Things from Another World

Chapter 1360: Off-site support

The Holy Light and the Devil sound like two things that are incompatible with each other. They should have no intersection at all, but at the moment, under the persecution of the devil, these two disjointed things have formed a weird one. The combination.

The devil bathed in the blessing of the light, howling and killing the devil as if taking a stimulant.

The blessing of the Holy Light on them not only restrained the decay speed of the chaos breath, but also allowed the devil to increase the damage to the devil to a certain extent. .

The huge blessing of the holy light began to spread out in all directions, and Eluli flying in the sky was guarded by the angel of the light. The demon's magic attacks could not approach her at all, and she was using her as a medium to continue the holy Light blesses spread, spread, and spread again, to its limit.

Although Illuli has been tried and tested during the glorious ritual, and is used to giving bright blessings to a large range of units, but the blood battlefield is so huge at this moment, and the number of demons is far beyond her imagination. Your own limit potential.

Balmotos didn't know how many demons had been blessed by Illuli. He only knew that when he looked away, all the sights, all the demons were covered with a faint light.

Don't worry about the spread of chaos for the time being!

The situation is reversed!

"Kill them all!"

Barmotos snarled and held up the great sword in his hand, roaring and killing again.

However, at this moment, the demons in the battlefield stayed together for a while, looking collectively towards the direction behind them. It was only at this moment that at least 100,000 demons were killed by the devil on the battlefield!

"what happened!?"

"What do they want to do !?"

"Is that guy finally showing up !?"

The Duke of the Devil's hearts were shocked and could not help raising their vigilance!

Even Balmotos followed and looked into the distance, looking forward to seeing the appearance of that guy, but the next moment, something that shocked all the devil happened-suddenly a large number of demons rushed into the sky on the battlefield, and then Opening the portal disappeared, and at a glance, all the demons who left the battlefield were all demons with a strength above the lord level!

"Are they going to give up this war !?"

"Impossible! Something must have happened behind the battlefield!"

"Are there any tricks? Do they want to hook them up and lead us into a trap?"

"Don't be reckless, it's better to be cautious ..."

After hearing the conversation on the communication channel, Hilofria was anxious: "Why do you want so much! Don't know if all the demons are brain-impaired! These main forces must leave the battlefield because they have been called by the demon king, regardless of their What happened is now a great opportunity for us to kill the remaining demons in one go! "

"... That's right!"

Zakunkandal suddenly wakes up, the demons can't play any tricks with you at all, they don't have that idea, they don't have that ability, so there is no need to worry about this trap.

Without those high-end combat capabilities, relying solely on the remaining demons, the quantitative advantage has no meaning.

"Do it!"

The Duke of Devil no longer hesitated, and immediately ordered his men to step up the offensive, ready to take advantage of this opportunity.

Balmetos frowned, and the situation seemed a bit wrong. Why did the Demon King suddenly call these demons back?

-Unless something goes wrong where it is!

-Or, what happened to it!

Don't know why, Balmotos suddenly thought of Down.

"The devil retreated ... it must be the Lord ... it was Her Majesty Tang En's success!"

At this time, Balmotos suddenly heard such a word that Illurion jumped out, and immediately hesitated. He hurriedly asked, "What do you mean !?"

Illuli explained: "Elsa was captured by the Demon King. Her Majesty Tang En searched for information to save Elsa, and finally found a portal to the location of the Demon King. The king's side is here, and now these demons are starting to retreat. Perhaps this means that Her Majesty Tang En has defeated the demon king! "

After Balmotos stayed for a while, he suddenly opened a portal and rushed to the command center where Depp was: "Can you contact Dunn !? Has he already found that guy !?"

Depp froze and nodded and said, "His Majesty Tang En is already over there, and he said at the moment that he would make a big move to attract the Demon King out, and then there was no news. Now we don't know what happened. what's up."

"Does he share the space coordinates over there !?"

"No, but he already has a teleportation team ..."

"take me to!"

"But without his permission ..."

"I said take me," Balmotos said in an unquestionable tone. "You also saw that the demons on the battlefield suddenly opened the portals and retreated collectively. If nothing else, they should be back to support the demon king. Now, no matter how powerful Your Majesty Tang En is, facing so many Lord-level demons, can he come back alive? "

Depp was really hesitant now.

