Things from Another World

Chapter 1346: Lone Gao Warrior

"Neighs ..."

Comaco was hiding in a hot cave, leaning against the hot rock wall, he gasped, his blood-stained eyes staring at the entrance, the devil's howling was getting closer.

The energy of the smart watch is close to the bottom limit, and only the basic functions of the emergency are left. The magic radar has been turned off. Now he can only rely on his eyes and ears. Compared with the devil, his intuition is obviously much worse. However, at this moment the thick black smoke emerging from the depths of the cave exuded a pungent sulphur smell, but it well covered the human-like breath on him.

Soon, shadows appeared in front of the cave, and their stinging figure and rancid breath had already revealed their identity-it was the most notorious Nazula demon in Purgatory Abyss.

Comaco was holding his breath at this moment, and the whole person's physiological activities were deliberately controlled, all of which were kept to a minimum, as if he had entered a state of false death.

After searching for a few moments in front of the cave, the Nazura demons slowly moved forward, and soon disappeared from Komako's vision.


Comaco breathed a long sigh of relief, but fortunately it was the Nazula demon ... if it was a spirit-sensitive Yuboris demon, Comaco might be dead now.

Before hiding in this cave, he used his personal belongings to make some camouflage to direct human breath in another direction, and the cave he hid was the most common geothermal steam injection hole here in the Black Rain Plain, very Inconspicuously, this allowed him to avoid the encirclement of the devil.

After waiting for a while, after confirming that the wandering demon had gone, Komaco patted the smart watch and looked at the last trace of energy. He licked his chapped lips, and then activated the smart casting system, facing The simple cup releases a level 0 watercraft.

However, in this dry and hot environment, even the water-generating technology of the intelligent casting system can only produce a few mouthfuls of water-although this is a steam injection hole, it is not water vapor that is injected, but Nearly toxic sulfur vapor to humans.

Comau carefully licked the water in the cup. As soon as it was made, the temperature of the water had risen rapidly. If it were not for the survival environment maintenance system provided by the shelter, it would have evaporated in an instant.

After moisturizing his lips, Koma hesitated, and then drank the rest of the water directly, feeling the refreshing feeling when the chapped throat was moistened with water, and he almost moaned, and then ... he exposed wry smile.

Because he didn't know what he was insisting on.

Compared with demons, human innate conditions are really too bad. Once detached from the base, and went deep into the enemy's hinterland to fight, without the base's shield and powerful fire cover, without sufficient supplies, the disadvantage of human soldiers Even more prominent.

The mech airborne soldiers sounded very nifty and sharp, but who knows, this army is risking its own life?

Drop it from the aircraft, use the magic power armored flying device to penetrate directly into the depths of the enemy, and then fight guerrillas without any logistical support. Once there is any abnormality in the contact with the headquarters, it will fall into a very Terrible situation.

Undoubtedly, the squad that Comac is in is a very unlucky wave.

When they landed on the ground, they just met a wave of wandering demons, and the number was quite large. How many human soldiers had the courage to stand there when facing the demons that surged like a tide? Even if you stand there, what is the chance of victory over the devil? You know, there is really no way for humans to fight against these demons, and they can only take turns to play and attack first-hand demons. This kind of combat method can easily lose the morale of the team, not to mention that it is still the enemy.

The fear of death defeated their courage. Almost instantly, the recruit squad he was in was disbanded. The teammates fought for themselves and did not listen to the command of the captain at all. After losing the advantage of the group battle , Their will soon collapsed, one after another activated the return home Crystal escaped to the rear base.

Although Comaco worked hard, he was outnumbered, and what could he turn around?

At this moment the squad he belongs to is only himself, and other veterans and elites are probably already in the battlefield and it is impossible to go back.

There are only two ways left for Komaco. Either lone soldiers go deep, risking their lives intercepted by demons to catch up with large forces to continue their missions, or they can directly activate the homeward crystal and return to the rear base to enjoy a hot water. Take a bath and take a good rest before preparing for the next fight.

Comaco checked the equipment on his body. The energy of the Gauss gun is still half, the ammunition of the assault rifle is still sufficient, and there are still a certain number of various bullets in the space warehouse, which is enough to maintain a small-scale operation The energy of the saw sword is almost not consumed-at least for the time being, Comaco is not yet close enough to fight melee with the devil, and he has not just been able to reach the gold level.

