Things from Another World

Chapter 353: Opening roads to every mountain, building a bridge in Yugu

After the break, Tang En's team continued to set off against the howling wind.

The power of the Sisal mercenary group also followed this path, which was obviously beyond the expectation of Tang En.

There are many bifurcation roads, but they happen to find this road. If it is pure luck, then this luck seems too good.

Danny, who was looking forward, returned with bad news: "In front of it is an underground rift valley that is several tens of meters wide. Only a narrow stone bridge can pass through, but that stone bridge is damaged."

Tang En frowned: "Is the stone bridge damaged?"

Soon they came to the underground rift. As Danny said, this is a rift that is tens of meters wide. There is no end on both sides. The only way to the opposite side is the middle stone bridge. However, this stone The bridge is now disconnected from the middle.

Fiona speculated: "Is it because the power of Sissar has deliberately destroyed the stone bridge in order to prevent others from coming along?"


Locke said something, and then explained, "Miss Fiona, don't forget, this is the underground world. Even if the cave is in all directions, no one can be sure whether there is a passage for leaving in front of you. Forced on the road, Sissar wouldn't be so stupid. "

"Rock is right, but it is possible."

Facing Locke's doubtful look, Tang En added: "Although the cost of hiring a magician is very high for the general mercenary regiment, using the power and power of Sissar to hire a magician should not be a big deal. problem."

Locke stunned: "I forgot this!"

He grinned and touched his head and said, "The magician was too far away for us at that time, so the consciousness ignored this possibility."

"That is to say, in order to prevent others from following into the other side, they deliberately destroyed the stone bridge after passing, and when they returned, they used the power of magic to repair the stone bridge ... 啧啧, and basically eliminated everyone Trailing possibility? "

Elsa raised her hand and said, "But just now Kundal said that there are several teams passing by here, and it may be done by other teams, but he only knows the people of the power of Cisa."

"Yes, it's possible ... What's in your hand !?"

"Spider meat, Uncle Locke said this was delicious."

Tang En suddenly became hairy: "Throw it away!"


Elsa pouts, throws the white spider meat into the Rift, and then the meat is blown to the top by the hurricane blowing from below.

Tang En wiped the cold sweat, walked to the edge of the Rift and looked down, then said, "Get ready."

After speaking, he stomped lightly, and the thick earth elements deposited around him were mobilized. The cross section of the stone bridge in front suddenly twisted and extended forward. The surging earth and sand changed under the action of magic. With the structure in place, the broken bridge was reconnected.

The violent air flow from the cave before came from this rift. For safety reasons, he erected a row of fences on both sides of the bridge to protect everyone from being blown by the wind.

Then, as soon as Tang En snapped his fingers, the turbulent soil solidified and turned into a solid stone.

The broken bridge was switched on again.

"No matter how many times I look at it, I feel that the power of magic is amazing."

Locke exclaimed: "Sometimes I really envy the magician, but unfortunately he doesn't have the talent to become a magician."

"Don't envy the magician," Tang En smiled and said casually, "the warrior and the mage just have different starting points, but the end point is the same. If you can enter the supreme level, the boundary between the warrior and the mage will disappear."

"Extreme ..."

Locke, Uncle Depp, and Vanilla have longed for their faces. For most people, it is a distant and unattainable realm, let alone the supreme level. They can break through the limits of mortals and enter the golden level. How many? None of it!

How many can be awakened into the master class?

An extraordinary level stronger than the grandmaster level is not much to look at the entire Prandall, not to mention the supreme powerful above the extraordinary ... that is second only to the legendary super powerful!

Locke couldn't help but smiled and shook his head with a bitter smile and said, "Don't say anything supreme, I can enter the golden level when I reach middle age, and I am satisfied to reach the limit of mortals. Above the golden level, that is the world of geniuses, only The darlings of the gods have the privilege to see the mystery. "

"Who knows what will happen in the future."

Tang En smiled, didn't say much, took the lead and walked up the stone bridge: "Let's go, close your mouth, be careful the wind flashes your tongue. We need to speed up, it has been several hours into the underground world, supper Try to get to the Red Grotto before. "

The entrance down is Barod's ranch, where he keeps gargoyles. Of course, the Red Grotto is not too far away, but it is actually half a day away.

