Things from Another World

Chapter 1347: Belief in victory

A "click" sounded a crisp sound, and the charging coil on the electromagnetic sniper rifle in his hand was only half lit, and the shooting was terminated!

Comac apparently overestimated the recharge speed of the electromagnetic sniper rifle.

But the shooting just now has revealed his location. A kilometer away, the remaining Yuboris demon who was splashed with green blood captured the position of Comaco almost instantly. With a fiery flame!

It's the Yuboris evil flame demon!

Comaco was startled, rolled sharply aside, barely avoiding the frontal bombardment of the evil flames, but was still hit by the shield.

"The shield strength is 52%, and the recharge time is expected to be 48 seconds."


Comau took a breath of air, but was only scratched a bit, and the shield strength was almost wiped out!

These demons are really terrible!

Without waiting for Koma to breathe for a while, the Yuboris evil flame demon has approached this side, more and more evil flame spells are bombarded on the other side of the gentle slope, and Comaco, who was there, can even feel The earth and rocks underneath all began to melt at high temperatures.

Glancing at the fully charged electromagnetic sniper rifle, Koma rushed out without hesitation. The magic power armor pushed him directly into the air, and then he instantly locked the target-firing-in one go!

The mass bomb fired at high speed rubbed the head of Yuboris evil flame demon and flew over, but only lifted its head, but did not hit the heart of the heart!

"Damn shit!"

Comau scolded angrily and followed him, surrounded by the flames of evil flames.

He decisively activated the intelligent spellcasting system and stroked the spell wheel: "Spells suppress the halo! The wall of the hurricane!"

The intelligent casting system has a very fast calculation speed. Almost immediately, a spell halo and a wall of hurricanes have been formed next to him. A strong hurricane will fly around a part of the evil flame spell bomb, and the rest will also be spelled. Suppression of the aura weakened part of it, and when it finally hit Comaco, its power had weakened a lot.

"Warning! Shield strength is too low, currently remaining 21%, recharge time is estimated to be 79 seconds! Please be careful to avoid attacks!"

"Shut up, I know!"

Comaco watched the evil flame spell blasting on the shield, and was frightened by the cold sweat. At the next moment, he took the hurricane wall directly and rushed to the Yuboris evil flame demon!

"Your Majesty Tang En bless me!"

Comaco took out a high-explosive bomb while praying. When he approached the Yuboris evil flame demon, the Yubolis evil flame demon had prepared a hot gift package to welcome him-- A fiery flame of fire flames rose into the sky and blocked directly in front of Comaco, completely sealing his way forward.

It was at this time that Kormako gritted his teeth, took out the iron-sword, forced the burning of the evil flame, and rushed in. ,

"Warning! The shield strength has fallen below the alert value and is expected to completely collapse in two seconds-the shield has collapsed! The recharge time is five minutes-"

"shut up!"

After the shield of the magic power armor collapsed, Koma could only be protected by the shield that protected the inner armor. The high temperature outside almost hit his limit, but soon, Koma He successfully broke out of the pillar of fire, and then he sprinted directly, avoiding the large sea of ​​fire that the Umbris Evil Flame projectile shot over, leaping from a right angle from the side, and directly coming to the side of Uber Evil Flame Demon. The sword split the devil's throat.

"Hello there!"

Comau sneered and shoved the high-explosive ammunition into the torn wound, then he did not hesitate to start the thruster of the magic energy armor, and retreated at a rapid speed: "No more!"

"Well !!!"

It wasn't long before Comaco escaped, the bomb exploded, and even Comaco was overthrown by the bomb's shockwave, not to mention the Uboris demon, whose body was exploded high. The bomb exploded into minced meat, and the bones were completely gone.


Koma gasped for a few moments, then looked down at the shield value of the "shelter" inner armor.

In just a few seconds, not only the shield of the magic power armor declared collapse, but also the shield of the inner armor disappeared by two-thirds. This is still the result of the effect of the magic suppression aura, the power of the evil flame spell. It's terrible.

"Too dangerous……"

Comaco found another steam cave and hid again, rechecked the equipment status of his body, including the remaining energy of the energy module, etc., and then patiently waited for the shield to recharge before he sneaked out of the cave again. .