In addition, there are a variety of individual combat weapons, such as high-explosive grenades, RPG launchers and ten mini-missiles, dispel magic bombs and so on ... After consuming more than half, there are still many left.

Of course, this is thanks to the application of new technology, because the cost of the space warehouse is greatly reduced, so that every soldier wearing magic power armor can enjoy the convenience of the space warehouse.

The food is still abundant, but because the pressure on the magic power armor was too great when it was chased by the demon before, it caused a lot of energy consumption, there was not much reserve in the space warehouse, and it was all used up. Now the most important thing is communication The weapon seems to be damaged by the impact of the spell. There is no way to contact the headquarters or other comrades. Secondly, the energy system of the "shelter" personal armor is also close to the red line. If the shelter armor is not available to maintain the living environment, No matter how long he can persist, he will die directly.

Comau looked at the chain saw sword, sighed, and pulled out the magic crystal, and then put it in the sheltered armor. The armor that had fallen to the red line resumed normal operation again. The fragile shield Began to recharge.

Comaco breathed a little sigh of relief, then he took out another miniature missile, took it apart, took out the magic crystal built in it, and put it on the smart watch.

After receiving the energy supplement, the smart watch resumed all functions again, the detection magic wave quickly spread out, and then the surrounding environment appeared on the holographic radar.

At this moment, Comaco's area has penetrated the Black Rain Plain. According to the built-in map, he can see that he is more than ten kilometers away from his closest comrades, and those people are still moving at high speed. By the time Koma got there, they would have gone farther.

Of course, he can also choose to leave the battlefield immediately. In this case, no one will say anything about him. He has persisted long enough. Compared with others, he is already a hero.


Comau wiped his face and smiled fiercely, did he really want to go back so dimly?

"Don't be kidding!"

Comaco murmured to himself, "But I struggled from my shameful life and became a great apocalypse, able to fight for my happy future, how can I Give up like this! "

While mumbling to himself, he quietly touched the cave, and under the cover of thick steam, quietly poked his head. On the radar, he could clearly see two wandering demons around him at the moment, One of the signals was stronger and more numerous. They were the Ubolis demons-they were good at spells, so the mental force responded more strongly to detecting magic waves.

The other signal is slightly weaker and fewer in number. If it is not unexpected, it should be the Nazura demon, because the reaction of the Komala devil is between the Uboris and the Nazura devil, but it is more trouble.

After thinking about it for a moment, Comau decisively chose ... the Uberis demon side.

Not because he is stupid, but because he has the inner armor and the shield of the magic power armor. This double-layer protection allows him to have strong resistance when facing spells, and the intelligence of the smart watch The spellcasting system allows him to compete with the Uboris Demon in casting.

Therefore, compared with the Nazula demon, the Yuboris demon is better at spells, but the threat is lower.

Nazura demons are different. They don't give you a chance to breathe. When they see the enemy, they will rush straight up regardless of it. The only goal is to kill you. They will use everything they can as Weapon parts to kill you ...

To be fair, Comau really hates such enemies.

Covered by the scorching sulfur steam, Comaco quietly walked around a gentle slope, lying there, he had seen the three Uberis demon wandering thousands of meters away-after the bombing, the black rain The number of demons on the plains is much rarer.

They are gathering their companions through special methods. However, in the blood battlefield near Red Lake, the devil's main army has completely suppressed the demon army, and there must be no chance to send reinforcements there for a while.

For the time being, the Black Rain Plain is safe here.

Comaco licked his lips, then quietly retracted the assault rifle, removed the long-range, powerful electromagnetic sniper rifle from the slot on his back, and then aimed at the distant Yuboris demon Chest.

Comaco has been patiently waiting for the opportunity to kill two birds with one stone. When the two Ubolus demons overlapped for the most part, he decisively pulled the trigger.

A special mass bomb was pushed out of the barrel by strong electromagnetic force, like a beam of faint blue light. Mass bombs flying at speeds close to Mach 6 jumped over a kilometer in half a second. The huge impact of kinetic energy instantly smashed the entire chests of those two Yubolis demons!

Comaco grinned, quickly turned his gun, and locked another target: "BONG! ... all the way. This is a greeting from an ordinary human."


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