sky, making the already dim environment even darker. The rancid acid rain cloud was also blown away, but immediately followed, it was again Gathered together, and again began to corrode acid rain.

On the Thunder, Kundal looked at the image uploaded on the screen and couldn't help but breathe air-horrible! The power of this weapon called the light of judgment is terrible!

Just one launch consumed all the energy loaded on the weapon system, but that's almost a hundred magic essence! All launched in such a breath!

But looking at the situation ahead of time ... Kundal felt that this consumption was normal.

The area where nearly twenty lava devourers have just gathered has now completely turned into a bottomless pit. On the surface alone, the power of the light of judgment this time is no less than that of legendary spells, and What's more terrible is that this weapon turned out to be artificially developed. Anyone who has this weapon and equipped with enough magic crystals can launch such a terrible attack with only one launch command!

"Does this technology ... really not destroy us?"

Kundal had such a terrible idea for no reason. He quickly returned to his thoughts, shook his head, discarded all those thoughts, and then asked: "The characteristics of life and magic are scanned simultaneously to confirm the situation in the target area , And verify the survival of the Vanguard members at Headquarters! "

"Instruction received, scanning begins ..."

After a while, the Thunder said: "The scan is over, the target area has no signs of life, the magic wave is abnormally disordered, and the scan result cannot be parsed. It is recommended to scan again later."

"Forget it, move on! Order the remaining Vanguard soldiers to adjust their formation and fill the vacancy."

"The formation correction order has been issued and the engine re-enters the cruise speed ..."

The whole team advanced towards the center of the Black Rain Plain again, and soon they came to the huge deep pit that was bombarded, and then the army flew directly over the deep pit.

"This place is really dangerous ..."

A soldier looked at the holes on the side wall of the deep pit, feeling cold all over the body. Some of the holes were more than a hundred meters in diameter, and the inside was dark. I didn't know where to go, while others were flowing red and hot lava. Either way, you can be sure that it was all mined by the Lava Devourer.

There are not many Warcraft here in Purgatory Abyss, but each one is more terrifying and dangerous than the surface Warcraft, so they must be more careful.

"The Black Rain Plain has entered ahead! The Vanguard has found a large number of Yubolis demons!"

In the command room of the Thunder, a nearby map suddenly lights up on the screen. A large number of red dots are marked on the map. These red dots are active in the nearby demons, among them the Ubolis demons. This black The rain plain was created by the Ubolis Corruption Demon, and the number of Ubolis Demon here can be understood.

With the strength of the current human legion, it is actually the best choice to fight against the Uboris demons. Although they are good at spells and have a higher threat, they are relatively better than the brave and decisive Nazula demon and the Komara demon who is immune to many attacks. However, the Uboris demons are the easiest to deal with.

What's more, the Human Legion now has an intelligent casting system, which can completely face the Devil of Ubolis, and it's not vain at all!

"The Air Force is ready to attack immediately! Don't remember the ammunition loss, let's bombard it for free! Let's talk about it! Be careful to avoid air attacks!"

As soon as Kundal issued an attack command, those "dragon knights" could not wait to set off. If the "dragon knights" loaded with a large number of bombing weapons were successfully played, they could destroy more than 80% of the Yuboris demons on the radar at this moment.

The Dragon Knight whistled away from the Thunder, opened the shield and rushed into the battlefield against the acid rain, and then came the dense magic attack-the Ubolis demon had already found them!

Although the dragon knight has a built-in spell shield that can resist a certain degree of spell attack, it is unwise to resist such a huge spell in the front.

"Scatter the formation immediately to avoid spells! Bomb Free! For Prendall!"

"For Plantar!"

The soldiers calmly controlled the dragon knights to disperse each other, avoiding those spells that came on their faces, and occasionally several spells hit the shield, which was harmless, as long as the shield was not completely defeated once, it would be over time When recharged, the recharge speed of this small shield is fast.


The Uberis demon below and a small number of Komala and Nazura devil roared at the sky, cursing human soldiers, green evil flame fireballs, red lava eruption, sharp bone spurs and so on. In the sky, the dragon knights were forced to fly higher and higher, and they were very close to the acid rain clouds. The lightning in the clouds was passing by from time to time, very dangerous.

