Things from Another World

Chapter 802: It's crime! ? Definitely a crime! ?

"I have taken quite valuable learning materials."

Tang Enyi licked his lips endlessly. There are too few opportunities for such two legends to learn.

Originally, Tang En planned to copy some for sale, but after considering it, he gave up the idea.

Now that he has no shortage of money, these images can be put in the library of Ellington College, which will be used as valuable materials for future students.

From another perspective, increasing the college's valuable learning materials can also attract those people to join Ellington College and increase the college's faculty.

Cao nodded and said endlessly: "Unfortunately, the playing time is shorter."

Angus jumped up and gave him a bad look, then waved to Testero: "Testero, son of Malthus, hasn't seen you for a long time. How are you all these years?"

"Thank you Uncle Angus for your concern. These years are not bad. Although the vitality of the empire has not been fully restored, it is not as miserable as before."

Mr. Tastro said with a grin, "Especially since the introduction of many planting technologies from the human kingdom over the years, it has also increased the yield of some food. My people don't have to go hungry like before."


Don En was stunned, what was Tastro's name Angus?


Then again, what did Angus say when he came here? Did he meet Testero's father? Their relationship is so good?

"That's good, I didn't take care of you much, I feel ashamed."

Angus sighed, and Tastro was awkwardly speechless.

A human legend tells you that you want to take care of the King of the Rennes Empire, where can you put his face?

As soon as Groma, who had eaten food at Ilya, came over, he heard his father call a human uncle, and his face became even more ugly.

What is going on today?

Is everyone crazy?

Testero hurriedly opened the topic: "Uncle Angus' strength has become stronger again, I'm afraid that the legendary demigod is just that."

Angus shook his head with a bitter smile: "Ha, don't brag about me, I'm far behind."

"how come."

Tester said with a smile: "Uncle you are so strong, let alone you."

"All these years ... what? My men?"

Angus looked back, confused: "What's in my hands?"

"He, Norbert Don, owner of the Phoenix Mercenary Corps."

Testro pointed at Don and smiled and said to Angus: "I was accidentally hit by him just now, but I was knocked to the ground ... he said he was yours."


Angus looked at Testro with a grimace: "Is this what he said?"

"'Let ’s be a subordinate,' he said so. '

"So you're wrong ..."

Angus sighed, looked at Don with a resentful expression, and said to Tastro: "He means, let me be his man ..."


Testro and Groma were dumbfounded, and after a moment they exclaimed: "How is that possible! You are Angus Miracle Hand!"


I **** know that I am the hand of Angus Shuval Miracle!

But the problem is that even if Lao Tzu is a miracle hand, he can't withstand that abnormal offensive!

Angus said with a wry smile: "This is true, in a sense, I am indeed his man ..."

Although Tang En never strictly divided the relationship between superiors and subordinates, he and Gene are now basically working for Tang En-whether it is helping him develop new magic energy props, or overcoming the technical problems of magic energy engineering, or Study the matter of improving the magic circle together, all things are performed around Tang En.

And it ’s awkward. Now he and Gene are completely captured by Tang En ’s endless means and the rich family base. Even if Tang En drives them away, they may not be willing to leave. .

After all, who in this world can take out so many astral cubes like him and smash them into the door!

Angus' correction made Testro and Groma even more aggressive.

The guy holding the photo crystal jumping up and down with some inexplicable words like "long shot" and "slow shot", and dressed up with no demeanor, can make Angus dominate! ?

Who is he? ?

Testro just wanted to say hello to Tang En, but unexpectedly Tang En left them suddenly and ran to the back to find the little girl.

Testro's teeth are itchy. Who is this? Isn't he a King of the Rennes Empire less important than a little girl film?

However, Groma, who had just eaten crickets just now, didn't say anything. He took a deep look at Tang En's back, and he didn't dare to stay on Elijah for a moment.

After discovering that Tang En's identity was so mysterious and powerful, Groma was more certain.

That little girl is definitely not easy!

But because of this, it made him quite emotional.

If, if you swallow her, maybe it will be stronger than swallowing the maiden, right?


Tang En looked at Elias very seriously. When the filming was finished, he accidentally glanced at him, and immediately found that Elias' situation was a bit wrong.

