Things from Another World

Chapter 352: Crispy spider legs

Brian struggled to pull his head out, and then he jumped down, with a pale face covering his Majesty: "Fortunately, I already have a child ..."

After noticing Tang En's weird eyes, Brian was shocked: "It's not bad to use! It almost exploded-then what's your look !?"

"Nothing ... I just didn't expect you to have practiced iron gear."

"what is that?"

"A kind of kung fu specialized in improving the defense of vital parts is very difficult to practice."

"Oh oh !?"

Brian's eyes lit up: "Big brother, will you ?! Teach me!"

"Yes," Tang En smiled more and more strangely. "Look at Uncle Depp or Locke tomorrow, and let them kick a thousand times against you every day for ten consecutive years. If you do n’t explode there, practice It's done. "

So Brian replied very simply.

"Lord Lord."

Locke was still a little stunned at the moment, and he whispered, "How do I think that the thing that appears later may be the real shadow lurker."

Tang En nodded: "Maybe, what's the situation like?"

"Twelve people were seriously injured, and 44 were slightly injured. The severely injured have already taken the blood of the goddess and have now recovered. It does not affect subsequent battles. The slightly injured are being bandaged, which takes about ten minutes. They can immediately go on the road after bandaging. "

Tang En was quite satisfied with this result. The number of wounded was within the acceptable range and there were no dead. For the Ellington Guard who faced the large-scale Warcraft for the first time, this record is already very good.

"Let everyone bandage as soon as possible, here is the air vent, and stalactites fall at any time, which is not suitable for rest."

After a pause, Tang En pointed a little strangely and asked, "Rock, what are your comrades doing?"

Locke's former comrades-in-arms were busy around the body of the spider WoW, cutting the body of the spider WoW, and yelling at each other with great interest.

"Oh, they're dividing spider meat."

Locke took his face for granted, and he smiled, "If it weren't for its legs, I would show you a crispy spider leg."

Tang En's face paled after a moment's expression: "No."

Locke also wanted Tang to give it a try. He pointed at the snow-white crystal spider meat picked out by those people and said, "Master, don't look at this thing as ugly. In fact, as long as you avoid the poison glands, it is a kind of non-toxic and meaty. Fresh and delicious, just like crab meat. "

Tang En shook his head, his face was ugly, and he decided not to eat crabs for at least a year.

Locke shrugged. He didn't quite understand what Down was thinking. For their mercenaries, many things could be used as food. Spider meat was actually quite rare and delicious.

The magic core of this spider Warcraft is gone, I am afraid that it was swallowed by that parasitic Warcraft, Phantom Lurker, which makes Tang a little regret. He also wants to see the difference between the magic core of the underground World of Warcraft and the surface world Yet.

"Hmm? Is it you?"

After seeing the unlucky adventurer, Tang En froze. This unlucky egg was not someone else. It was the rude brave man who first passed in at the entrance of the mine.

He froze: "Do you know me?"

The first time he was stunned without seeing Tang En, and the second time Tang En deformed, so Tang En knew him, but he didn't know Tang En.

After drinking some water and eating something, this man's spirit is much better, but now his temper is not so irritable, maybe this near-death encounter will change his life.

"This is our Lord Lord in Ellington," Locke said.

"Lord ... Lord !?"

The strong man seemed to remember something, stuttering, "So that day is you ..."

"Yes, it's me."

"Hug, sorry! I, I really don't know--"

Tang En waved his hand and said, "Don't mention the past, you are the first adventurers to enter here. What's your name? Tell me, what did you encounter after entering the underground?"

"Okay, okay! My name is Kundal."

Kundal, who was weak, forced his spirit, and he would talk about what happened after he entered the underground world. From him, Tang En got a rough idea of ​​the original situation.

Almost all of the first people who came in were dead-except for those who had the mercenary regiments, who went into the underground world in an army, and intended to take advantage of it, they basically slept there.

They are the vanguards of the road exploration. The powerful forces are ready to go, waiting for the news from the vanguard, so the vanguard is in danger and can only rely on itself.

At that time, the road along the way was still full of Warcraft.

The adventurers didn't know anything about the World of Warcraft in the underground world, so they just faced a side-by-side fiasco. Only a few days later, they gradually sorted out the information and found the weakness of Warcraft. The large mercenary regiment and private forces finally joined the team of exploration and promotion-and at that time, Tang En was leisurely preparing canned food in the Elven Forest.