"He needs my help, and even says he needs your help."

Balmotos slyly tied himself to Depp and said, "We should support him as soon as possible, taking advantage of the best opportunity ever, to completely remove the demons from the abyss of purgatory!"

After Depp was silent for a moment, he nodded fiercely and said, "You're right, it's really not the time to follow the rules. Her Majesty Tang En is probably in danger, and we need to support him."

Balmotos breathed a sigh of relief: "Then let's go!"

"Give me ten minutes."

Depp said calmly, "I need to organize reinforcements."


Balmotos froze. Isn't the human legion here the strongest elite yet?

Then he saw Depp open the communicator through the Ares host, and directly connected to a person from the military channel.

"Fiona, I'm Depp. Her Majesty Tang En's to save Elsa after entering the enemy, and now the demon has started to leave the battlefield to support the demon king, so we need to support him, we need reinforcements-the most powerful reinforcements . "

Depp accented the last few words, and Fiona at the other end of the communicator instantly understood what he meant: "I know, I'll let them know. You are now preparing for combat supplies. Five minutes later I Guarantee support goes directly to the battlefield, and our personnel will enter the battlefield after ten minutes. "

"Roger that."

After Depp suspended the communication, he immediately began commanding personnel to mobilize combat materials. A large amount of weapons and ammunition were transferred to space equipment. At the same time, the soldiers dispersed in the Black Rain Plain also received instructions for emergency assembly. So they immediately ended the current combat mission, activated the return home crystal and returned to their respective bound bases.

In just one minute, all human warriors originally scattered on the million square kilometers of land around Purgatory Abyss have all returned to their bases, and can be concentrated at any base through the teleportation array at any time. In China, this terrible maneuverability is completely based on the crystal of returning home and the teleportation array. It can be said that it is all thanks to Tang En.

After returning to the base, the soldiers got a short rest time. They quickly replenished their food. At the same time, the space equipment was unified and reloaded for combat supplies. The most important of these were the sheltered armor and magic power armor and various weapons. Refill of the energy module.

Looking at the busy but orderly human legion, Balmotos was suddenly silent, and he found that in this kind of thing, the devil sent humans not by a step or a half, but by eighteen thousand miles.

The devil's strength is too powerful, and this power also leads to their own understanding of the combat order, it is impossible to completely execute the instructions of the superior, which also causes the devil to fight in general when fighting. They will never cooperate with each other to promote strengths and avoid weaknesses. Instead, they will blame each other for dragging themselves during battles. For example, when the ice demon casts, he hates the deep prison refining devil, the skeleton chain devil hates the saw blade devil .

If the devil can establish a set of command and combat system similar to humans, and all of them can obey the command and cooperate with each other, the combat power of the existing devil army can at least be ten times more, which is not an exaggeration!

On the other side, Fiona dialed out immediately after hanging up the phone.

"Hey, Her Majesty the Dragon King? My name is Fiona, and Her Majesty Tang En needs your support."

Sasha Glott snapped: "You have been fighting recently? Why haven't I heard?"

"In the abyss of purgatory, we are united with the devil, and the enemy is the devil."

Fiona said as succinctly as possible: "Elsa was captured by the Demon King on the battlefield. Now Her Majesty Tang En broke into the Devil's Lair to face the Demon King, and the Demon King called the battlefield in order to save Elsa. The demon on the back has returned to support, so we also need your support, the time is very urgent, please give me the answer directly. "

"Save Elsa !? Does that matter?"

Sasha Glott said without hesitation: "As an ally, of course I have to help him, give me—"

Fiona said sharply: "I will give you up to three minutes to gather people, and then come to Ellington's teleport hall, you will directly enter the battlefield near the demon king through the teleportation array."

"You girl are really welcome, but I only need one minute."

Sasha Glotter smiled: "Then I won't stop talking nonsense-oh !!!"

Sasha Glott made a special howling dragon whistle directly into the sky, and Fiona in the video saw a large number of giants suddenly burst out on Long Island. They gathered in Sa almost instantly. Near Shaglot.

"Brothers and sisters, ready to fight," Sasha Glott flashed a phantom on his body, and the heavy cannon armor appeared directly on him. "This time our enemy is ... the devil!"

At this time, Tang En, surrounded by demons, finally found that his situation was a little bad!

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