Things from Another World

Chapter 803: Let go of that girl

Seeing Angus, Testero was in a good mood and decided to host a welcome banquet in the evening.

Tang En was also invited.

Although Tang En was skeptical about the deliciousness of the Rennes Empire, Tang En decided to take a closer look at Groma in light of Ms. Caine's reminder.

This guy, obviously a prince, why is there a chaos in his body?

Or does it have been eroded by chaos?


The dinner was quite successful.

In the garden of the palace, Tang En tasted various foods characteristic of the Rennes empire, and met Testero's wives, all very strong Ussad bear women.

However, no matter who it is, it is a normal orc.

Only Groma, the chaos of his body left Tang En clueless.

If everyone in the palace is normal, how is he related to chaos if he is a prince who cannot easily reach the outside world alone?

This question has troubled Tang En.

After leaving the palace and returning to the big mansion they got from Sharp Teeth, everyone relaxed comfortably.

This house is very large and can accommodate dozens of people. They don't have to sleep outside or sleep in a hotel tonight.

After everyone else had rested, Tang En came to the basement alone and started laying the teleportation array.

"So, why do you lay the teleportation array in the basement every time?"

Angus's trough came from behind. He had intended to sleep, and he came to see the situation after he noticed the magic wave here.

Tang En said without raising his head: "Hidden, convenient to keep secret."

"Let me help."

"No, you just add chaos."

Angus was speechless: "... then I'm watching Xuexue by the side."

Of course, Tang En's technique is much more proficient than him, and it is for this reason that Angus can learn more from his actions.

Tang En, who was setting up a teleportation formation, suddenly paused and said to Angus: "Did you notice anything wrong with Groma today?"


Angus froze, "No, what's wrong?"


Tang En silently loaded a piece of Aujin on the teleportation array, and then clapped his hands and said, "It's nothing, it just feels strange to find chaos in him."

"Oh, that's good-what a fart!"

After Angus said subconsciously, he suddenly panicked: "Chaos !? Are you sure !?"

Considering that it wasn't necessary for Ms. Caine to lie to herself, Tang En nodded and said, "OK."


"What I want to say is," Tang En said as he adjusted the teleportation array. "If necessary, I will clear this potential threat, hope you will not stop me."

Angus was, after all, the elder of Testero. If Tang En was going to kill Groma, he must be awkward.

At that time, if Tastro asks him to take a shot, I am afraid he will have a hard time doing it.

"Do you have to do this?"

"Not necessarily."

Tang En glanced at the positioning coordinates and fine-tuned it again: "If it can be purified and returned to normal, it is of course the best situation, and I don't want to turn my face with Testero."

"What is the success rate of purification?"

"It depends on the time of chaos pollution. If it is not more than a week, I can be sure to get him back to normal."

Tang En said very lightly: "No more than half a month, there is a 50% probability. I am afraid that it will be more than a month. The chaos has penetrated into his bone marrow, and he is firmly integrated with each other."

Like the former Prince Gillard, no one can solve the deep corruption.

"I understand."

"nailed it."


"I mean, the teleportation team is done."

"When—the gods are up! Why are you moving so fast !?"

Angus, who had gone back to God, took a closer look. Isn't it? A small teleport array with a diameter of about two meters has been laid, and the rune columns used to stabilize the teleport array have been activated, and the magic flow is very stable.

"It wasn't difficult at all. Go back to sleep."

Tang En flattered. The stock retreated. When he reached the basement steps, he suddenly stopped and said to Angus: "Yes, just now, don't tell Testero for the time being."


Angus frowned slightly: "If he knows the situation, it will help us investigate the truth."

"Do you think as a father, he will listen to you or his son?"

Tang En left the words flashing.

After Angus thought for a moment, he sighed and went back to sleep.

He was right.

Although Testero was king of the Rennes empire, he was also a father, and sometimes rationality did not necessarily prevail.

On the eleventh day of the harvest, the second day promised vanilla.

After having breakfast, Tang En let others continue to collect information, and at the same time Cao concealed his identity, bought some beggars to spread the news of the return of the Lady Vanilla, and then waited for the big fish to hook.