"After the Guangjing Cave, we have individually selected caves for further exploration ..."

Kundal shivered, his face pale: "But we didn't expect that we chose a path to **** ... halfway through the terrible sea of ​​insects, several people were left with the bones ... ... "

Hearing here, Fiona's mind emerged from a picture of people being drowned by the sea of ​​insects. She subconsciously held Tang En's arm and kept talking.

Girls are most afraid of this kind of thing-Fiona looked at Elsa, then vanilla, and then at Elias-well, correct it, she is most afraid of this kind of thing.

Tang En patted her arm gently, giving Fiona a little relief.

"We managed to light a torch and scattered the terrible bugs. When we came to the end, we found that there was a dead end ..."

"Dead end? No, it's clear."

"That's when we removed the stones that were stuck there."

Kundal groaned, crying with a headache and holding his knees: "But I didn't expect it to kill them!"

Tang En basically understood that due to the sudden change in air pressure, stalactites fell and were blown into the channel by the wind, blocking the entrance here and blocking the hunting range of Spider-Man Warcraft, but they did not expect them to move the stalactites away again.

The reopened channel once again caused a drastic change in the air flow, and also attracted the attention of Spider-Warcraft, and then they were conspired by Spider-Warcraft-with that guy's wisdom, it would not be surprising that it would conceal people.

Locke patted Kundal's back and sighed, "Don't cry, the adventurer must have the consciousness of dying on the road from the beginning. Now the deceased is dead, you should work harder to live."

"You don't understand, don't understand! I was really scared when I was **** and waiting to die, especially when I felt the cold straw passing by my nose, I always felt that I would be sucked into it by the adult at any time! "

Kundal is insane: "Do you know? The guys next to me, we ran all the way, even when tied together, we were still discussing how to escape here-but, that **** Warcraft, it Eat them in my presence! "

"The sharp tube was inserted into their mouth stiffly, and the digestive fluid was injected. My friend took a breath in front of me and was sucked into it by people!"

"Can you imagine it? The digestive juice has turned everything in your body into a liquid, a tube that is inserted directly into your head," Kundal nodded his head, "then put you Everything in the body is sucked out— "

"do not talk!"

Fiona covered her mouth, and she was almost vomiting.

Both Elsa and Elijah's faces were a bit pale, but Cat Jiro vanilla was still calm, but her tight tail had betrayed her heart-she was actually quite scared.

Kundal sat on the ground in a sorrowful voice and said in a crying voice: "Midway, we saw other teams of adventurers passing by here, and we asked them for help—the gods are on top, and I recognize one of them, that is the West. They are fully capable of saving us, but they continue to move on without even paying attention to us-so are the adventurers who follow them. "

The power of Cisa?

Tang En frowned slightly, was this mercenary group again? They also chose this path?

This road happens to be the road to the Red Grotto, is it a coincidence? still is……

"Master Lord, what does he do?"

Locke whispered, "He looks like he is about to collapse, we can't take him deeper, but it's a bit of a detachment to send him back ..."

Tang En thought for a moment, took out a returning crystal and handed it to Kundal: "This is the returning crystal, hold it, press these three runes, and you can return to my territory in Ellington, seeing you For providing us with important information, you find the guard, let him take you to Abbotton, tell him the situation, and he will help you temporarily. "

"Master Lord !?"

Locke stunned: "How do you value such a precious treasure ..."

Tang En rolled his eyes: "Even valuable treasures are valuable only if they are used. What's more, even if they are precious, we can use them ourselves."

Kundal looked at the exquisite homecoming crystal on his hand, but couldn't understand Tang En's meaning.

"So," Fiona glared at him angrily. "This thing is almost the same as a teleportation scroll worth 10,000 gold coins! It can be used without the need for magical stimulation. Do you understand if you make a lot of money!" ? "

Price and value 10,000 gold coins! ?

Kundal's hand slammed, and the crystal fell to the ground with a swift return, and his frightened face was all white, hurriedly holding it up again, and it was angry and dusty, lest it be damaged.

Tang En couldn't laugh or cry. As soon as he rang his finger, the mage's hand pinched Kundal's hand and inspired the crystal home: "Go!"

The magic in the crystal of the way home was fully excited, and a vortex of space suddenly sucked in Kundal, and then he disappeared as a whole.

Locke saw Kundal's twist as if it had been torn by space, and he asked, "Did we use it?"

"Roughly the same……"

Tang En thought for a moment: "It depends on character."


Make sure for me!

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