Things from Another World

Chapter 1361: Undead legion

"It seems a little bad ..."

In the blocked space, although Tang En had forced the Demon King into despair, he suddenly found himself surrounded by demons who rushed in.

The Demon King was clearly calling for support just now.

Suddenly, a large number of demons appeared outside the barrier, all of them lying on the barrier, scarlet eyes fixed on Tang En, claws constantly attacking the barrier, trying to break the barrier and then came in to help the demon king.

"Ba-Gor-Ji-Zo \ 'i-Naz--"

The demon king roared at the demons outside, and the demons immediately became even more crazy, all kinds of spells were smashed down, and the whole space was trembling due to the fierce magic wave. Rao is the barrier. Many of the fissures had already appeared on the barrier, reinforced by Tang En, and unable to withstand the attacks of so many demons.

"Oh! What a trouble!"

Tang En cursed, and then quickly made a decision. The world's will swept towards the sky, and a crack appeared in the air. Tang En's will immediately penetrated the barrier of the plane and reached the half-plane space where the Hall of Spirits was located!

Victor, who was routinely training there, took a moment's notice after hearing Tang's order, and immediately got excited: "Except for the members of the mining industry who are on duty in the astral world, all the other drivers of the gold giant statue immediately assembled! We have the task It's up! "

When Victor arrived at the Palace of the Spirit Hall, there were already more than 100,000 heroes with extraordinary combat experience here, but because the gold statues have not been fully repaired, these heroes do not yet have their own gold statues. The reason why I gathered here is simply to catch a show.

The heroes standing tall in front of these people are the current drivers of the Golden Titans. They are the elite among the elite, the most powerful of all the spirits, even during their lifetime. They also have the most powerful strength. After their death, they came to the Hall of Spirits, their soul strength is still strong, and they are still working very hard in training.

The most terrible thing in the world is working harder than you.

That's why they were selected to be drivers of the Golden Titan.

"The mission is here!"

Victor Haha laughed and said, "Humans and the Devil have formed an alliance, and they have officially fought against the devil. Don't know how much he can't, but he broke into the devil's lair in the purgatory abyss alone. Now he is ready to pull us. Coming to the battlefield. "

"Maybe he wants to execute the decapitation plan and kill the demon king directly?"

"Maybe, but it doesn't matter, the important thing is ... we can finally get addicted!"

As soon as Victor applauded, all the drivers of the golden giant statue immediately flew into their own golden giant statue, and then immediately began the pre-war inspection work-because the astral mining is carried out through the golden giant statue Therefore, there will never be a lack of high-level magic crystals here, and the process of replenishing energy is quite convenient.

In addition, the heroes do not need to eat anything, and the space warehouse can all be filled with combat materials. Therefore, the continuous combat capability of the golden giant statue is greatly enhanced.

Over the past six months, Ellington has been continuously repairing the Golden Titans. So far, the repaired Golden Titans have soared from 500 at the beginning to more than 10,000. This is in addition to 5,000. The data after the gold giants mined in the astral world, that is to say, now a total of 10W gold giants have been repaired more than 15,000, and 85,000 remain to be repaired.

——As workers become more and more proficient, mining resources have become more and more productive, and the speed of repairs will become faster and faster. The remaining 85,000 gold giants may be repaired in less than a few years. When it is over, Tang En will have a powerful army who is not afraid of death and does not need to worry about the living environment.

Soon 10,000 gold giants have entered standby mode and can enter combat mode at any time. Rows of gold giants stand neatly above the square. There is no sound on the square, which looks extremely solemn and solemn.

Soon, the golden giants on the square felt the call of Tang En, and the next moment, there appeared one by one under their feet, and then the heroic warriors who could not wait can not help but howled and jumped in.


"Is it too long to give them ten minutes to prepare!"

Tang En dragged the demons like mud in one hand and clasped the will of the world in one hand. The previous barriers have been torn by the demons. Now they have been completely crushed, Tang En is completely surrounded by them, and the demon king Then he took the opportunity to hide behind, and began to devour other demons to restore vitality.

Watching the black and white demons in three layers and three layers leak the water around him, Tang En couldn't help sneering, these brain stumps ... Do you really think you can trap him in this way?

Looking at the time, Tang En stepped the will of the world at his feet, then took out the cane of Illuth's kingship, and released the inherent skills above.