However, at this time, they have also penetrated into the Black Rain Plain, and their vanguards have not been seen below. Only the demons wandering in the wilderness are left, so the violent bombing immediately begins!

After the Dragon Knight ’s arsenal was opened, oval bombs whistled and fell. Some of these bombs were high-explosive high-explosive bombs that touched the ground, while others detonated in the air, with extremely wide cluster clusters, especially these clusters. There are also various types of small bombs built into the bomb, such as steel ball physical bombs, incendiary combustion bombs, petrochemical bombs that cause petrochemicals to the target, and magic demolition bombs with a demagic effect. After the explosion, they will promote each other. The power is very scary.

The metal cans that fell from the sky did not arouse the vigilance of these demons at the beginning. Therefore, the bombing effect of the previous rounds was abnormal. Each round of bombs could harvest hundreds of demonic lives, but when the demons finally found that they fell from the sky After the iron cans were actually a very dangerous weapon, the results of direct bombing were not so good.

An unbearable Nazura flying wing demon screamed into the sky and rushed into the air!

At this time, the roaring lightning in the clouds hit the Nazula flying wing demon directly, splitting it into coke.

The soldiers in the sky immediately laughed: "Stupid! Do you think you also have static shielding nets and discharge brushes on you?"

In fact, here in the Black Rain Plain, the demons did not dare to fly into the air because of the lightning phenomenon here over the years. After flying to the sky, they can easily become the target of lightning.

These human air forces are different. Tang En knows that flying into the sky must prevent lightning strikes, so these flying vehicles have been designed with electrostatic shielding nets to reduce the possibility of being struck by lightning. First, a discharge brush is also installed on top of it to deal with the extreme situation of being struck by lightning.

"Continue bombing!"

Commands came, and the Dragon Knight Air Force started bombing again, pouring a variety of bombs from the warehouse on top of the demons.

Even if the devil uses a lot of spells to stop humans from throwing bombs, or even detonate them in advance, unfortunately, the existence of cluster bombs has become their lifeline.

The ground is full of demon corpses, the pits that were blown out, the thick smoke of smoke, and the flames burning in the acid rain ...

Some of the spells of the Uboris demons were evaded and some were resisted. The Nazula demons could not fly, and those who could not fly could only be bombed on the ground. Although the Komala demons were not afraid of ordinary bombs, However, the magic bombs still killed them, and the Komala demons on the Black Rain Plains were scarce and their average strength was not strong. The proud mind spells could not capture pilots thousands of meters away. .

The human legion that has been bowing for so long in the abyss of purgatory, at this moment finally raised his eyebrows and exhaled, watching the demons being blown up by themselves, unable to lift their heads, the pilots were so happy!

This cheerful feeling lasted until they emptied all the bombs in the space warehouse.

"The Dragon Knight has completed the bombing and asked to return to replenish the ammunition! Repeat! The ammunition is exhausted! Request to return to replenish the ammunition! We will go to the battlefield to bomb its mother again!"

"Request received, permission to return!"

"Brothers! Let's withdraw! Another round of supplementary ammunition! This black rain plain is our world today!"

The internal channels of the Dragon Knight squad shouted loudly to each other. The sound was filled with irresistible excitement. There was no way they did not expect to receive such a wonderful effect this time!

When we first arrived in Purgatory Abyss, the Human Legion did not have used air forces, but at that time, when the air forces were lifted off, they were immediately attacked by flying demons. Compared with demons that were born to be able to fly, with the vehicle Human air forces flying into the air were obviously not so flexible, so these air forces suffered a deep setback upon their arrival.

But this time, they did not expect that in such a harsh flying environment, they played an unexpected combat effectiveness.

After the Air Force returned, the Thunder quickly released a floating gun, and entered a state of alert around the mother ship in the sky.

After bombing for a full week in this way, the demons on the Black Rain Plain finally reduced a lot, and only a few scattered wandering demons remained. At this time, it is no longer meaningful to continue the bombing, and it is difficult to hit a small-scale bombing. The fast-moving demons, and the large-scale bombings are not worth the money, so at this time, the mech airborne troops that have been on standby have finally dispatched!

"The bombing of the Air Force is complete! The mech airborne forces have begun to perform airdrop operations! The airborne site is in the Black Rain Plain. There is no compulsory mission, and the demons in all fields of vision are cleared by themselves!"

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