It's just that this is the first time that Tang En came to the ground, and the sudden changes in the environment here have resulted in very complicated road conditions, so the speed of progress is relatively slow.

After crossing the stone bridge without any risk, there was another dreamlike cave.

"Gods are on ... is this really underground !?"

Everyone, including Tang En, was stunned by the picture in front of them. They held their breath as if they were worried that their breath would break the wonderful scenery.

The top of this cave is covered with light crystals, and a soft light falls like a waterfall pouring into the caves. The huge light crystal prisms are entangled with green vines, and vines hang down from the top of the cave. Waving gently against the light crystal.

Below the vine, there are layers of stalactites stacked from the side of the cave, but under the processing of wonderful nature, these stalactites have become layers of pools, and a pool of clear water is stored in the area. Water, with some colorful light crystals distributed in the water, dyed these pools into various colors, like various colored clouds on the horizon, but appeared in underground caves, so it looked very dreamy.

There are some strange underground plants growing by the pool. The faint moss seems to be the food of those bugs. Some beetles can be seen passing by from time to time. The ferns next to it never seem to have seen in the surface world.

Of course, the most attractive thing is that huge mushroom forest.

The large purple umbrella-shaped mushrooms are on average more than two meters tall, which is taller than the height of the vanilla. The umbrella handle alone is as thick as a person, and there are some traces of chopping left on the umbrella handle, which occasionally fall from the umbrella skirt. Although the fluorescent mushroom spores look beautiful, Tang En feels that this is not a good thing-no matter what the game is, anything that is related to the mushroom spores is either poisoned or parasitic, which is never good anyway.

There are also some lush shrubs growing next to the mushrooms. The roots of the shrubs sink water along the stalactites into the nearby pool, and there are some small red fruits growing on it.

"It should be edible."

Locke judged briefly and said, "Some fruits still have bite marks on them, but no corpse was seen nearby, so it should be non-toxic."

As soon as Elsa heard it, she went up eagerly to pick fruit.

The Abbots brought her up in Ellington, which completely cut her off from the noble ladies-one of Elsa's favorite things to do was to get into the woods to find wild fruits to eat.

By the way, "play wrestling games" with some Warcraft-because she is too powerful, only these Warcraft can "play" with her, this is really a sad story.

"do not go."

Downe held Elsa.


"We don't lack food, so there is no need to take risks."

Tang En said: "Caution is the most important now. If you are poisoned, there is no priest and sacrifice to drive you poison."

Of course, this is because Nora is not here. If Nora is here, it is okay to test the poison at random. Her powerful life force is completely afraid of any poison.


Elsa obeyed Down's arrangements.

"Let's go, although it's beautiful, but we will cross here as soon as possible."

Down was again ordered to start.

Fiona froze: "Lord Lord, why don't we take a break here? Everyone has gone a long way, there is no hurricane, there is light and water, it is a very good rest area."

Tang En shook his head and pointed around. "It looks like a good place, but why is there no sign of camping?"


"A lot of adventurer teams have been here before us. Why haven't they rested here? There are obviously problems here."

Tang En noticed this sensitively just now. It stands to be a very good rest place, but ... there are no camping traces, no bonfire embers, no food debris, no traces of human beings-except for the footprints on the ground. .


and many more! ?

footprint! ?

Tang En suddenly jumped to his heart and looked again at the ground. On the soft and moist shallow soil, dense footprints remained, but there were some human footprints that were obviously not human.

Turning their heads to look at the guards, they apparently haven't recovered from the battle of the Phantom Lurkers.

Tang En decisively ordered: "Speed ​​up and leave here."

The team set off again, marching forward in the huge mushroom forest.

The giant mushrooms on both sides gave them an absurd illusion that they had become smaller.

At this point, Danny, who had been walking in front of the team, suddenly stopped and raised his palm.

The team stopped silently and instantly.

Danny looked back, his face was a little pale, and before he spoke, everyone had heard the voice in front.

The next moment, a group of weird creatures emerged from the path of the mushroom forest.

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