The Legion is coming!

Even if the water surrounded by the demon could not be reached, Tang En still saw the golden light that pierced the sky-the dense golden portals were filled with the sky, and the cane of Royal Power of Illus had become the clearest coordinate, calling Cross the plane with the Golden Titan Legion and reach the battlefield directly!


There was a deafening blast in the sky, and the golden giants controlled by the heroic soldiers passed through the portal, wrapped in flames and descended from the sky in an imposing manner, smashing all the demons in front and crashing into the ground !!

"We are here!"

"We see it!"

"We conquered!"

"We are invincible--"

"To shut up!"

Victor had felt that this line was too shameful long ago, so they were not allowed to say it. However, they did not expect that they could not hold back. He opened the communicator: "Don! We are here! You have been scanned on the radar! It's-"

"Do not bother me."

Tang En looked at the demons in front of him with a bright smile: "Go to war with maximum firepower."

"Understanding, maximum firepower."

Victor licked his lips, and a giant cannon suddenly appeared in the golden statue of the manipulator. After locking at a place where the demons had gathered, he fired directly!


The fiery torrent of magic whistled and flew out, and those demons had not even had the opportunity to evade, and had been impacted into dust by the torrent of magic!

——This is a technology derived from the artillery armor technology developed for the Dragon family. This weapon is named Y2 type magic cannon. Y2 stands for secondary derivative technology. Its size is reduced by 2/3, and the output is reduced. The power has been reduced by 2/5, and the magic power consumed has also been reduced by 2/5. However, the power has been reduced by less than 1/3, and the performance is very good. In addition to the golden giant statue, it can also be widely used in sky mother ships, Large armored tanks, floating island fortresses, so now military factories have begun to mass produce this weapon and upgrade its equipment.

Seeing so many demons being assaulted by himself into one's ashes, Victor fell into inexplicable excitement. How could he have had such an opportunity when he was a king before?

This is real life!

The Gold Titan Troops that fell from the sky instantly turned on the sweep mode. Ten thousand Gold Titans landed in a place of tens of square kilometers, the damage caused was extremely terrible, and the sound of artillery was everywhere.

The golden giant statue controlled by the spirit changed the clumsy action method in the original design, and became very flexible and cunning. The various movement modes and characteristics of the golden giant statue were deeply tapped by them, and they can often be played on the battlefield. Unexpected effect.

The fist that used to be the main weapon has now become an auxiliary weapon. With the supply of sufficient advanced magic crystals, the Y2 magic cannon that can shoot continuously and is extremely powerful is of course the best main weapon.

After being aware of these big menacing threats from the sky, the demon lords immediately began a siege of the giant gold statue.

However, the close physical attacks of Nazura Kill, Slayer, Nazula Spiked, and Nazula Flying Wings have no effect, and even the Nzura withering attack with the withering spell is completely invalid- The gold giant is made of an extremely powerful alloy such as Oliha Steel, which of course cannot be easily damaged.

But even more terrible is the resistance of the gold giant statue to spells. Because the driver is a hero, and the gold giant statue is a pure alchemy and engineering product without vitality, it is also not afraid of any spell damage.

As long as you can't destroy me and I still have the ability to move, I can continue to fight!

This is the most terrible place after the combination of the heroic spirit and the golden giant statue.

At this moment, the magic spells that the Uberis demon is good at are finally severely frustrated, and the talent spells such as evil flame, inferno, corruption, and heart destroyer have lost their effect, and the mind control-type talent spells of the Kemala demon are helpless ——In the days of the Hall of Spirits, these spirits hone their spirits day and night, which makes their souls extremely powerful. The magic spells that Kemala's pride can only make their minds slightly dull. Nothing more than control over them.

The worst thing is the Komala bloodthirsty-no matter the gold statue or the driver, there is no blood to control it.

Here, only the powerful Barlow Flame Demon, the existence of this Demon Grand Duke level, can compete with the Golden Titan. However, even in the Devil's Lair, there are only a handful of Barlow Flame Demon. Yes, in contrast to the Legion of Gold Titans ... but there are 10,000 units!

Anyway, Victor and Tang En are playing the same hooligan idea-I can't beat you, then the ten head offices! ? If ten is not enough, then I will add a hundred! Tired can exhaust you!

Anyway, we are not afraid of death, come and face us!

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