The smoky black rain plains are difficult to see clearly in the distance. Even under the effect of optical telescopes, the situation can only be seen up to three kilometers away, and those farther away are sprayed by those on the ground. The sulphur vapour cave is obscured. In order to smoothly merge with large forces in this environment, his movement efficiency must not only be fast, but also pay attention to covert action, otherwise there will be only a dead end after attracting a large number of demons.

"They're ten kilometers northwest ... no, it's already thirteen kilometers away."

Comau looked at the refreshed radar and muttered to himself: "Master, plan the safest route for me."

By predicting the course of the demon's action scanned on the terrain and radar, the required course can be calculated. Although not necessarily accurate, it is definitely safer than stumbling his own head.

"The route planning is completed, and the entire journey is expected to take 36 minutes."

"Too slow! They'll all leave when I get past! What's the fastest route?"

"The fastest is of course the straight flight. It will only take five minutes if it goes well, but are you sure you want to do this?"

The host directly listed the various potential dangers that may have been caused by flying in the past, but Koma looked cold.

He only has magic power armor, but there is no protection from the Dragon Knight vehicle. Not only is there a high probability that lightning in the sky will hit him. Now the demons may be afraid of being bombed, and they are also very concerned about the movement in the sky. Almost in my hand I held a face-to-face spell and threw it out at any time, and now flying to the sky is a living target for demons.

Koma didn't know if it was time to rejoice in the previous bombing or cry.

"Sure enough to fight ..."

Looking at the plains where hot steam was spraying everywhere, Koma felt crying and tears. At this moment, he felt helpless-his radar could scan those in front, and those people would surely scan him. When those people saw that he had placed an order, didn't they know that he would come and support him? Or wait for him!

However, this is what Koma thinks about. Of course, the people in the front saw him on the radar, but the problem is that they have been calling and have not received a response. When the situation cannot be determined, they have not received rescue. Of course, when they ask, they can't just act arbitrarily-after all, they don't think anyone will need help.

In places like Purgatory Abyss, humans are almost impossible to live alone, so they all thought that Koma, who was alone, would use the returning crystal to return to the base. Who would have thought that this guy was so courageous, all evacuated in the team, leaving only In the case of being alone, dare to play lonely Ranger with the devil!

After sighing, Koma started to move forward cautiously. When there was no demon reaction around him, his speed could be slightly faster. When he encountered obstacles, he leaped directly, but separated by three points and five points. There will be demon wandering from nearby, and then he needs to hide, especially the very sharp Yuboris and Kemala demons, it is more difficult to hide in front of them.

Just after a short distance of four kilometers, two more encounters broke out. Fortunately, the enemies encountered both times were Yuboris demons, so he could end the battle at the fastest speed and re-hide. Waiting for the shield to recharge.

He now has a chance to meet the Uboris demons, and there is also a battle with the Nazura demons, but if he encounters the Komala demons, I am afraid that he will be controlled by the mind and become a slave to the demons.

Fortunately, the number of Kemala demons in the Black Rain Plains is relatively small. As long as he has no luck, he will not be so unlucky.

Just two steps out of the hidden cave, Comaco felt his head a little dizzy, as if he had broken into an invisible force field. When he bit his tongue, the pain made his brain sober for a moment, and then he jerked Retreat hundreds of meters, and then the groggy brain regained consciousness.

Then he slammed behind a raised jet and observed it with a telescope for a while. He couldn't help cursing: "Fuck. Damn it! Lao Tzu's luck is that good? You can just go straight home. ! "

Just when he had almost caught up with the team in front, a Kemala deceiver who had opened up his mental force field just happened to be between him and the team in front.

If he doesn't wake up in time and continue to walk over, he will be devoured by Kemala's demon and devour his body into a boarding body.

How to do? There are very few spells and ammunitions left to deal with the Devil of Komala. The energy of the smart watch must be kept using radar, and can not be cast at will. If you rashly attack without killing the opponent, you can only fight back to your home ...

Comaco was in a dilemma.

Is it so withdrawn?

Do not!

Absolutely not!

I must stick to the end!

Be sure to perform beautifully in this battle!

Then you can get the reward from His Majesty Tang En!

Then you can get treasures that can repair limb defects!

For your own future!

For the future of Plantar!

I must stick to it!

As soon as Comaco gritted his teeth, he took out the electromagnetic sniper rifle and loaded it with only a few special ammunition. Then he was ready to attack.

"What are you doing here?"

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