Walking next to Elijah, she found that she was looking at herself with a very strange look ...

Perhaps because of the abnormal fluctuations in the magic power in the body, and the concentration also changed, Tang En found that her pupil color also changed.

The mysterious and seductive deep purple has a deadly appeal.

Tang En asked tentatively, "... Ms. Anya?"

"Please don't call me by that name, our relationship is not so familiar."

Don't be so cold as soon as you come in!

Obviously it's a close relationship to bathe and sleep together, right? ?

"You can call me Ann ... forget it, that name is too useless for a long time, it has no meaning anymore."

Ms. Zhe said with amusement: "You continue to call me Elijah, I still like the name, use it for the time being."

Ilia is obviously not the real name of Ms. Cao, and Nora once called her Anya just as Niel.

She had wanted to tell Tang En her real name, but that name had been useless for too long.

This is how people describe her who is in charge of disaster and cursed. No one dares to call Ms. disaster, she is the most terrible goddess.

Of all the shrines, only the name of Ms. Calm disappeared during this 10,000 years.

Tang En shook his head: "Ilia is Ilia, you are you, to me, you are different."

"Are you stupid?"

Madam Zhuang frowned slightly: "I am her, she is me, we are one person, but at this moment I am deep consciousness, and she is shallow consciousness. I sealed my memory and strength. It will look so stupid! "

It's the first time I've seen someone say that he's so stupid ...

"Why seal the memory? It doesn't make sense."

"The deity's memory is too huge. Do you think this body can't afford it?"

Ms. Disaster looks at Tang En as if looking at a fool: "If your computer's hard disk is full, can your computer still be turned on?"

"... get it straightforward!"

"I intend to slowly take back my strength as I grow up. There will be a buffer period that will at least not have a second impact on this fragile world."

Madam Sigh sighed and looked straight at Tang En: "But your presence has changed things a bit."



Ms. Calm stared at Tang En and said quietly, "Don't you think that your relationship with me is a little too close?"

Tang En felt cold on his back: "Is there !?"


Ms. Caoyou said quietly: "Although I rarely come out as a deep consciousness, I can usually observe the outside through the eyes of Elijah ..."

Cold sweat more!

"No matter what the world is, is it a crime for an adult man and a 13-year-old girl to bathe and sleep together? Is it definitely a crime?"

"I was wrong-that's strange!"

Tang En suddenly returned to God: "It's obviously you have been coquettish and want to bathe and sleep with me!"

Ms. Calm's face froze, and she said casually: "Even me, as a guardian, you should also take on the role of guardian, don't you? You should educate me and guide me to grow up healthily, not while I remember It ’s better to cheat me when I am sealed, to do some nasty things ... "

"Why indecent things!"

Tang En was not convinced: "I haven't done anything now!"

"You just said now, right?"

"It's all misunderstanding, yes, it's all misunderstanding!"

Tang Enyi said frankly, "But I have played a big brother role very well, how can you know my hard work!"

"Big brother?"

Ms. Calm sneered: "Are you holding Ethanoks's girdle qualified to say this?"

Hey, how did this happen?

Just as Tang En was about to fight for reason, Ms. Zhe yawned and said lightly, "Today I wanted to get some sun, but unfortunately this is not a good place, I'm going back."

Are you going to switch your consciousness after coming out? ?

Believe it or not, I hit you. ?

When you go back, I really hit you.

"Oh, right--"

Ms. E'e, who had just closed her eyes, suddenly opened her eyes again, and then she saw Tang En with Lushan's claw out, and her face suddenly sank: "——What do you want to do?"

Tang En coughed and said very naturally, "I'm just afraid that Ilia will fall and want to help her. What do you want to say?"

Ms. Cao gave Tang En a sceptical look, and she did not intend to pursue the matter. She glanced at Groma below, and used magic to convey to Tang En: [that guy has a smell of chaos, You pay attention to him. 】

Tang En's face changed slightly, and she was about to ask again, only to find that Ms. Zhe had already returned, and was replaced by the innocent and pure Yilia.

Groma, the smell of chaos ... Tang En's eyes suddenly sharpened!

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