After Angus was sent to the palace to knock on Groma's information, only him, Xiao Ai, and Elijah were left in the mansion.

This makes Xiao Ai uneasy and faint a little, subconsciously grasping the fluttering skirt, always feeling a strange atmosphere ...

"It's almost time, let's go."

Tang En glanced at the sky, and estimated that it was almost time, then took them to the basement.

"This, what is this?"

"Transfer array."

"Oh ... what is it for?"

Xiao Ai is more surprised. Tang En thinks about it too. After all, she is just a rural cowherd, and it is normal that she does not know the teleportation.

"As the name suggests, for teleportation, they should already have breakfast by now, let's go."

Tang En activated the teleportation array and took the lead in stepping in, and Elijah jumped in.

After hesitating for a while, Xiaoai closed her eyes and gritted her teeth, and also went into the teleportation array ...

The body seemed to be pulled indefinitely, but was squeezed into a flat sheet of paper in a flash. The flower in front of me was just a small flower, and the little love who felt spinning around found himself in another very strange place.

"Welcome to Ellington."

Tang En smiled and held out his hand: "Come down."

When she walked out of the teleportation room, Xiaoai suddenly opened her eyes and opened her mouth, and the whole person was deeply shocked.


No, this is heaven! ?

There is such a beautiful city in this world! ?

Oh my god! Look at that flat wall! You can't see any traces of stones and wood!

Look at the glittering windows-all the windows here are made of crystal! ?

And the ground here, why is this dark ground so flat! ?

What is running around on the road? It seems a bit similar to the magical off-road vehicle that I sat in before?

But how so big?

Xiao Ai was stunned, but looking at Tang En, who had no meaning, she had to endure her curiosity and follow him silently.

"Sister Ai, let me tell you, it's called a bus, it's something made by an older brother!"

"And oh, look over there, those are called Harley-Davidson motorcycles, also made by big brother!"

"These windows are made of glass. Although they are not crystals, they are as shiny as crystals. They are transparent and very cheap and easy to use."

Elijah continually flaunts everything she knows. In her eyes, Tang En's inventions are extremely great, and the glory of her big brother is also her glory, and she is proud of it.

"Well? Great pervert—no, I mean, Your Majesty? Why are you suddenly back?"

Needless to say, now dare to call Tang En like this, the only alchemy doll that has been walking on the road of death-Ye Ye.

At this moment holding a note in his hand every night, it seems that he just bought it from the market.

She also wore a black and white maid outfit. Under the perfect skirt were two long, white and tender legs. The combination of white stockings and black maid skirt was perfect.

"Hey where are you looking!"

Yanye raised her eyebrows every night with her hands on her hips: "According to Tina, you have improved this maid outfit? Say, why are you designing this skirt so short?"

Why did Tina talk so much!

Tang En complained in his heart. He just spoke casually after the last time with Tina, but she did not expect her strong execution.

This improved maid outfit is more beautiful than the original, and of course more attractive ...

Tang En said earnestly: "Isn't it uncomfortable to wear such a long thick skirt in summer? So, this is summer clothes, it is summer work clothes."

Every night, his eyes turned around, and he suddenly squatted down halfway with smiley models. He pulled up the skirt corners on both sides and raised it slowly. He pretended to glance at Tang En charmingly. If, I mean, if you want to give me freedom, it will not be impossible for you to see more ... "

Tang En's mouth flickered, and he left without a word.

"Hey, don't ignore me--say who she is!"

Seeing Xiao Ai, Ye Ye suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis in her heart: this girl seems to be robbing her of work!

No matter how you look at it, the weak and weak looks are tailor-made for the maid profession-after all, being bullied by the master is also one of the maid's work!

"My name is" Love ", please call me Little Love ..."

"Little love? What little love! It's obviously big!"

Suddenly, he rushed over every night, rubbing his hands directly on Xiao Ai's chest and rubbing it hard: "Isn't this big already a foul !?"

Looking at the big white rabbit that was constantly deforming in Yeye's hands, Tang En's face trembled.

-Let go of that girl and let me come-I want to shout like this and rush up to change myself!


Tang En glanced at Elias, for the education of this girl, it is really inconvenient to start.

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