Things from Another World

Chapter 801: Groma's psychological shadow

"Now, that‘ me ’, why do you say they hit and fight? It ’s meaningless.”

Pouting Elijah looked at the gladiatorial field, completely unaware of the significance of doing so.


"You mean, this will make them grow and improve? No such feeling at all?"

She is talking to herself.

Since several previous accidental experiences, another voice hidden in the body has appeared more and more frequently, and now it has reached a level where the two sides can talk to each other.

Especially after Eutinia came to Ellington, the voice of the dialogue between the two sides became clearer and clearer.

However, Iliah suddenly learned that the voice was actually herself, but she who has complete memory, and now she is only one who has thirteen-year-old memory. The memory that unlocks will continue to grow as it grows Will become a true self.

This makes the little girl feel very confused-what does this mean?

Although she didn't understand, she never told anyone about this secret except Tang En.

She shared the secret with Tang En and wanted to ask Tang En for help.

In this regard, the answer given by Tang En is to let it be.

He is also right. If something more constructive is put forward, in the future, Ilia recovers Ms. E's full consciousness and suddenly turns her face to find her own account?

Rather than take that kind of risk, it's better to be safe and let it go.


Iliat held her chin and said a little boringly: "I look very brutal and violent ... what? Pass the time? There is no meaning at all, if you like it, then you can come and see."


"Then leave it to you temporarily, I'll go to bed."

At the moment the voice fell, Ilia ’s original clear and lilac eyes became extremely deep purple. At the same time, Ilia ’s temperament sitting there was inexplicably changed, pure and naive. The image of the girl has not changed, but those who are really familiar with her will find that at the moment Ilia looks so indifferent and lonely, but like a goddess who is sacred and inviolable.

Indifferent eyes swept across the hall, and then Ilya's eyes fell on Tang En, and her eyes were full of unusually complex emotions.

Although her superficial consciousness has not yet recovered, her deep consciousness occasionally wakes up and observes everything around Elijah's eyes.

Then she discovered something wrong.

For a goddess, that's pretty bad.

For example, two people have a happy bath together.

Another example is two people lying and sleeping together.

Or I often watch his back inexplicably and shyly ...

The fool also knows what it is—her shallow consciousness had a crush on this guy before she woke up.

Honestly, this is bad, quite bad.

Although Ms. Cao did not know what Niscle Claire's plan was, she knew that Tang En didn't belong to this world, and they had used the "smuggling" method to clean up the mess.

Although Ms. Ei didn't believe that this guy could save the world at first, what I have to say is that so far, his methods of dealing with chaotic creatures are quite beautiful.

Sorted out the information about the chaotic creatures so far, so to strengthen their strengths against their weaknesses, and use all available power ...

This guy from the other world is quite clever. He knows that ultimately he can't deal with Chaos Invasion by himself, so he didn't think about brute force from the beginning, but chose to use the convenience power given to him to transform This world gives this world a certain degree of resistance.

Ms. Zhe believes that even if she did it herself, it would not be better.

It's a pity that Ms. Calm was quite annoyed because he did so well.

You have solved everything, my wife, what is the point of my rebirth! ?

The annoyed Lady Calm stared at Tang En's back, hesitating whether to give him a curse or vent his anger.

"Little girl, are you here with them?"

At this moment, a strange sound suddenly sounded beside.

Ms. E'er turned her face expressionlessly, staring at the fluffy orc in front of her, cursing inwardly.

Callomare River's aesthetics are really terrible!


While being watched by Elijah's eyes, Groma suddenly stopped breathing.

At that moment, he felt his heart stopped beating for a few seconds-no, the whole world was paused for a few seconds.

Is it amazing?

Do not.

It's fear.

what happened! ?

Groma suddenly sweated coldly.

When she first saw her, didn't she look like this?

Isn't this an ordinary little girl everywhere in the human kingdom?

Why does it suddenly become so after approaching-so terrible! ?

Yes, it is terrible!

Groma dared to swear, when Ilia was staring, it was the worst time in his life.

lonely! dark! lonely! Cold! despair!

All kinds of negative emotions erupted in an instant, roaring in the trembling soul to swallow him.

Groma instantly forgot his intentions at the beginning, and gave up to inquire about Tang En from her. At this moment, he just wanted to run away as soon as possible. Where to see!

Indifferent eyes looked at him, and there was no trace of emotional fluctuations in the dark purple eyes. The kind of eyes looked like the goddess who was contempt of living beings.

No, what I really want to say is not even the feeling of contempt. Some are just indifferent and alienated.


Nervous Groma's hair was all over her body. As soon as Ms. Zhe opened her mouth, his mood was almost out of control.

"... I said go, didn't you hear?"

Madame Calm glanced at him indifferently: "The dirty, stinky smell on your body makes me sick."


Gromma yelled from deep in his throat and yanked his claws.

Although instinctively told him to flee, to flee as soon as possible, not to do stupid things, but his dignity as the great prince of the Rennes empire told him not to escape!

Just a little human girl, figure out how noble you are and how powerful you can be?

No matter how dangerous it is, it cannot be better than yourself! ?

That fear of meeting natural enemies forced Groma to make a decision-kill her!

Be sure to kill this little girl at all costs!

The sound in the gladiatorial field can hide everything that is happening here.

You don't even need to use much power to kill her!

As long as she covers her mouth and breaks her fair neck, this fear can be eliminated-the inner devil murmurs in her ear, tempting Groma.

Seeing Groma's hostility, Ms. Calm gave a contemptuous smile: "Stupid guy ..."

He didn't know who he showed his minions to ...

"You want to kill me?"

Ms. Caine said to Groma with interest: "Try it."

I slept for a while this time, but thanks to Tang En's building of the source of magic in Ellington, she has been accumulating power much faster, and she has accumulated a lot of power this time. It is impossible for this mortal to hurt her Things.

"Snoring, snoring, snoring ..."

Groma's eyes have turned red, which is the characteristic of the Bloodeye clan's imminent violent state. The only reason left in his mind tells him not to be impulsive, but to refrain-here are two strong legendary human beings, if If she really kills her and turns her face with a human, even the sharp teeth can't protect him.


Groma took a deep breath and spit it out slowly, as if the fear in his heart was also spitting out. He controlled his sight and did not look at the weird little girl, she said in a deep voice. : "Weird little girl ... you better understand, today you found a life ..."


Ms. E'er glanced at the groma, like a chicken and a chicken, wet on her body, and a wordless ridicule appeared on her face. She suddenly raised her hand-her hair was pinched.


The nervous Grumma stepped back a few steps, the claws that had been retracted popped up again, and the contagious murderous violent burst out!


When Groma yelled, she was about to rush on the spot—Ms. Calm didn't even move. With a bang, the hard rock floor at the feet of Groma suddenly cracked, all her attention was focused on Groma on Ilia's body planted in it and fell a dog to eat shit.


"Come again!"

Ms. Calm quietly retracted her eyes and looked at the center of the gladiatorial field. The electric current on the sharp teeth had just dissipated. The floor in the arena was blown out by a strong electric light. A black mark appeared on the surrounding auditorium. crack.


Groma blasted the rubble, and roared into the sky from below the stand: "despicable!"

Ms. Calamity was too lazy to ignore him.


Only then did Tastro find out that after a while, his son became very embarrassed, his body was covered with dust, and he was staring intently ... eh?

Staring at a little girl?

Are you mistaken!

What is the occasion here?

Testro stared at Groma severely, "Groma! Get out of me!"

"Father! She-this little girl is weird!"

"Are you crazy !? They are guests!"

Testro's voice fell heavily on the word "guest".

Grumma, who was unwilling to regain her grit and paw, gritted her teeth and obviously wanted to use her eyes to warn the little girl. As a result ...

He doesn't have that courage.

Mrs. Calm's indifferent and deep eyes impressed him very deeply.

This is likely to be a psychological shadow that he can hardly dispel.

At this time, Angus and the inexhaustible sharp teeth of the truce also came up in the cheers of the audience ...

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